
WTF is going on here? by ent1193 in WTF

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Yeah, big snakes like that are generally constrictors, and you at least have a chance to defend yourself if they start trying to wrap you up. Small snakes are usually venomous, and once you're bitten there's not a lot you can do aside from rushing to the nearest source of antivenom.

Orbital - stick a surprisingly good tiny trackpad on your keyboard by levpopov in ErgoMechKeyboards

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is super cool! Any chance it supports multi-touch? Would love to be able to scroll with two fingers.

Amoeba-builders: How did you secure the PCBs in your case? by r_wraith in ErgoMechKeyboards

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm building a Dactyl with amoeba kings right now, and I've been wondering the same thing. I'd like to be able to change out switches without having to open the case and push on the back of each amoeba. I was planning on using hot glue like you mentioned, putting it on at least two corners of the amoeba, but I'm also a little worried it's gonna be a total mess. I considered super glue gel, but figured if an amoeba goes bad it'd be easier to remove a hot glued pcb.

Would love to see if anyone has any decent alternatives.

Sirens by Flipthepaige9 in bloomington

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I heard them too here on the east side, and I swear I heard 4-5 gunshots in the distance.

Organized Chaos - A Practice in Maximalism. by bui1t in battlestations

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Lily58 has a number row, you're probably thinking of the Corne. And yeah, I've tried without the number row, but using modifiers to access numbers/symbols never felt right. Especially the symbols. I have muscle memory for most symbols, but I certainly can't remember which number every symbol is tied to.

Also, if you go to https://compare.splitkb.com you can see the layouts if tons of different split boards. And you can download and print the layouts. I went so far as pasting some to cardboard, cutting out the switch holes, and putting switches/keycaps in. Then you can really get a feel for the layout. The Lily58 and the newest Sofle version differ mainly in the position of the thumb cluster. I found through that cardboard testing that I really like the 0.5U horizontal offset of the Lily58's thumb cluster, it made the space key hit my thumb in the right place.

Organized Chaos - A Practice in Maximalism. by bui1t in battlestations

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ah nice. Yeah, honestly the "split" aspect is really the most important part for me. With the halves of the keyboard angled outward, my wrists stay straight and it eliminates ulnar deviation. Going back to a normal keyboard feels so awkward now.

There are keyboards that just have the split and no other ergo modifications, like Alice layout boards, Quefrency, etc. If you want to try the split without requiring really any muscle memory.

It's when you get into keyboards with either an ortholinear layout, or a column staggered layout that the muscle memory really requires work. I'm typing on a Lily58 right now, and I really love it. But I'm waiting on a set of 3D printed cases for a Dactyl Manuform right now, and that's going to be another big leap. It's both tented and sculpted, and handwired which will be a lot of work.

The case I'm getting is printed by Wylderbuilds on Etsy, and he has versions with the trackball you mentioned. Not sure about the scroll rings though.

I've also considered trying different layouts like colemak or workman, but my ability to type on row-staggered keyboards is already terrible enough now, I'd rather not completely destroy it by going to a different layout. Maybe at some point though.

Organized Chaos - A Practice in Maximalism. by bui1t in battlestations

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Come join us at /r/ergomechkeyboards and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. (and how comfortable your wrists will be)

my first ergo: tractyl manuform by mmm1808 in olkb

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looks like you just completed nearly the same build that I'm about to start. Waiting for my resin print from Wylderbuilds now, and I ordered amoeba kings and KB2040s. (main difference is I went with the 5-key cluster)

What AWG wire did you have to use to connect the PCBs? Have any build photos?

Soccer Bars by BurnsideBridge in bloomington

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you're trying to watch the Premier League, this match week just got postponed due to the death of the Queen.

LPT : Treat your ears nicely. Ears don't repair themselves and earplugs to concerts are better than tinnitus for the rest of your life.) by coachsabouri in LifeProTips

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Look up "loudness recruitment". Basically people with hearing loss can end up being overly sensitive to loud sounds. Makes using hearing aids really difficult apparently, because you have to balance amplifying signals with making sure it's not too loud.

My partner and I just recently had a baby, and his screams and cries cause me physical pain just like you described when they're loud enough. Feels like my eardrum is bottoming out and instead of vibrating back & forth, the sound is just pressing the membrane in. I imagine it's the human equivalent of clipping on a microphone.

/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY question, get an answer (August 03, 2022) by AutoModerator in MechanicalKeyboards

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Anyone know of any clicky switches with a similar feel as Gazzew Boba U4 switches?

I use Boba U4 silent switches for my alphas, and then a mix of thocky & clicky switches on the mods depending on the function/importance. Trying to find a clicky switch with very little travel at the top before the tactile event like the U4.

Found these Gazzew Phoenix Click switches on KirballKeys, but can't really find any info about the feel/profile online: https://kirballskeys.com/hand-lubed-gazzew-phoenix-click/

Anyone also fascinated by certain religions despite being an atheist? by Sephiroth_-77 in atheism

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, Sikhism is pretty incredible. They're just so kind and welcoming to everyone, and their core tenets are about feeding and helping the needy. There's definitely some unrealistic supernatural stuff that it's based on, so I wouldn't be able to get on board with it fully, but I respect the overall philosophy and appreciate that they don't try to hurt others based on their views.

I traveled to India a few years ago and visited a gurdwara while I was there. The place and the vibe was so beautiful.

i was raised christian. now i’m questioning my faith, so i want to hear the other side’s perspective. why are you an atheist? by grayenvironment in atheism

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The most damning extension of that "all the other religions" argument is the idea that believers of those other religions are going to hell according to christians. But those people didn't make a decision to worship their god instead of the christian god, it was simply a result of where they lived in the world and what community they belonged to. So is it really fair to think that alllllll the people in the world who aren't christian are going to hell? Just because they unknowingly believed in the "wrong" god? And is that part of the christian god's plan?

Ordered S22+ Through Fi, Box Arrived Empty, Fi Support Keeps Asking for Non-Existent "MTR ID" by OrdinaryAstronaut in GoogleFi

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, already opened a request. It wasn't clear if I could submit a request without a public post, so I went ahead and made one. Really hoping that user will be able to help with this.

Ordered S22+ Through Fi, Box Arrived Empty, Fi Support Keeps Asking for Non-Existent "MTR ID" by OrdinaryAstronaut in GoogleFi

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well, to me Google Fi still needs to be involved. Because FedEx can't send me a new phone with a Google Fi SIM card. (or however Fi phones are activated) Google is the one who shipped the device, and surely they have insurance with FedEx for stuff like this. Google Fi support did say they would be "contacting the shipper on my behalf", which is what I would expect. Hopefully they'll work with FedEx, confirm that someone there is stealing phones, and then Google will ship me a new phone. (and hope that doesn't get stolen too)

I just need to figure out that MTR ID in order to advance past this point.

Ordered S22+ Through Fi, Box Arrived Empty, Fi Support Keeps Asking for Non-Existent "MTR ID" by OrdinaryAstronaut in GoogleFi

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think I know the post you're talking about. We saw that one too, but if I remember correctly, that poster had their case closed and I didn't see anything about them getting a new phone successfully.

Also, in the original email it says this:

"To help expedite the process as much as possible, please read and confirm both of the following statements:
I am the original purchaser of this item with Order# GS.####-####-####
I have not received the item with Order# GS.####-####-####"

And then in the next paragraph, they ask for the MTR ID and specify that it's located on the shipping label. The REF# on the label is that GS.#### number they called the Order#. (ironically, the ORD# on the label is a completely different number starting with "OCFS") So why would they call it the MTR ID later on and say you can find it on the label when it was already stated twice earlier in the email?

I'm just afraid if I give them the wrong number, they'll close the case and we'll have to start all over.

Ordered S22+ Through Fi, Box Arrived Empty, Fi Support Keeps Asking for Non-Existent "MTR ID" by OrdinaryAstronaut in GoogleFi

[–]OrdinaryAstronaut[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yep. Really wish it had required a signature so I could have pointed out the damage and how light the package was and denied the delivery.