
people at my local train station leave day passes for other people to use by spezial87 in HumansBeingBros

[–]fub4r2006 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Newcastle!! Yep, I actually left my ticket yesterday, at that station.

So could be one of mine there 😂

Daily General Discussion - June 29, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think the 28th of July onwards, we will either move up rapidly or down rapidly

Crab season is in until then

Of course I know nothing though, in I'm just some guy on reddit

Daily General Discussion - June 28, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Buy some now, buy some later in my opinion

We are already down 50k+, why are you selling unless you think Crypto is going down to 0k

Also what's the point in waiting for another 5k drop for cheaper prices, it's already down 50k+?

Seems crazy people aren't realising these are historic price drops.

If you want to be cautious, spread your buys out across how long you think this "bear" market will last.

Daily General Discussion - June 27, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's how the market works

The prices wouldn't have got this low if people didn't think it would go lower.

Wherever we are, people will think it will go further (upwards/downards) if you see what I mean, until something happens to change their opinion, at which point it's too late.

Daily General Discussion - June 27, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You could increase your DCA interval

For example you have $28 to invest for the month

Invest $1 a day instead of $28 once a month

Daily General Discussion - June 27, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah most people here predict the wrong thing

Generally the market does the opposite of the sentiment in this sub-reddit

Daily General Discussion - June 27, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 5 points6 points  (0 children)

These prices are insane

Stocking up as much as I can on everything!

Is anyone else doing the same?

I don't care if we go down to 14k still, what's another 6-8k when we are already down 50k+

I'll be buying through the whole of this "recession"

Daily General Discussion - June 27, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Absolutely correct

Buy high, sell low - Plight of the average cryptocurrency Reddit user

Any comment I've made suggesting this could be near a bottom, and it might be worth stocking up, gets downvoted to shit

The Pleb army marches on

Daily General Discussion - June 26, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You guys are way too negative

Should be buying now in my opinion

Daily General Discussion - June 25, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

As the bear market looks to be coming to an end, and alt coin season is on the horizon, what are your top pick buys?

(Don't take this post too seriously. I am interested in what others are buying though)

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Look at ELON, it's held incredibly well through the bear market

Decent community

And lowish market cap, plenty of room for growth

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

You are doing it wrong if you aren't buying in a bear market

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Anyone holding ELON?

Seeing how well it held through these market conditions, fills me with confidence that it's going to pop off when we finally get back into bull run mode.

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's a very good point.

If you've not seen before Google "Market Cycle Emotion Chart", you can see we are nearing the disbelief stage.

In my opinion and experience it's always smart to DCA when prices are getting cheap, because timing the bottom is impossible.

It's the opposite of timing the top (obviously). Generally people think it's going to go higher and higher as euphoria sits in, with calls for 100k

Just like now people are calling for 14 to 0k BTC prices.

At some point the rich whales think, wow this cheap let's do this. And the cat bounces.

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Does anyone here actually sell/trade their moons?

Do you think the price of a moon is going to go up a lot over the next few years?

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't try to time the bottom bro, you will never win.

DCA wins everyime

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Have to be honest, this is on my list of low cap shit coins to watch.

It's chart has held up so well in this bear market.

I'd be surprised if it didn't blast off when the world decides to be bullish again

Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sounds like a good plan to me friend

Don't be scared. Scared money don't make money.

Daily General Discussion - June 23, 2022 (GMT+0) by CryptoDaily- in CryptoCurrency

[–]fub4r2006 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't 'think' anything, or give a fuck what you do.

I'm just saying that's how the governments keep track of your tax obligations.

If you put in fake details, im sure you will get flagged on someone's radar.