
2021 vs 2023 Build Guide Creator by nasaboy007 in pathofexile

[–]kmoz -1 points0 points  (0 children)

true, but you also have a million more resources to lean on. Being able to steal concepts and mechanics from a variety of builds has never been easier with how good of data you get from things like PoE ninja. I think the mistake people make when homebrewing is to think that they have to invent everything from scratch, rather than finding an interesting combo elsewhere then taking it in a new direction.

Like, take a concept such as eternal damnation+loreweave, and slap a different offensive engine around it, or take raider build and throw it onto trickster, or do it with frenzy stacking instead of omni scaling or whatever. I think too many people try to go fully novel like mathil and end up (understandably) frustrated.

2021 vs 2023 Build Guide Creator by nasaboy007 in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 5 points6 points  (0 children)

just depends on what you consider viable. If youre trying to run alch n go t16s, its really not too bad to make a build for it. If youre expecting to kill ubers or simu, yeah its pretty brutal.

How can I best prepare now for a 14km run/walk? by RQCKQN in NoStupidQuestions

[–]kmoz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

congrats my dude! progress only will get easier from here :)

What’s the cheapest, easiest and fastest build to finish all the atlas in your opinion by GasHolder in PathOfExileBuilds

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

while normally i agree with dipping into the deep end, EA is particularly annoying because of how fuses work with attack speed, how ignites do damage scaling, fixing issues like accuracy gets very annoying, etc. Even a lot of pretty experienced players fuck up their EA ballista builds. I crafted for probably 100 EA ballista guys over 3 BPLs and its staggering how many of those people had their gear all fucked up.

What’s the cheapest, easiest and fastest build to finish all the atlas in your opinion by GasHolder in PathOfExileBuilds

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

EA ballista is a much more complex build. Id highly recommend cold dot elementalist instead.

[Highlight] Five years ago, the 7 foot Bosnian Jusuf Nurkić dared to meet a 33 year old LeBron at the rim by arcelios in nba

[–]kmoz 43 points44 points  (0 children)

its crazy because he still does ridiculous stuff and are like "hes still just as athletic!" then you go watch a video from 5-10 years ago and you realize oh wait, no, he was way, way more ridiculous back then.

Greatest NBA names (but not the obvious goofy ones) by Long_Shot_Max in nba

[–]kmoz 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I had a buddy in HS who's legal name was phat ho. Steeve still has him beat.

I think people are severely underestimating how much work went into the non-ruthless changes. by firebunbun in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

personally I think a lot of the bad skills shoudl either just be deleted or mechanically reworked, or give them an interesting interaction/niche. Just cranking damage to the moon of a bad feeling skill like dual strike is never going to make it good until its like 2-tapping ubers, so I dont really mind that they leave a lot of the dead skills dead.

Sure, there are definitely some casualties I wish they brought back, but there are so many awesome playable builds out there right now I dont really feel like were lacking in options. weve had the most diverse metas ever the last few leagues, so clearly something is working.

I think people are severely underestimating how much work went into the non-ruthless changes. by firebunbun in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

but my point was that gyre is a great example of where changing the gem didnt actually do anything in itself. It was nightblade and omni as supporting elements which brought it to prominence. Dont get me wrong, the gem upgrades definitely helped, but the real rise to power was from supporting elements. Lots of things are one unique or one interaction away from being very high up on the meta.

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 2 points3 points  (0 children)

yes, which is also really high because you still have herald of ice explosions which is where your clear comes from. youre not getting your damage from your final repeat anyways in a map most of the time.

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 5 points6 points  (0 children)

again, he cleared SEVEN OF SEVEN UBERS. You could divide his damage by 4 and he would still comfortably clear maps.

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 6 points7 points  (0 children)

and he was killing ALL UBERS not just running T16 maps. The expensive stuff he had in there was 100% not needed for clearing t16 maps.

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

link profile or list the builds youve played, because I bet I can list out like a dozen more that you havent played

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

just go dig around on poe ninja. If something has a .5% or higher playrate, chances are theres a very real build there, or something you can get some cool ideas from.

"Don't plan anything after exilecon, you don't want to miss next league!" and "There will be a lot of balance changes" (c) CW by YumeNoTatsu in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 3 points4 points  (0 children)

frost blades is a great build and very league startable. Ive also league started flicker in sanctum no problem. Not great for bosses, but maps like a monster. molten strike and lightning strike are unironically actually pretty good. Shield crush is solid, armour stacking smite is solid but needs high investment.

Alk's thoughts on the patch notes by Unh0lyCatf1sh in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Synthesis was WORB league. 70% of the meta was just worb.

Hey D4 refugees re: Patch Notes by Accurate-Yam-2287 in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 11 points12 points  (0 children)

start banning the super toxic people. Half the negativity comes from a pretty small bunch of people. Youll go look at their post history and its literally a couple dozen posts a day for months on end just absolute vitriol towards the game. Oh, and half the time they also do it on the DOTA subreddit.

And theres ways of posting criticism without saying "the devs are fucking morons and want me to cry every patch"

I think people are severely underestimating how much work went into the non-ruthless changes. by firebunbun in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Gyre became super strong because of nightblade which came 2 leagues after the gyre gem update, not because of the gem update itself. then got even better because of omni.

are you talking about a recent ice shot change? Because it hasnt been changed outside of adding vaal ice shot since 3.9, which was over 3 years ago. All return to popularity was because of other things being added like heatshiver, cracked out bows from crucible, etc.

Flicker became incredible popular in scourge with the doryanis version due to league mechanic, heatshiver brought back a ton of hit based cold skills (frostblades, ice shot, cold bv, icicle mines). hexblast miner became a thing after sandstorm visage was added, etc. Vengeant cascade and nimis also made a bunch of previously pretty dead skills super strong (fireball, frostblades, creeping frost, etc) even if they werent super popular.

GGG, could we please have some straight answers for once? by Led94 in pathofexile

[–]kmoz -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Ben and exile are ssfhc racers. Their meta is way way way way way more limited than anyone in trade. The ssfhc boss race meta is way more stale than the trade league meta where we've gotten a ton of cool new builds.

And something tells me you're not remembering the actual state of the game in ultimatum. Meta was way, way less diverse than it is now and tons of people were really pissed because ultimatums made almost every glassy build nonviable.

GGG, could we please have some straight answers for once? by Led94 in pathofexile

[–]kmoz -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Meta has changed a ton over the last year, people just don't go actually look at the data and scream stale meta even though there have been a ton of new really good builds.

I think people are severely underestimating how much work went into the non-ruthless changes. by firebunbun in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Balance changes almost never come from numbers changes to gems, historically. They come from new enablers like support gems, passive tree changes, and new systems, new items, or the skill getting mechanically reworked. We got a bunch of those things this league so theres a very strong chance theres a bunch of new stuff we just havent figured out yet.

Rick Barry breaks down the difference between his era and today’s era. by ToronoRapture in nba

[–]kmoz 3 points4 points  (0 children)

JJs whole argument is that its stupid to compare between eras, which is what you seem to be agreeing with.

I think people are severely underestimating how much work went into the non-ruthless changes. by firebunbun in pathofexile

[–]kmoz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

people sure did bitch about seismic like everyone had a gun to their head to play it, while it had like a <1% playrate on ninja.