
Putin makes extraordinary claim only Russia can protect Ukraine from Polish invasion by UnlikelyRabbit4648 in worldnews

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He's done a decent job in his role, but calling him a great man is a bit of a stretch. Ukraine is home to a lot of corruption and Zelensky and his partners are entangled in a scheme of offshore companies, as shown by the Pandora Papers. Not to underplay his conduct, as he could have fled with his money, but still, we have to try to stay as objective as possible.

Just 8% of Americans have a positive view of cryptocurrencies now, CNBC survey finds. Down from 19% in March by ReasonableHat600 in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

WeWork enters the chat. Right now burning more money than you make is ok, apparently. It's all justified by the hope of getting a monopoly (even with no foreseeable business revenue model, that can come later). Wait, weren't there laws against those? I guess I don't understand a fucking thing anymore.

Slightly outdated but here’s my game collection 😊 by [deleted] in gaming

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Guilty as charged. Sometimes you can't say no to 85% discounts, even if the game doesn't convince you that much.

Napoli, il parroco blinda (a sue spese) la chiesa con 17 videocamere contro spaccio e teppisti: «Sotto assedio» by notsostrong134 in Italia

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A Napoli la priorità della Curia è gestire le chiese non impiegate in riti di culto per darle in affitto per festini, tra le altre cose (il tutto senza pagare un euro di tasse). Non credo che avrebbe molto appoggio.

Consiglio di vedere la puntata di Report, perché gli articoli non rendono fede alla portata dello scandalo.

Smartworker in difficoltà sociale by Lost_Day5694 in Italia

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Bellissima proposta, grazie per la condivisione.

Ah bello, le mie tasse che vanno a fare bailout ai miliardari nel tanto che se non pago le mie di tasse vengono sotto casa 🤡🎪🇮🇹 by YungChaky in Italia

[–]hfmed 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Le misure di cui ha bisogno l'Italia. Questi sono i poveri da aiutare, quelli che fanno fatica ad arrivare a fine mese.

India Requires Internet Services to Collect and Store Vast Amount of Customer Data, Building a Path to Mass Surveillance by The1stCitizenOfTheIn in privacy

[–]hfmed 8 points9 points  (0 children)

A harsh truth that many people choose to ignore, probably because it's too harsh. They tell themselves that they're good citizens, until the state becomes authoritarian and then suddenly they're not and they've left a gigantic digital footprint, while working actively to improve their traceability. I do not exclude myself from this, I've used Instagram for a period, until I realised how fucked up surveillance is. I don't see a way out of this either. You would need to educate entire populations, but they mostly get their info from feeds and social media.

Vitalik: What in the Ethereum application ecosystem excites me by abcoathup in ethereum

[–]hfmed 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Wow, that's even more pathetic than spending time on /r/Buttcoin. Nothing wrong about criticism on crypto, but fixating on throwing shit at it like these guys do is pretty lame. I mean, move on and do something with your life.

PORTFOLIO EXPERIMENT - Reddit's favorite coins vs Reddit's least favorite coins by Chysce in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well, that's actually a good story, thanks for sharing. My mom is religious too and can be brought to the same diffidence towards science (not quite calling it the devil, but still, she believes in the devil and his meddling in human affairs).

Vitalik: What in the Ethereum application ecosystem excites me by abcoathup in ethereum

[–]hfmed 42 points43 points  (0 children)

The man knows what's up.

I'm in no way an ETH maxi, but, to my knowledge, he's the best to convey useful information to people and to muse upon the successes and shortcomings of crypto. He's one of the true pros and he also he also appears to be a humble guy.

Big up for Vitalik!

Remember this. Every exchange, every investment, crypto, stock, metals, real estate, airbnb promoted by the most popular YouTubers have gone to absolute garbage. by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, YouTube is not all bad. Check out Patrick Boyle, he's an ex hedge-fund manager and economics professor who does analysis on popular events, supporting it with data and often supplying a different narrative than those of journalists (supporting it with data). He also has shared some of his recorded uni lessons and sometimes he invites people involved in the financial industry to speak, I mean, people with actual experience (you might agree with them or not, but they're interesting to listen too in any case). Another point to make is his weird, but often compelling sense of humour, his sarcasm is part of his trademark (particularly evident in the case of the first of the videos explaining FTX's bankruptcy).

Edit: you know he's not making money off shilling you narratives because he has these annoying sponsor ads in every video, at least in the recent ones. Totally acceptable, though, because he provides high quality content.

Remember this. Every exchange, every investment, crypto, stock, metals, real estate, airbnb promoted by the most popular YouTubers have gone to absolute garbage. by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Well, YouTube is not all bad. Check out Patrick Boyle, he's an ex hedge-fund manager and economics professor who does analysis on popular events, supporting it with data and often supplying a different narrative than those of journalists (supporting it with data). He has also shared some of his recorded uni lessons.

Edit: I replied to the wrong comment, but check him out nonetheless, it's worth it. He has a series of videos on FTX's bankruptcy, explaining it in great detail, showing the corporate structure, money flow, ect.

PORTFOLIO EXPERIMENT - Reddit's favorite coins vs Reddit's least favorite coins by Chysce in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Does your mama pray in halls full of screaming people and real-life scale reproductions of Republican presidents?

PORTFOLIO EXPERIMENT - Reddit's favorite coins vs Reddit's least favorite coins by Chysce in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

We thank you for sharing your wisdom, great wizard!

Jokes apart, I was missing these posts during hot times, so much spam and shilling. This is the time for meditation and analysis.

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, that's a fair philosophy to not panic, but let's not think that it's a sound investment strategy. Some coins it's better to cut back at a certain point to have more money to accumulate on the blue chips. Otherwise, it can also be a good idea for people to cut part of their losses early to have more money when the market has crashed completely.

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I only had seen him mentioned in this sub before, then I saw Netflix's documentary about GameStop.

The guy is a plain snake oil salesman with a bit too much euphoria, it's pretty fucking absurd that he's on TV giving advice. I would watch his show just to have a laugh, if I had time to waste.

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's not good to plan an investment, but it can be useful to time flexible-interval entries.

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This knowledge, coupled with a take profit (just the necessary portion to be secure and to have more to buy in the red) can make you really rich in a decade.

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I had to switch jobs because my current one doesn't allow me to buy while there's blood on the streets (mine too).

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's a clear sign that you're a gambling degen. Congrats, comrade!

Fear mongering is almost at ATH by Odysseus_Lannister in CryptoCurrency

[–]hfmed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually, seeing BTC hold up its position fairly well during the most severe shitshow ever is giving me a Zen state of mind.

Buono a sapersi: i lavoratori dipendenti che guadagnano meno di 26.000 € all'anno sono a carico della collettività. E quelli che arrivano a 35.000 € sono appena in pari. by notsostrong134 in Italia

[–]hfmed 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Il problema mi pare più che altro quella fetta corposa di gente sopra i 35k che non dichiara. Ovviamente anche varare bonus del 110% senza mettere adeguati limiti e controlli ha il suo peso: non vedo modi migliori per stimolare truffe e investimenti a cazzo di cane.