
Samuel Alito’s Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While the Justice Fought the EPA by seakucumber in politics

[–]tidbitsmisfit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

thats a very shallow view of the conditions of the French when that happened. I don't even see the homeless crackheads on the streets starving in the US

TIL that Oceangate blew up a 1/3 scale carbon fiber hull model during 6000 psi testing at the University of Washington, shook the whole building, and had to pay for the pressure sensors destroyed. by cuthero in todayilearned

[–]tidbitsmisfit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

the boat that drags the sub out to the ocean needs to be big enough to haul the sub out. so the cost savings is in the everything needed to transport the sub

A couple who retired early with $4.3 million says the FIRE lifestyle is wearing thin by jhonkas in Fire

[–]tidbitsmisfit 63 points64 points  (0 children)

you are supposed to be living a life worth living while accumulating money

What can I do as an 18 y/o starting college this fall to prepare? by thekatinthehatisback in Fire

[–]tidbitsmisfit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

since you are comp sci, look into how to get an internship at Google, Microsoft, etc.

What can I do as an 18 y/o starting college this fall to prepare? by thekatinthehatisback in Fire

[–]tidbitsmisfit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

comp sci internships pay very well, he should definitely look into those. if he can get a FAANG, they'll pay room and board during the summers yoo

What can I do as an 18 y/o starting college this fall to prepare? by thekatinthehatisback in Fire

[–]tidbitsmisfit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

oof, going out of state will cost more and honestly, for comp sci it really isn't required

best of luck

Man tries to punch out my window after he sideswiped me by HighTurtles420 in CrazyFuckingVideos

[–]tidbitsmisfit -1 points0 points  (0 children)

you honestly think they did? the cops would've nabbed this guy easily

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 488, Part 1 (Thread #634) by WorldNewsMods in worldnews

[–]tidbitsmisfit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

it's because they still have to protect themselves during times of supply issues. this is an artillery war, something the west has different tech for

NFL star Aaron Rodgers credits psychedelics for improving his performance on the football field by redditor01020 in sports

[–]tidbitsmisfit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

hasn't won a super bowl since 2012. Aaron Rodgers cucess is what happens when a team is built for a player and then that player achieves success and takes all the credit

Recently had some gear stolen. What do you leave at camp while away for the day? by The_Tautology in camping

[–]tidbitsmisfit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

seems smart, they steal your stuff and they put a huge hole in your tent. and rather they take my shit and keep a non ruined tent

Plan to blow up Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant approved, situation has never been so severe before ― Chief of Defence Intelligence by YuriiBiurher in worldnews

[–]tidbitsmisfit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

you don't think that Biden sending American troops to absolutely curb stomp Russia would be politically viable? are you a fucking child? have you seen what Ukraine has done with limited American weaponry?