
Who else wishes that records cost the same today as they did in 1975? by Compact_Discovery in vinyl

[–]Self_Blumpkin -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I'd say about 5 times a day I see a post title and I immediately click into a post to find that what I was about to say is the top comment in the thread. In this case it was word for word.

Hive mind.

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism by awkwardgestures in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They’ve said they plan on keeping their GZ partnership for essentials and their new plant is going to be used Mostly for classics releases and maybe the occasional VMP exclusive. But normally when VMP hops on a release bandwagon with other stores it’s just pressed at whatever plant the label chooses for their press.

Long story short, I don’t expect to own many releases from that new plant. If the reviews on the inaugural Yield press are positive I’ll pick that up for sure

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism by awkwardgestures in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think that GZ has a few different “quality levels” you can order from.

This is ALL based on experience but lately VMP has had really good luck with GZ. In fact after the debacle with releases around 36 Chambers I’ve had great luck with GZ VMP releases. But that’s DEFINITELY not true for all GZ releases.

So I think they have a ton of old ass machines and a ton of brand new machines. I also think they have different levels of service you can buy from them. Like maybe zero QC to testing every 100th press QC.

So, in my opinion, GZ isn’t terrible, but that statement is conditional on what they’re pressing and for who.

I get some releases from them with basically dirt straight up pressed into the groove.

I feel sick inside by Worried-Guide9448 in wallstreetbets

[–]Self_Blumpkin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Best DD you'll ever receive. If your username is easily_rekt, maybe play powerball instead of options.

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism by awkwardgestures in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Jesus… really?!?!

Member when they said the price increases were to deliver a better product.

I member

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism by awkwardgestures in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yes. VMP cuts new lacquers for all of their monthly tracks. This is cut at Sterling.

The 10th anniversary lacquer was cut by Kevin Grey @ Cohearant Audio and sounds stunning. You can pick up a pressing from Pallas or QRP for ~35 on discogs.

Don't know anything about the original but if I had to guess, it's not going to beat the 10th anniversary. That album sounds SO GOOD.

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism by awkwardgestures in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That is my entire thought process here too. The Pallas and QRP pressings of this album sound INCREDIBLE. And not just because they're pressed at two of the best plants on the planet. The lacquer that was cut for the recent press is just top notch. Couple that with a QRP pressing and I don't see how a GZMedia pressing with a lacquer from Sterling is going to top what I have in my collection right now.

Sure the color is nice, but GZ can be so hit and miss it's crazy. I can't figure out how VMP keeps getting away with selling their essentials for $46 out of GZ while their Classics are mostly AAA and pressed at some of the best plants in the world for the same price. Essentials sales are basically subsidizing their better pressings for music I don't really care for.

Hum - Studio Discography Repress Update! Black and color variants for all Studio albums! by themanagement123 in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mostly am talking about a very flat sounding pressing. Would you say yours sounds dynamic and punchy?

Pressing issues like off center or noise can certainly come down to individual pressing issues — which is certainly an anomaly with SRC Hi-Fi pressings which are done at RTI I believe. But I also don’t think they billed YPaA as one of their SRC Hi-Fi pressings.

Now you got me curious. Even before this was announced I didn’t want to pick up an SRC YPaA due to what I was reading on all the releases.

Hum - Studio Discography Repress Update! Black and color variants for all Studio albums! by themanagement123 in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is it the SRC Vinyl press? You’d be the first person I’ve talked to about it that is impressed by it.

If it sounds good, that’s great :)

But yeah, pick up the repress. Everything Matt is involved in with vinyl has been jaw dropping

Dude.. Give up. by Esenfur in EDM

[–]Self_Blumpkin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

“All Colors” really only be orange and white. He should have added a few more colors and maybe the album would have covered legal expenses.

Dude.. Give up. by Esenfur in EDM

[–]Self_Blumpkin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

yeah he actually said it.

And there were multiple people that came forward with allegations. According to others, Girls would be given all access passes with the word "Tulsa" written on them. A Slut, backwards.

This is literally just 3 min on google.

The allegations are widespread. He dropped off the face of the planet (like Bassnectar) when the stories dropped. To me that's basically admitting you're guilty without having to permanently ruin your career by admitting you're guilty.

Bassnectar is back btw. Released a new album. He has a "fan club" where you pay a certain amount per year to get music and tickets to shows he's throwing. From what I understand that "fan club" is the only way to get tickets to shows or notified about when/where they are.

So these scumbags take advantage of their fame and women, disappear for long enough without admitting to shit until a time comes where someone says to them "ya know, you can probably re-enter society now" or some shit like that.

In Bassnectar's case he's madd sneaky about it. Probably started running out of money or missed the fame and adoration, or some sickly combination of that and other reasons.

I can't support any of these fuckers until SOMETHING happens. If you just let the doubt and unknown hang around out there your fans aren't going to truly accept you back. Unless, ya know, they're so die hard that they're willing to financially support that kind of thing or condone that activity themselves or whatever.

I know that plenty of people have been tossed allegations that weren't true but more often than not, if a ton of people are making accusations, backing that shit up with digital proof... I mean, what's to gain by such a large group of people. I can see why one person accusing someone would put them in the limelight for a while and feed some sort of attention monster they may have but this day and age I tend to believe the accuser until the accusee goes WAY out of their way to clear their name.

Sorry for the novel. I was a pretty big Bassnectar fan and that shit was a strong kick in the gut.

fucking scumbags.

My sweet boy modeling for me again by EclecticMermaid in standardissuecat

[–]Self_Blumpkin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah my sic purrs too. My last cat didn’t do a whole lot of that either.

It’s nice to have a cat with a personality. Even if it is pretty damn derpy :D

Dude.. Give up. by Esenfur in EDM

[–]Self_Blumpkin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Sorry I didn’t get whatever stupid reference “groundies” is supposed to mean.

Is it so obvious it’s woosh worthy? Really?

You’re still going to need to explain it if you want it at head level.

Dude.. Give up. by Esenfur in EDM

[–]Self_Blumpkin 22 points23 points  (0 children)

We all know Datsik loves cutesie names. He doesn’t prefer the term “rape”. He prefers the term “struggle snuggle”

That’s not a joke. He actually tweeted that shit.

Fucking piece of shit.

Hum - Studio Discography Repress Update! Black and color variants for all Studio albums! by themanagement123 in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 0 points1 point  (0 children)


One thing I've learned when it comes to quality of audio... Matt Talbott does NOT disappoint.

DiH and Inlet are both RTI pressings. He knows his shit.

Hum - Studio Discography Repress Update! Black and color variants for all Studio albums! by themanagement123 in VinylReleases

[–]Self_Blumpkin 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Those sound like hot garbage too. This is going to sound incredible by comparison.

SRCVinyl did that album dirty.

My sweet boy modeling for me again by EclecticMermaid in standardissuecat

[–]Self_Blumpkin 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Im on my second cat and the kitten I got this time was soooooooo bonkers. He’s about 3 now and I’ve never met a cat with more personality. My last cat NEVER meowed and this cat walks around the house yelling at the walls. He gets into the bathtub and starts doing backflips, landing against the sloped side of the tub, trying to capture his tail. It’s SO LOUD. And SO FUNNY.

Here he is as a kitteh.


My sweet boy modeling for me again by EclecticMermaid in standardissuecat

[–]Self_Blumpkin 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I can't even handle shit this cute.

Kittens don't stay kittens nearly long enough. Like.... If I had to choose between one million dollars or a kitten that stays a kitten for the entirety of my life I'd take the kitten.