
[Official Tournament Discussion] 2023 Zurich Classic by GreenWaveGolfer12 in golf

[–]TimTri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This format is certainly… unique! Watching the broadcast right now and you’d have no idea they were actually playing in teams because everyone is essentially on their own, and at the end of the hole they just figure out who has the better score and put that on the scorecard. I think turning it into a scramble would be better. The teammates would be playing more “together” and you’d have the potential for some risky shots.

Figuring out which boosters failed to ignite:E3, E16, E20, E32, plus it seems E33 (marked on in the graphic, but seems off in the telephoto image) were off. by LazaroFilm in spacex

[–]TimTri 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Worth noting these Raptors on B7 were comparatively old. Switch to electric thrust vector control made all new engines incompatible with the existing stack. Lot of flameouts seemed to be caused not by the engines themselves, but by insufficient water deluge / debris protection on the pad and lack of engine isolation in the booster.

r/SpaceX Integrated Flight Test Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread! by rSpaceXHosting in spacex

[–]TimTri 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Some things to note: - Obviously tons of engines were lost, could still be above the threshold required for nominal flight though. This problem might solve itself with better engine isolation/explosion protection on Booster 9. - Speculation that one of the hydraulic power units was either taken out by an engine explosion or disintegrated on its own. This would have seriously hindered Raptor gimbal and could explain the loss of control. This problem solves itself because B9 is switching from hydraulic to electric gimbal. - Fuel mixture was way off shortly after liftoff already. Seems like one of the engine/HPU RUDs maybe took out some fuel lines and caused a leak.

In the end, both stages did not separate. But what was the reason for that? - Due to insufficient thrust and/or gimbal ability, the stack never arrived at the intended hight, location and speed of stage separation. - Due to insufficient gimbal ability, the flip necessary for stage sep could not be initiated. Alternatively, if the flip is a combination between gimbal and thrust vector control, the lack of gimbal to support/counter the TVC inputs could have caused unintended and extreme maneuvering. - Some users have noted a possible buckling of the interstage because it was a weak point of the B7.1 test tank last year. I doubt the stages would have stuck together during the tumbling if that was the case, though.

Edit: Also, why did the engines keep burning during and after loss of control? I personally believe the stack was not at its intended stage separation altitude and velocity yet. Then lost control because of gimbal/HPU failure?

Made my first ever par today. 7 iron and a 2 putt on this little Par 3. Spent the rest of the round hacking it all over the place but this feeling has me hooked. by jerudy in golf

[–]TimTri 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Amazing, congrats!! I started playing late last year and getting a par is definitely a huge highlight for me. I particularly remember my two most recent ones. First, a short but nasty Par 4. Got an amazing drive and approach shot into the green over some trees. Made a nice 2-putt for par. Secondly, an uphill par 3 with a green surrounded by hills. Got the ball up near the green with driver (yes lol I’m a beginner), then hit an amazing bump and run to about 30cm near the pin (which was crazy considering the slope of the green) and sunk the par putt.

In the end, I still play horribly on like 60% of my holes, but a single par can definitely turn it into a great round 😅

Dishy facing South? 53.5°N by jablonkers in Starlink

[–]TimTri 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Could be pointing south because there are more satellites there after all the recent launches that didn’t go up to the higher inclinations. If the internet works, I wouldn’t be worried. They’re getting quite creative with the positioning… some Dishys near coastal areas in America are even known to be pointing at the ocean to ease congestion!

How to transfer my level and medals from tsw 3 for PS4 to tsw 3 ps5? Thanks... by Birita-Rj in trainsimworld

[–]TimTri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That’s unfortunately not possible. As far as we know, the PS4 and PS5 versions store add-ons and savegame data in completely different ways :(

Does anyone just daydream while playing and completely miss a station? by Destroya923 in trainsimworld

[–]TimTri 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In my opinion, it works really well now! Can’t remember running into any issues since they added the feature to TSW3.

Does anyone just daydream while playing and completely miss a station? by Destroya923 in trainsimworld

[–]TimTri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Absolutely! Either I get distracted by something, or I spend time looking at the train and scenery with the exterior cam and end up missing my braking point. I try to create a save game every 15 minutes or so just so I can have a backup in that case and don’t always have to be all tensed up ;)

What do you think the uk Electric route on the wiki will be? And the other one also by Tornadomaster2323 in trainsimworld

[–]TimTri 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Once they’re just a few weeks/months away from release, new routes tend to get added to the roadmap. We don’t have the names of these routes yet, but one of them has a code (this essentially states which country & timeframe it is set in and which type of rolling stock is part of it), so people are speculating about the identity of the route with the help of these clues. Preston-Blackpool showed up on an Epic Games database leak a few months ago, so it’s a good candidate for an upcoming release for sure. Hope I could help!

Another batch of Starlink v2 Minis being launched by occupyOneillrings in Starlink

[–]TimTri 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The entire last batch made it to orbit, but the altitudes of the satellites have been sketchy since then. I believe one (or more) have already re-entered, others might do controlled re-entries as well. Some are station-keeping at a certain altitude, and a few are raising their orbits. Elon did allude to issues with multiple satellites from the launch, let’s hope those on the second mission fare better!

We’ve got to remember these are early versions of the Gen2 platform, so they are probably doing lots of experimenting up there (different hardware variations, orientations, intentional re-entries etc.).

Price drop in Germany by cptclaudiu in Starlink

[–]TimTri 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Worth noting your E-Mail address is visible in the picture. Feel free to crop the image and repost it if that’s of any concern to you.

A few years ago I made my wife sign a contact that I could build a golf simulator in my home. I just accepted a job that meets the salary requirements. All that is left is her graduating with her doctorate. She started her application last week. Keep me in your prayers friends. by [deleted] in golf

[–]TimTri -1 points0 points  (0 children)

What a weird post. Reminds me of the guys on the BMW subreddit who post pics of their brand new $80k cars accompanied with “My first BMW! I know it isn’t much, but it’s all I can afford.”

Reddit is simply not the right place to flex your income or wealth, it just makes you look like a total douche

Average London Tourist: I can't wait to visit Big Ben, The Eye, Tower Bridge etc. Me: by BlueBloodLive in taskmaster

[–]TimTri 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I‘m going to London in the summer and will definitely be dedicating an afternoon to the Chiswick area. Aside from the Taskmaster locations, there are quite a lot other cool spots there (like the Chiswick Gardens, for example). My dad and I started golfing a few months ago, so maybe we’ll even try to get a round in at the golf course next to the house. Perhaps one of the contestants will try to spook us, you never know!

Price drop in Ireland by j_mo2001 in Starlink

[–]TimTri 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yup, got my E-mail as well. I’ve also been using it since August 2021, what a coincidence! 😅

Midland mainline issues (already) by WitnessLopsided9340 in trainsimworld

[–]TimTri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The PS5 version seems to be the wrong build. DTG are looking into it according to the forums.

VPN advised with Starlink? by SD18101 in Starlink

[–]TimTri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I personally feel safer using Starlink than ordinary broadband/fiber. The fact that your IP address frequently changes and your data is routed through space, gateways and POPs makes it quite secure imo

Price drop in Ireland by j_mo2001 in Starlink

[–]TimTri 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Germany is also showing a price drop to 65€/month for service and 300€ for hardware when ordering on the Starlink website. Seems like a very recent change as they haven’t even updated the text on the website yet. I’m assuming E-Mails announcing the the price reduction will be going out to existing customers soon. Very pleased to hear that as I‘ve always felt the service price in Germany was a bit high compared to its direct neighbors.

Full set in 4K. I’d highly recommend rewatching- the performance was more curated than initial streams showed. by dinosbucket in FrankOcean

[–]TimTri 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Great to see that some users are starting to appreciate the set. Who could predict that watching the performance live through some chaotic instagram livestreams would make the immediate reaction to it worse - although that’s Frank‘s/Coachella‘s fault to some extent for cancelling the official stream.

What he needs to do for next week: - Obviously not be an hour late - Use the big ass stage, don’t hide in the back where almost nobody can see you - Cut down on the breaks between the songs, maybe rehearse a bit more with the band so everything goes a bit smoother - Play a few more of the well-known hits (and don’t just ad-lib them) so the traditional/mainstream fans aren’t as pissed as after the first show - Maybe do the DJ set at the beginning? I think many people really liked it, it was just placed very abruptly in the middle of the set when everyone expected Frank to be out there performing

Justin Bieber posts about Frank Ocean Coachella performance by BrocsCountry in FrankOcean

[–]TimTri -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Crazy that people here are telling Justin to shut up and getting tons of upvotes. So toxic here, apparently freedom of speech only applies as long as it aligns with your own opinions 😬

But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, the Frank fanbase is known for such behavior. Just thought people would maybe learn and grow throughout the years