Submissions must be explicitly about a single gadget:
Posts about software or tech companies will be removed
Posts must be about a single product. Lists, Top Gadgets, and similar posts are not allowed.
Do not submit links to sites that you are affiliated with. Native advertising and "advertorials" are also not allowed. Self-promotion may result in a permanent ban and domain blacklist.
Avoid blogs/websites that rehost content without giving credit. Exact copies are never allowed, as are copies that are just slightly rewritten versions of original article
Articles must be about a single gadget - listicles are not allowed, including "Top Gadgets".
Posts linking to images are not allowed. You can do a self-post and include an image, but a description and title is required.
Describe the gadget in your post title. No sensationalized, misleading, or non-descriptive titles.
Submissions about pre-release or pre-order products are subject to these rules/conditions:
The article must be from a white listed source
The article must be about the gadget - not the company, its business practices, delivery dates, etc.
The submitter must not be affiliated with the campaign, company, or website
Adult material that can be deemed NSFW/NSFL, etc is not allowed.
Keep discussions civil and respectful! Comments should be on-topic and contribute to the conversation
Please be sure to follow the reddit site-wide rules which can be found here:
We use the reddit FAQ guidelines for spam when removing spam posts. Additionally, we use a blacklist system.