
Just 12% Of Americans Want Exploring The Moon To Be NASA’s Top Priority—As Agency Prepares Artemis Moon Missions by Brickleberried in space

[–]Brickleberried[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Read the links I already posted here. It's literally basic statistics, which is foundational for almost all science.

Just 12% Of Americans Want Exploring The Moon To Be NASA’s Top Priority—As Agency Prepares Artemis Moon Missions by Brickleberried in space

[–]Brickleberried[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

statistics are not relevant when the sample has no idea how "space things" are accomplished.

What the hell are you talking about? It's a public opinion poll. Statistics are relevant.

And we absolutely have a fucking choice in whether the US government funds going back to the Moon or going to Mars. It's a policy choice. How in the hell do you think there's no choice here?

Absolutely bizarre comment by you. Just say that you disagree with the vast majority of Americans instead of saying, "statistics are irrelevant, and we have no choice to go to the Moon and Mars", which is a baffling and incredibly wrong thing to say.

Explosion in AdMo? by Ok_Suggestion3631 in washingtondc

[–]Brickleberried 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's fireworks, people. It's always fireworks.

Top spenders on space programs by country in 2021 and 2022 by Live_Carpenter_1262 in space

[–]Brickleberried [score hidden]  (0 children)

Only a very small percentage of that 0.5% is actually about planetary defense though.

Greene displays sexual images of Hunter Biden at IRS whistleblower hearing by FloopyDoopy in law

[–]Brickleberried 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You replied saying GA-14 doesn't need to be gerrymandered to vote R, implying GA-14 could only be gerrymandered to gain R votes, implying GA-14 isn't gerrymandered.

That is not at all what I implied. I'm saying that no matter what you do to northwest Georgia, it will vote Republican.

Greene displays sexual images of Hunter Biden at IRS whistleblower hearing by FloopyDoopy in law

[–]Brickleberried 0 points1 point  (0 children)

  1. Someone said GA-14 was gerrymandered to explain why it voted for MGT.

  2. I said GA-14 would vote for MGT regardless of whether or not it was gerrymandered.

  3. You responded with what you said, which didn't negate or support anything I said.

For the first time, a massive galaxy has been found to contain no dark matter, puzzling cosmologists by Shiny-Tie-126 in space

[–]Brickleberried 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Are you using the fact that dark matter is a good explanation because it's "designed" to be a good explanation as a negative?

We discover plenty of things indirectly, such as black holes and exoplanets. We don't need to physically see something to prove it (or strongly suggest) that it exists.

For the first time, a massive galaxy has been found to contain no dark matter, puzzling cosmologists by Shiny-Tie-126 in space

[–]Brickleberried 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Density is actually higher in the inner parts of galaxies. However, since the volume goes as r3 , the mass of dark matter in concentric shells increases out to large distances from the center until it eventually falls off.

For the first time, a massive galaxy has been found to contain no dark matter, puzzling cosmologists by Shiny-Tie-126 in space

[–]Brickleberried 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The density of dark matter would be very low. It's about 1% the mass of the Sun per cubic parsec.

For the first time, a massive galaxy has been found to contain no dark matter, puzzling cosmologists by Shiny-Tie-126 in space

[–]Brickleberried 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That was one possible explanations called "MACHOs", but evidence strongly rules against it.

For the first time, a massive galaxy has been found to contain no dark matter, puzzling cosmologists by Shiny-Tie-126 in space

[–]Brickleberried 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No, "dark matter" is dark matter, aka, matter that doesn't interact (much) with light. "Misunderstanding gravity" is not an example of potential "dark matter".

It could be different types of particles that have never been discovered, or it could be black holes, brown dwarfs, whatever, although observations so far strongly disfavor normal matter that is dark.