
Zilliqa Announces Its Own Web 3 Gaming Console With Crypto Mining Capabilities by thegooddocgonzo in CryptoCurrency

[–]AdLost4951 1 point2 points  (0 children)

For the life of me I cant think of what to search for the interview I heard this in. Imagine this - You hook a wallet up to a game to collect in game, tradable currencies (equipment, materials, etc) fungibles as well as non fungibles. Based on the NFT’s you hold, both specific NFT’s as well as the quantity - can dynamically change your gaming experience. E.g. When you first start a game and your wallet is empty, the scenery is barren. Later in the game, once the wallet is more full of junk, albeit potentially valuable junk, the scenery of the game changes. The music could be different, the trees could be taller, certain wildlife could appear. If the game is truly fun, and is something people want to play for the game, regardless of potential profits by playing or min/maxing, then a dynamic system like that which constantly reads the blockchain and your wallet to alter the gaming experience. All of a sudden, skins are earned, payed for or found by luck. Micro transactions can start to fade into the background because there is a secondary market for them to go to. The potential for NFT’s in gaming is sick, and there are already ways to do this in gaming. Just another way to incorporate blockchain tech to an established, entrenched, and saturated gaming market.

Zelensky names “price” he could pay to set Ukrainian POWs free from Russian captivity by TheGuvnor247 in worldnews

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Don’t forget refrigeration! Ammonia is the cheapest and best refrigerant pound for pound!

Is this legal? My friend was hired on as hourly and she works over 50 hours each week. Why isn’t she getting overtime? by Flaky_Lab2964 in antiwork

[–]AdLost4951 63 points64 points  (0 children)

Please update when you get the back pay check + interest! If its been like this for 7 years then it is quite a bit!

As a leader how do I get more people in the clan to do war? by Nuggets427 in ClashRoyale

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Also, get a good feel for when people attack. Some do it when they wake up, some do it before bed or some do it on break at work. Don’t kick people who score 3k+ and hit late because they become so valuable. Let people get minis in if they do attacks on both.

As a leader how do I get more people in the clan to do war? by Nuggets427 in ClashRoyale

[–]AdLost4951 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It’s about engagement mostly. You have to hype people up. I got control of a clan recently and transformed it from a trophy pushing clan to a mandatory war clan. We just won our 15th war in a row.

Watch your clan do war and spectate, focus on duels. Say “nice 2-0 FluffyPumpkin!” Or “Tough Matchup” - on training days get people to post meta decks to try or just personal favorites. Let them know how good they did when they win, encourage people to not miss days. Let them have some time off if they have real life stuff going on.

We do clan messages in the morning letting people know it’s war day, nudges throughout the day and then an evening and a late night war reminder to get most of our hits in. We are getting about 45 people doing all of their attacks each war.

Biggest thing is being consistent and weary of dropping the hammer too hard so they don’t rebel against you. Promote people who score well and are active in chat and have been there a month. We demote people from co to elder or elder to member if they miss a day and promote them back when they do a full week. We are at 3500+ trophies for clan war and I think we’ll be starting to just kick people as everyone is on board with what we are doing. Hard to say our clan sucks when people have gotten 100k+ gold and/or 15k legendaries for our performance.

The last co lead from the old guard who had some influence just left and is in our discord and we welcome him back if he decides the grass isn’t greener. Be fair. Be active. Be patient. Since I took control of the clan we haven’t lost a war (have lost a few days though).

Good luck!

Novels featuring Stonehenge by YBereneth in booksuggestions

[–]AdLost4951 4 points5 points  (0 children)


This is the book you’re looking for. Every chapter is a short story in the sense it happens in the same place but the characters change across time. You’ll experience prehistoric hunters, Roman’s and religion of this one place over thousands of years. Stonehenge (I believe) makes an appearance but it’s not a critical plot point, though it is really cool.

What Cardano projects will you continue to accumulate for the long term? by thebug91 in cardano

[–]AdLost4951 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Lol. Clumsy ghost NFT is partnered with C3 to provide support for real time smart NFT data for their Ghost Watch airdrop. Most of the Dapps that would use their services aren’t even really live yet

What’s the down side of living in the Midwest? by Similar_Pineapple_14 in AskReddit

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Commuting. Aside from the seasons which others have mentioned, you’ll have to go anywhere between 20-45 mins for work from where you live. Public transportation is hit or miss depending on the size of the city and midwesterners have auto manufacturing/industrial roots. Another downside is that buildings are older (which I like) but they can have problems just from age. Go to Arizona or Colorado everything seems newer than it does in the Midwest. That’s my honest critique but the Midwest has a certain charm to it that you have to experience.

I fell in love with a videogame's plot, sadly the plot didn't deliver. Can anyone recommend me a book that has similar tones? by [deleted] in booksuggestions

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The interdependency trilogy by John Scalzi sounds like a good fit! First book is {{The Collapsing Empire}}

Which wallet do you recommend? Not happy with Yoroi and Daedalus anymore. by eminchesco in cardano

[–]AdLost4951 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yoroi brave extension crashes before it opens for me. Tried several reinstalls. Months later still unusable.

What is your favorite project building on Cardano? by crandalljft in cardano

[–]AdLost4951 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Liqwid Finance for sure - 4 different revenue streams from providing liquidity AND your funds stay in your wallet

Ethereum creator slams NFT empire: ‘You have these $3 million monkeys and it becomes a different kind of gambling’ by PotentialClassroom75 in CryptoCurrency

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There is no unified gaming community. If there’s no consensus on banding together to stop preordering half baked games there’s not going to be consensus over an emerging technology and it’s perceived potential impact on games.

The Progressives' Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization Is the Answer. | José Niño by properal in GoldandBlack

[–]AdLost4951 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Left of center socially and economically for sure but a hawk geopolitically. I just think that you have to have a centralized force with proper checks and balances that answer to democracy to reign in corporate power. Fantasy land, I know but they are my believies

The Progressives' Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization Is the Answer. | José Niño by properal in GoldandBlack

[–]AdLost4951 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Follow your train of thought to the logical conclusion and just say the quiet part out loud

The Progressives' Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization Is the Answer. | José Niño by properal in GoldandBlack

[–]AdLost4951 -40 points-39 points  (0 children)

I joined this sub mostly out of curiosity but this title made me laugh. Progressives haven’t had any sort of control over any branch of government since WW2. I agree decentralization is the answer to some of our problems but there’s no single sized bandaid that applies to every issue. I hope libertarianism can learn to be pragmatic and not reactionary.

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in cardano

[–]AdLost4951 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can’t happen on cardano.