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Doxxing = Researching and broadcasting private or identifying information. Anything outside of what the family reveals or what's become common knowledge about them isn't allowed here.
Showing genuine concern for those under 18 is fine but insulting them or their physical appearance, etc. isn't allowed. Speculating about sexual abuse isn't allowed.
Homophobic, transphobic or bigoted content is not allowed. This includes misgendering Leon (Meri's child) & Audrey (both use they/them pronouns) on purpose and speculating on someone's sexuality.
Please flair posts that contain spoilers for the most recent episode until 24 hours after the episode has aired. Please keep spoilers out of posts titles.
Check the search bar in sub before making a post. Duplicate posting and spamming sub with the same topic over and over will result in immediate permanent ban. No more warnings. Please be cognizant of moderators time
Do not post material here that is not relating specifically to the TLC show Sisterwives. Any posts doing this will be considered spam, they will be removed and users will be banned
Refer to Google for examples of what META posting is. Meta posting will result in an automatic perm ban
This is a violation of reddit TOS and not allowed.Do not discuss cast members paid content and dont advertise it here. This includes advertising tiktok/youtube/fan pages etc. doing so will result in automatic bans