
1) what by greenpepperhypernova in ethtrader

[–]-0-O- 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Pentagon said Tuesday that it overestimated the value of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion over the past two years — about double early estimates — resulting in a surplus that will be used for future security packages.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said a detailed review of the accounting error found that the military services used replacement costs rather than the book value of equipment that was pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine. She said final calculations show there was an error of $3.6 billion in the current fiscal year and $2.6 billion in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended last Sept. 30.

As a result, the department now has additional money in its coffers to use to support Ukraine as it pursues its counteroffensive against Russia. And it come as the fiscal year is wrapping up and congressional funding was beginning to dwindle.

This wasn't extra money sent to Ukraine. They overvalued what was sent, so the Pentagon sent $6.2b less value than what they reported, and that value is not missing. The Pentagon has it.

The right of refusal in a free market by mattjh in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I encourage you to do so, but keep in mind there's a ton of variables and the outcome will be different depending on the situation.

You call it "egregious behavior", but, just for the sake of argument, imagine it's a reformed bigot who no longer holds those views but is unable to afford tattoo removal. If the tattoo is seen in the bathroom where they are expected some level of privacy, how is that egregious behavior on their part?

The right of refusal in a free market by mattjh in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Getting the tattoo is an intentional act. Having that tattoo is the hate speech.

Agreed, but there could be decades of separation here, and a complete change of heart (according to OP post that's not the case, but the workplace can't just assume that)

they are responsible for ensuring it's never seen. "Oops, I accidentally called my coworker a racial slur. I didn't mean to let it slip!" Doesn't fly.

Look, I hate racists as much as anyone else, but this is a poor comparison. Calling someone a racial slur is a new action that shows current hatred. Having your tattoo be seen while taking a piss is not the same.

Should they be fired? Absolutely. Will they get unemployment? Probably.

You're arguing how you wish unemployment worked. That's lovely, but it doesn't matter.

The right of refusal in a free market by mattjh in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You don't think displaying a swastika tattooed onto your body, even once, is hate speech suitable for firing?

Personally yes. Unemployment insurance may think otherwise though.

Putting up a third Reich flag is ok if you take it down when asked?

The difference here is that someone can get a tattoo, then change their mind, and not be able to immediately remove the tattoo. It's not the same as proactive hate-speech like hanging a flag.

I would be amazed if you'd get much pushback from stating someone displaying Nazi tattoo wouldn't be considered hate speech.

If they are intentionally displaying it, sure. If it was seen in the bathroom or something, less so.

Could it be worked through with the right approach and attitude sure, but that doesn't mean it wouldnt be a completely acceptable reason for firing someone for cause.

It could be. But if we go back and look at the context of the conversation. Someone said they would lie and say that the employee called another employee a slur. Then someone replied saying that won't work, and the next reply was, "Just ask them about their tattoo"

Obviously if someone is intentionally displaying their tattoo at work or promoting hate speech, that would be a for-cause firing. That's not the hypothetical situation we're discussing though.

The hypothetical situation we're discussing is someone who made an effort to have the tattoo removed because it was causing them problems- which would mean they are not intentionally displaying it. We know they want to hide it.

Obviously, fuck nazis. But you can hate nazis all day and all night and it doesn't change how unemployment insurance works.

The right of refusal in a free market by mattjh in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Once is enough.

Right. And zero times is not enough. Having your tattoo seen accidentally is not defacto calling someone a racial epithet.

The right of refusal in a free market by mattjh in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unfortunately unless the tattoo is both visible AND there is a company policy against it, AND the employee was given opportunity to cover it while in the workplace, they'll still get unemployment.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic by HyacinthFT in politics

[–]-0-O- -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It's not a "phony video", it's sarcasm.

Just like GOP tried to sarcastically say they are all domestic terrorists. The joke doesn't land when the other side actually believes that though.

And this joke didn't land for the same reasons.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic by HyacinthFT in politics

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's 100% just as stupid as GOP saying "We're all domestic terrorists"

People in this thread recognize the connection, but apparently think it's fine if we do it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic by HyacinthFT in politics

[–]-0-O- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They could literally be saying the same thing though.

"If liberals didn't understand our CPAC banner was sarcastic, then their 'coming for your kids' comment must not be sarcastic either"

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic by HyacinthFT in politics

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Except we all think it's true even though they meant it sarcastically.

So, literally the same situation. It's an easy lesson: Don't say your side does something horrible as a sarcastic joke.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at Pride chant after failing to realize it’s sarcastic by HyacinthFT in politics

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well that depends, do you think CPAC "We are all domestic terrorists" wasn't meant to be sarcastic?

Maybe sarcastically saying the side you are on is criminals is less than ideal.

Nepo baby on Nepo baby violence is tearing this country apart by thatguy9684736255 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I remember it well. “No, ma’am. He’s not an Arab. He’s a decent man.”


No, you don't remember it well because you've just misquoted him, seemingly with the intent of accusing him of implying that "Arab" and "decent man" are antonyms or exclusionary.

He does not say "He's not an Arab" before calling him a decent man. He says "No, Ma'am" and then immediately goes into saying he's a decent man.

And this is also different than Trump "once" saying something nice about Hillary. McCain had an entire career of being a decent man.

The fact that you just made up a lie like that as a way to demonize someone, tells me you don't care about what's true though. You care about propaganda you're trying to spread.

This subhuman tweet was made just to insult a woman of color by Striking-Comb-1547 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Why is it hard to swim to the bottom of a pool with a basketball, but easy to do with a metal weight?

Tides go in, tides go out, you can't explain that.

Magnets, how do they work?

Nepo baby on Nepo baby violence is tearing this country apart by thatguy9684736255 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]-0-O- 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Sure, he complained when trump took over the house, but that’s just how bitterly angry conservatives roll,

While running for President against Obama, McCain told his own supporters that they were wrong to call Obama an Arab, and that they were wrong to be afraid of him as President. He told them Obama was a good man and a good American, and that the only reason McCain was running against him was because of political disagreements.

I think you're maybe thinking of Dick Cheney.

What screams "poorly educated"? by Animeking1108 in AskReddit

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)


It's not as mysterious as that. They use it when confronted by christofascists like yourself. They use it accurately, and that makes you upset.

What screams "poorly educated"? by Animeking1108 in AskReddit

[–]-0-O- 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If someone uses it, I immediately see them as a cunt

If someone defends bigots and gets mad about the ACCURATE LABEL of "christofascist", I immediately see them as a racist fascist christian cunt.

What screams "poorly educated"? by Animeking1108 in AskReddit

[–]-0-O- 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You made a good point about that phrase being used incorrectly as an attack word.

No he didn't.

What screams "poorly educated"? by Animeking1108 in AskReddit

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sorry, but we use fascist and racist correctly and we know what they mean.

Those poor birds will have PTSD after this by i5sandy in WTF

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You know how people say that when you get older you'll start hating changes in the world, and will eventually think the youth is all screwed up compared to when you were a kid?

This is that.

He's real by fatdrunkwhitesanta in southpark

[–]-0-O- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This one doesn't have to be photoshopped. It's a social media account with an obvious fake name and fake photo.

South Park is an edgy show, yes. And the creators of the show do it in a dignified, intelligent, and funny way. The same is not true for the edgy racist "humor" that regularly gets upvoted here.

He's real by fatdrunkwhitesanta in southpark

[–]-0-O- 0 points1 point  (0 children)

South Park made an episode where Randy says the n-word, so now edgy fans think it's appropriate to post anything with the N word that is just vague enough to seem maybe innocent.

Recently it was "photoshopped captcha that says the n word" that made it to the front page of our lovely subreddit. The depth of racist humor knows no bounds.

And sure, maybe I sound like a paranoid leftist. But then go look at the thread announcing Trey and Matt making a movie with Kendrick Lamar, and see how ~70% of the comments are from "fans" boycotting the movie for being race-related.

tl;dr; There's a lot of edgy racist fans here that ruin things.