
Dnegs got slaughtered at the WSOP this year. Hard to imagine if he could have run worse... by ekimtk in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh wow a freezeout that's crazy.

The wsop didn’t like that pros we’re firing 4-5 bullets in it trying to build a big stack

Interesting that they decided this considering it would've been more money for them.

Urban combat footage in Severodonetsk [ENG SUBS] by BlackMarine in CombatFootage

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So yesterday they announced that 18-60y olds will need permission to travel and today they backtracked and called it off?

Urban combat footage in Severodonetsk [ENG SUBS] by BlackMarine in CombatFootage

[–]CIA_Bane -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Everyone else about it was super chill though. Only 1 guy on high alert?

Urban combat footage in Severodonetsk [ENG SUBS] by BlackMarine in CombatFootage

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

At 4:04 why did the Sgt point his gun at the guy entering? Mistake or thought an enemy would come through?

Urban combat footage in Severodonetsk [ENG SUBS] by BlackMarine in CombatFootage

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Zaluzhniy with the recent mobilization scandal

Whats this about?

HOLY Copium by mk_8 in Destiny

[–]CIA_Bane 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Its this Friday isnt it

Steve O’Dwyer vs Teun Mulder - bluff raise vs bluff raise all in by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Reminds me of that hand (I don't remember who was in it) from a tournmanet where the final table was on some windy beach and one guy has like 6 high the other one has 7 high or something like that and it goes raise-reraise-reraise-jam on the river.

edit: I just remembered it, it was Isaac Haxton with 3 high vs Ryan Daut's 7 high

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So does 22 with a heart. Which one of those 2 hands do you think makes it less likely that Jacky has a flush?

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What bluffs does Jacky have on the flop?

Gutshots, backdoor straights and backdoor flushes. Most of which get there on the river.

Jacky's flop valuebets (2p/sets) won't go 75%-75%-200% so that leaves stonecold bluffs or flush/straight. If Jacky never has 66 or 33 here then is it not logical to call with hands that make it more likely Jacky doesn't have the flush but instead a bluff?

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I cant post the solve. I don't have monker so I can't do 4 way pots and ranges would be anyones guess.

At the end of the day poker theory dictates that when your opponents polarises himself on the river you should bluffcatch not with your highest absolute strength hands but with hands that block your opponents value combos.

Go to bed everyone, 3 more days to go by JerrythebeanSeinfeld in Destiny

[–]CIA_Bane 67 points68 points  (0 children)

I AM NOT CRAZY. I am not crazy! I know he said he'll do a manifesto stream before Thursday. One after the Highland Parks shooting. As I could ever make that mistake. Never. Never! I just couldn't prove it. He got that idiot Tempest to delete the vod for him.

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Based on your inability to read I doubt we'll ever be on the same table.

When did I say I'm only calling the nuts? I literally gave examples of hands that would call here that are nowhere near the nuts. 56, 55, AJ with a heart, pocket pairs with a heart. Are those hands the nuts?

7x Overbet All In - Is it ever the nuts? by Skyhawke99 in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I found what you said interesting so I ran my own sim (gtoX) and I think why it differs so much was that I forgot you were 150bb deep which changes things. I was approaching this from a normal 100bb deep hand.

In my own sim for a standard 100bb hand you're only checking here 50% of the time with the rest of the time mixing between 25% bets and 33% ATs only checks about 25% of the time on this flop.

Another difference is if you bet flop and V calls you're checking turn 60% of the time and the rest you're betting big.

You're right that when 150bb deep AT probably doesn't want to play for stacks. The game is so different when deeper than 100bb it's crazy. That's why I just rathole lmao

Ukraine Discussion/Question Thread - 7/2/22+ by knowyourpast in CombatFootage

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't know why are you asking me? All I did was post the video and said what he claimed. I specifically said allegedly.

It wasn't my claim I was simply putting it out there. If the LNR completely made up the number then who cares? I still think that this place should be neutral and that any new information should be brought up and considered.

7x Overbet All In - Is it ever the nuts? by Skyhawke99 in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I don't think AT is too thin. Villain will bluffcatch with AK/AQ almost always because of the straight blocking properties. Villain has 16 combos of AK/AQ to call with and it's true that sometimes you'll run into AJ/JJ but you can't be scared of monsters under the bed since there are only 3 combos of JJ left and there is only 1 combo of AJs left for Villain to hold.

In any pool below zoom 200nl the average villain will call station here with top pair for sure.

For balance purposes you have 2 lines here. One where you jam river and one where you go big but don't jam river. River jams are going to be 2p(AJ+) and better and bluffs with a K/Q in them. Non-all in lines are gonna be with AK/AQ/weak 2p and some goofy bluffs like suited connectors that turn a fd and miss. But since this is NL50 Zoom I'm just going to town exploitatively because I know the average villain in that pool is a call station and he'll stack off with JT.

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I think you have a general misunderstanding of GTO and poker in general.

Gman has 65, 55 in his range. Maybe some low frequency 44. You don't often have a 4/5 sure but I just gave an example of what you'd want to bluffcatch with. The other thing is anything with a heart in it. Any Jx with 1 heart, any pocketpair with 1 heart.

Naked backdoor flush draws like KQhh or whatever are probably just folding flop.

Just from this 1 sentence I know for a fact you have never opened a solver in your life.

We played this way to induce a bluff, so why are we gonna chicken out and fold at the end?

You're stuck in 2005 poker my guy. Did you read what I said above? Whats your opponent's most likely bluffs on the turn? Flush draws. What get there on the river? The flush draw.

If you understood bet sizings you would understand that the bigger the bet sizing the more polarised your opponent is. When he bets 2x he only has 45 for the straight and flushes. Your JJ have the same bluffcatching power as 22 or A high. He is not betting 2x pot with a set or 2p ever.

And fwiw I'm one of Garett's biggest critics on this subreddit. I think he's so successful because he's just sunrunning and playing vs massive fish. However this hand is different.

7x Overbet All In - Is it ever the nuts? by Skyhawke99 in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 13 points14 points  (0 children)

You have too much value on this board to be checking twice I think. If it was a dry board sure but with 2 fd coming in on the turn you should really start betting. If villain turns a FD (like he did just now) he's unlikely to bet because he'd be afraid of a x/r or x/j.

I don't think you need to protect your range that much on a board that smashes you so hard. The simple fact that this board is all over you means you can cbet 1/3 with your entire range. Hands like KJ/QQ can easily be turned into a bluff by the river.

When you have so many nutted hands in your range like 2p/sets/straights you want to get all the money in the by the river so you should start building the pot early and preparing your bluffs to blast off as well.

Guys... today is the day. by MerlinsSister in Destiny

[–]CIA_Bane 39 points40 points  (0 children)


7x Overbet All In - Is it ever the nuts? by Skyhawke99 in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Good analysis on the flop but why check turn though? You're missing out on a lot of value here.

Jacky triple barrel bluff vs Garrett Adelstein holding top set by worldstarpoker in poker

[–]CIA_Bane 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So many shitregs in this thread stuck in 2005 only looking at the absolute strength of their hand and not even considering ranges and bet sizes.