
US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Really? I found these posts fairly easily I’m sure you can find the posts about people paying for trenching and cable laying haha

Took me 3 min to find

Edit here’s a ultra meta post lol

US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I’m not gonna change you mind and If you really want you can just browse the Starlink sub. Elon is relevant because He Steelers the ship and has made every big decision/statement. Plenty of people that did exactly what I had mentioned and they’ve got down voted to hell, but the posts exist. I promise they’re easy to find and it’s far less trouble than me taking time to read that formatting on mobile or adding the links haha

Loyalty and long term cash flow is more important than anything. Firms that sell products like diseased animals don’t last for long.

US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I’m on mobile so I’m not going to bother with that style of formatting. Its not basic economics, because few if any reputable service providers sway as hard and as quickly. All the related companies lean into introductory pricing strategy, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do the raises. Infrequent steady raises keep from forming a lingering bad taste from the consumer, while prices that swing literally look like desperation and unreliability. If your bill feel like a rodeo for a fixed service amount, that’s a shit feeling that breeds anything but loyalty.

Ehh I wouldn’t say people aren’t going back to Hughsnet… there’s plenty of ma and pa blue hairs that go in and then out once the prices went up. These are people that barely check their email let alone surf/work online. that Many sublink sub users are paying to have the trenching done for cables to be run from the main arteries as they become available in their areas, if not getting it ran for free or just getting cellular internet provider thats subsidized through the rural internet program.

He was in fact quite angry over the lack of rural internet program money and would sue if they had a leg to stand on. Bear in mind He basically went to twitter threatening to cut off Ukrainian access to Starlink before he even contacted the feds and asked for payment. He’ll take any route that will bear fruit and he’s hardly afraid of stepping on toes. He’s suing Wachtell right now and that’s got near zero chance of standing any ground…

I really doubt they had any designs ready manufacture for a starship launched versions due to internals delays of starship and with V1 having so many problems/revisions. They move in a very fast way and few starship things are truly finalized IE “over 1000 changes made”.

They exist to make money on a temporary problem with a demographic louder than it is big. Its just business.

US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

They never got the cash infusion from the rural Internet program, prices have already gone up in some areas and market saturation for people where this is the only alternative to a service like Hughs net is extremely small along with users switching to broadband and fiber as they become available or back to these services due to the lack of stability.

Elon had mentioned without starship laughing early last year both SpaceX and Starlink would be in danger due to the frequency launches needed along with cash savings. Either it’s true and they’re making due until its ready or He’s lying again.

US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I understand these very well and know many people that rely on the older systems. These systems don’t require multiple launches a year or consistent government cash injections. Starlink has already raised the price among other things. Theres a massive reason why they never got the rural Internet funding and its not Elon hate.

Its cheaper in the long run to lay the cable or use cellular Internet. The Internet freedom argument doesn’t work when Starlink will bow down to whatever nation wants within their own boarders. Businesses need stable and consistent Internet. In most developing nations infrastructure and utilities equal jobs and invite more investment.

US military leans into megaconstellations after their “resiliency” in Ukraine by snoo-suit in space

[–]ace17708 [score hidden]  (0 children)

It’s not gonna stay $40 dollars without a major injection of government cash

I don't think I pressed it that hard... by Loofahtranslucent in RealTesla

[–]ace17708 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Its just a ultra crappy design. Everyone else can make composite pedals with zero issue, but no one else tries to make make them look like that….

More Images of the Cybertruck body by FrogmanKouki in RealTesla

[–]ace17708 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Insurance gonna be insane… frames been bent on body on frame trucks is super common in rear collisions. This will be a whole section or will just total out… and sectioning is illegal in some states. Genius engineer.

Seen on eBay. Cool Sticker job, hope it isn't hiding something serious? by HerrFerret in Justridingalong

[–]ace17708 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So I messaged the seller asking the history, and he claimed to have no idea. I replied voicing concerns and he claimed no one unaware of the issues or risks involved would buy it… when they have zero description or disclosure of the repair. Great guy

Was his Grandad always from an Indian Heritage? by GenMaximusDecimus in AntiWranglerstar

[–]ace17708 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Its the same crap as claiming you’re 30% this 20% this and so on. This is common in old American lineage families. For reasons unknown they have to feel special to some sort of ethnicity… just be an American mutt like everyone else and be happy. Cody is clearly very unhappy.

Anime_irl by Tricky_Cream_2760 in anime_irl

[–]ace17708 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That spoiler is wrong. Keep reading the series

Starbucks on Walnut by SmellsDone in Newbraunfels

[–]ace17708 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Because grocery unions tend to be insanely strong and right for a good working environment

Debris from Elon Musk's SpaceX launch scattered, raising environmental concerns by Competitive_Mark8153 in RealTesla

[–]ace17708 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I got second hand embarrassment when he forced them to make the aesthetics of his napkin sketch fantasy reality in starship

Debris from Elon Musk's SpaceX launch scattered, raising environmental concerns by Competitive_Mark8153 in RealTesla

[–]ace17708 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You simply don’t understand with your none IT or programmer brains. GO FAST BREAK THINGS! FIX IT LATER!!!! Iterative design is the best thing to happen to space! /S

The upcoming MacBook Pro with an OLED display will use Samsung screens - ProfessPost by boycoder in apple

[–]ace17708 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Burn in is barely a issue on modern displays unless you’re purposely leaving your screen on the same page for 12 hours plus with zero movement… Of oled iPhones only display models have gotten burn in due to that.

Repainted my 40th Anniversary JM :) by xknfprtyx in offset

[–]ace17708 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Some light wet sanding will make it pop more! Looks great!!!

China reveals first details of crewed moon landing mission by 2030 by wmdolls in space

[–]ace17708 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That is totally conjecture. They have native super alloy production for domestic projects and products. Its reductive to lay down such a bold claim due to your company buying the dirt cheapest bar stock they could as you even stated.

They lead the world in super heavy presses. You don’t build these build these things without a good domestic supply of at least a good supply of 7000 series aluminum… let alone magnesium.

I agree they crush outside thinking, but it’s insane to claim its not possible. Their aerospace sector has BOOOOOMED for commercial aircraft and every previous customer of Russian commercial aircraft will be moving to Chinese aircraft.

I honestly can’t believe I’m defending China.

Crazy by SubstanceSevere1448 in Darkroom

[–]ace17708 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Its like 600lb of film. No one is moving that, they would be loading it back into the canisters and then retaping it

China reveals first details of crewed moon landing mission by 2030 by wmdolls in space

[–]ace17708 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Ehh that Jet engine thing is true and not true. They lack design experience and ingenuity, but everything they’ve made so far has been solid. Their military jet engines are based on either Russian designs which are inferior or high by pass western commercial jet designs being adapted into a military engine. They have all the resources and facilities to make world class engines. Lithography is in the same boat if not further in the incubation stages.

The raptors are in a similar position along with the melting and issues. If the next starship launch has another hiccup we’re gonna have to push the schedule back until a it’s resolved or we find a new ride.