
What do you guys hope for in final shape? by Shadow_Legend_69 in DestinyTheGame

[–]laker-prime 12 points13 points  (0 children)

No characters like Nimbus where they treat everything like a joke and have dialogue that makes me want to off myself.

I just replayed every campaign in Destiny 2 and here is what I noticed. by privateduckcall in DestinyTheGame

[–]laker-prime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Forsaken was also very good. Up to Witch Queen standards. The story was mysterious and impactful with vengeance being a heavy theme. Had a good mix of different types of missions and bosses with the baron hunts and the main thing it was missing was a true Legendary difficulty mode. Oh and the amazing soundtrack and location were incredible.

Everyone is hyped for Zelda, but I'm even more hyped for this. by DarkTyranitar666 in gaming

[–]laker-prime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As someone who grew up with both these franchises, I am definitely more interested in FFXVI. I have no doubt Zelda will be great, but XVI seems to be catering more to an older audience and I love that.

You all enjoying Jedi Survivor? by _Matt_1997_ in xboxone

[–]laker-prime -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Enjoying the game a lot, just unfortunate about the performance issues. I am getting a decent number of framedrops in the town area and very blurry resolutions at times on performance mode. I wish we were able to turn off raytracing on consoles. It would have greatly helped.

Chained Echoes AMA-time! Developer, publisher and composer answering your questions! by ArkHeiral in JRPG

[–]laker-prime 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Don't have any questions, but just wanted to say thanks for making this awesome game. As someone who grew up in the 8-16bit era, Chained Echoes was a delight.

Jedi Survivor Performance by Static-Jak in XboxSeriesX

[–]laker-prime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Is it even worth doing performance mode then? I much prefer higher framerares, but in this case maybe quality mode is more worth it.

GCInferno said there were some bad/concerning stuff when he finished playing FF16 in London. What do you think that is ? by Feisty-Wedding5019 in FFXVI

[–]laker-prime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Same here. I really wish they just allowed for the "hard" mode right off the bat instead of being required to beat the game first.

Game Thread: Memphis Grizzlies (1-1) at Los Angeles Lakers (1-1) Apr 22 2023 7:00 PM by nba_gdt_bot in lakers

[–]laker-prime 4 points5 points  (0 children)

20 point lead to start the 4th and I'm still nervous...please don't fuck this up.

Sorry but Battlegrounds dont deserve to be Nightfalls. by UselessDeadMemes in DestinyTheGame

[–]laker-prime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The problem is not with Battlegrounds. It's the infinite respawns for certain encounters. I would rather do the NEW Battlegrounds as Nightfalls than do the same old strikes over and over again from the past 5+ years. Bungie just needs to tune some of the encounters better.

The shard glitch is patched. by ThyUniqueUsername in DestinyTheGame

[–]laker-prime -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I don't care if this was fixed, it's understandable... but can we PLEASE fix with the resilience issue ASAP.

Herealways Pieces should be used to unlock Stasis aspects, fragments, abilities by laker-prime in DestinyTheGame

[–]laker-prime[S] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I have them all with each character. I am primarily saying it for those that don't. It can be a big turn off for newcomers.

My sister is dying by RRTAmy in Cirrhosis

[–]laker-prime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm sorry you have to go through this. Is she a candidate for a liver transplant?