
Wcgw when you forget to turn off the pressure cooker. by [deleted] in Whatcouldgowrong

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Steam expands to 1600 times the initial water volume. So assuming it started out with about 10 gallons / 40 liters / 0.04 m3 , it would expand to about 64 m3 / 2260 ft3 . So basically the volume of a room and scalding hot.

Black holes/gravity as an alternative in railguns? by QuakeRanger in scifiwriting

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 1 point2 points  (0 children)

a regular black hole gun instead of that.

What is a regular black hole gun? Do you mean a regular black hole? Or is there a standard black hole gun in sci-fi that I'm completely unaware of?

Using an existing astronomical black hole to accelerate ammunition through a gravity assist trajectory seems theoretically possible. But remember that the black hole has to be moving at a speed and direction that helps the projectile accelerate to the target. Also consider using a rocket burn at the point of closest approach to exploit the Oberth Effect.

If you need to create a gravitational object rather than use an existing one, then you begin to raise questions of feasibility. And that's simply due to the nature of the energy and technology required to create a black hole of any scale.

Black holes/gravity as an alternative in railguns? by QuakeRanger in scifiwriting

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My smashing two subatomic particles together in a particle accelerator, we have made tiny black holes on earth.

This is not factually accurate. Humans have not developed a particle accelerator that can actually create black holes of any magnitude.

There was talk that in some very implausible models of speculative physics that the Large Hadron Collider might be capable of making micro black holes. But it was never really expected and never came to fruition.

Ron DeSantis campaign 'close to being over'—Ex-GOP governor by Miguenzo in politics

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Every once in a while, we get lucky when "culture war" BS rubs up against the inevitability of reality. I just wish the burden of those consequences wouldn't be collateral damage to the most vulnerable. But by design, it is.

How instant is an implosion? by Crab-Professional in AskPhysics

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Here's my calculation from a similar post:

The sub is 6.7 meters in length and the speed of sound of sea water at this depth is approximately 1500 m/s.

So assuming it was a failure in the window and sea water in the jet still mechanically functions in a similar matter, it would have taken 4.5 milliseconds to cross the entire length.

The sense that has the fastest perception to the brain is hearing and is 4 milliseconds.

So if you're at the very back from a window failure, you might hear something. Every other structural failure mode would be much faster and even less perceptible.

Also, "Titan is believed to have been 3,500m below sea level when contact was lost." "The pressure increases about one atmosphere for every 10 meters of water depth." That would have made the pressure about 350 atmospheres.

From the BBC article, a different calculation was made for the hull crushing.

When a submarine hull collapses, it moves inward at about 1,500mph (2,414km/h) - that's 2,200ft (671m) per second, says Dave Corley, a former US nuclear submarine officer.

The time required for complete collapse is about one millisecond, or one thousandth of a second.

A human brain responds instinctually to a stimulus at about 25 milliseconds, Mr Corley says. Human rational response - from sensing to acting - is believed to be at best 150 milliseconds.

Understanding the time implosion takes at great pressure. by ms1661 in PhysicsStudents

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The sub is 6.7 meters in length and the speed of sound of sea water at this depth is approximately 1500 m/s.

So assuming it was a failure in the window and sea water in the jet still mechanically functions in a similar matter, it would have taken 4.5 milliseconds to cross the entire length.

The sense that has the fastest perception to the brain is hearing and is 4 milliseconds.

So if you're at the very back from a window failure, you might hear something. Every other structural failure mode would be much faster and even less perceptible.

Also, "Titan is believed to have been 3,500m below sea level when contact was lost." "The pressure increases about one atmosphere for every 10 meters of water depth." That would have made the pressure about 350 atmospheres.

From the BBC article, a different calculation was made for the hull crushing.

When a submarine hull collapses, it moves inward at about 1,500mph (2,414km/h) - that's 2,200ft (671m) per second, says Dave Corley, a former US nuclear submarine officer.

The time required for complete collapse is about one millisecond, or one thousandth of a second.

A human brain responds instinctually to a stimulus at about 25 milliseconds, Mr Corley says. Human rational response - from sensing to acting - is believed to be at best 150 milliseconds.

Mine is super vocal. by NotTodayJackasses in blackpussy

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's also essential to be cute or attractive for this strategy to work.

Re: Carbon Fiber Pressure Vessels… I thought CF (like most fiber materials) work under tension, not compression??? by CallEmAsISeeEm1986 in AskEngineers

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The sub, The Limiting Factor, went to all the world's deepest trenches with multiple dives for each one. This is even more impressive than Cameron's sub, which was essentially used 1 time.

Fun fact, Gabe Newell (of Valve fame) now owns it.

Apparently the carbon fiber used to build the Titan's hull was bought by OceanGate from Boeing at a discount, because it was ‘past its shelf-life’ by Raybanned4lyfe in aviation

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This CEO was delusional. It's sad that there were no regulations and systems to protect the customers.

They don't have to be, but safety rules are written in blood most often because of the malfeasance of people like this.

Reddit is in danger of a death spiral by TommyAdagio in technology

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Anyone who doesn't realize that Reddit is headed towards a unified, ad-filled and/or monetized experience is truly ignorant or delusional.

Old.reddit, NSFW content, independent mods, are all on the chopping block.

It's just a somewhat slow drip as they deal with community friction. This is why I'm spending less and less time here.

Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored by BastianMobile in politics

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah. The drama of the event definitely contributed to the attention. We are drawn to unfolding stories of peril. And the narrative became even more compelling as the CEO's malfeasance came to light.

Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored by BastianMobile in politics

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 2 points3 points  (0 children)


But just because you went through misery doesn't make that system valid. Plus, you have to consider the survivorship bias that those who make it through the legal method can experience.

My family and best friend all took 8-25 years to enter the US legally. That's fucking ridiculous! They were skilled and lawful people who have become citizens, served in the military, saved lives, and built successful businesses. Just think of the wasted productivity from that wait.

The system the US has deliberately punitive, arbitrary, and class warfare.

Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored by BastianMobile in politics

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 23 points24 points  (0 children)

There's a difference between hubris and desperation. If you were in the migrant's shoes, you would see how logical a risk it is.

And I'm not calling the sub passengers idiots. The only one among them that truly deserved that fate was the Ocean Gate CEO for his deliberate malfeasance.

Constant "it's happening tomorrow/next week" fear porn drip drip drip by MechanicalTravesty in preppers

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Humans are slaves to the limitations of their biology and historical evolution.

Just like humans can be tricked by illusions and emotions that don't reflect reality, our internal simulation of the world's future is invariably prone to mistakes. Our brains are much more suited to revisiting fantasy and building community to self soothe.

This is the fear and reward hack that manipulators and charlatans exploit. And this is true, regardless of the particular fictional fantasy that they sell. Some leaders and followers genuinely believe the fiction and think it to be the ultimate truth beyond facts. Some leaders know that they are exploiting the genuineness of their followers for their personal gain.

This seems to be a nearly inescapable reality in all human experience to this point in time. So, I can believe this happens in this community. I just hope that I have personal awareness that I'm susceptible to it too. And so I check myself on how much it influences my investment in this activity. And I hope most of us do too.

I attempt to remind others of this mental trap, both here and IRL. And I think it's important for us all to keep it in mind.

At the end of the day, history teaches us that dangerous periods in society (to paraphrase Hemingway) happen slowly and then all at once. We are entering a new world of rapid climate change, breakdowns in democracy, rise in authoritarians, and escalating national tensions. However that can all be true and yet none of us individually may experience catastrophic societal collapse. Systems can take a time span longer than any individual life to break down. Just ask the peppers from the 50's who awaited cold war nuclear armageddon. Or the generations of Romans that exoerienced their society's near millennial long decline. The thing that actually kills you is more often, the every day, slow erosion of your societal protections.

This is all to say that prepping should be seen as an investment in personal risk management that hopefully goes unused. Anything beyond that ventures into fantasy.

Meta changes for the millionaire subclass? by F3ztive in outside

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Until the [Avoidable Disaster] debuff happens to your character. Maybe at that point your [Wisdom] skill will increase. But the RNG nature of the game and your particular [Self Awareness] and [Selfishness] skill level doesn't guarantee either outcome.

Meta changes for the millionaire subclass? by F3ztive in outside

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The meta has not changed.

The game has always had the RNG [Death] penalty for every player. The probability does vary by the [Risk Taking] attribute of the individual player build/stats. I think some wealthy players seek out these risks to bring more excitement to their game play.

However, the biggest lesson for everyone, is that players who attain rich class status don't have better skill builds or [Wisdom] and can overestimate their skill.

I believe the rumor is that the main guild leader that managed crafting of the mount overestimated his [Engineering] skill and cut corners in pursuit of gold and fame status.

Meta changes for the millionaire subclass? by F3ztive in outside

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Funny thing is, we're all playing that game mode.

iAmNotJoking by OnderGok in ProgrammerHumor

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Does the Geneva convention cover crimes against education? Cause something should.

Fractions don't make sense for a fourth grade dropout like me. by ifuckedlangos in learnmath

[–]I_AM_FERROUS_MAN 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would suggest going on YouTube and looking up videos on fractions. There are a lot and some should help.