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Odballl commented on
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58 points · 1 hour ago

I always think there is no greater sign that you respect your own beliefs, you want to stand up for your own beliefs, you want others to know that you stand for your beliefs than marching in public, carrying flags, chanting slogans and covering your face so nobody knows who you are and you can deny you were ever there


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19 points · 40 minutes ago

All bullies are cowards.

Odballl commented on
Posted by
1 point · 6 hours ago

Carrots are a good snack. They give that nice crunch.

Popcorn without salt or butter is fairly low calorie too. Pop your own kernels to ensure no additives.

Odballl commented on
Posted by
10 points · 17 hours ago

Nuclear subs isn't about starting a war, its about finishing it.

Like it or fuckin' not Australia is going to war, and needs the equipment to defend herself and her allies, and defeat the aggressor.

Now latest intelligence shows that the next major war will be in the indo-pacific, and largely in the South China sea. Currently, from Stirling, the Collins-class submarine can only patrol for 11 days in the South China sea before needing to return. A nuclear sub can last 77 days.

Having only 11 days at a time to defeat a much larger enemy is a 1-way trip to losing a war.

This video talks about the importance of having a capable and professional military in the face of a tyrannical enemy. A well-equipped and trained military is a tool for peace.

One of his first points was to talk about his father. His father was defending the Netherlands from the Nazi invasion. He was a good shot, never missed. When the Nazis invaded, he saw them walk along the banks of a river he was guarding. He shot. Nothing happened. He shot again, nothing happened. The gun he was given was so old and incapable, he could not shoot Nazis on the other side of a river.

I personally don't want a repeat of that. A defence force unable to defend the country due to being ill-equipped. I'd much rather an enemy that is afraid to attack, or at the very least, one we can stop when they do.

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3 points · 7 hours ago

We'll get the Virginia class by early-mid 2030s. That's assuming no delays on acquisition. Guess we just have to hope nothing happens till then...

Odballl commented on
Posted by
0 points · 3 days ago

I haven't looked into it but maybe we buy a contract price for a period of supply and have to pay the value barrels were worth at the time of contract?

Odballl commented on
Posted by
2 points · 3 days ago

I worked in an electronics shop for 5 years. We would get LG and Samsung TVs back on a weekly basis for repair (in warranty and out). Rarely did I see a Sony TV. I bought a Sony TV in 2010 and it’s still going strong. Won’t by any other TV brand.

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2 points · 3 days ago

Panasonic are also good.

2 points · 3 days ago

Panasonic TVs pulled out of Australia after plasma technology retired. But yeah they were quality back then.

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1 point · 3 days ago

I have a 2018 OLED. Rated best TV of that year.

Odballl commented on
Posted by
0 points · 3 days ago

I think a couple of years of being on the way to the 43% reduction... and not actually seeing our carbon emissions go down might help with the Greens gaining more votes from Labor.

The teals who are already in parliament I think will mostly stay - independents (ie - not people who left parties) tend to do fairly well in Australia. It'll be interesting to see if any of the close teals win. The Coalition lost a lot of votes in seats they won at the last election, and the teals could run on "keeping Labor honest".

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1 point · 3 days ago

Worsening climate change will definitely boost the Green vote. I'd prefer we take real action now but it's just not going to happen.

Odballl commented on
Posted by
54 points · 3 days ago

He didn't get the screen doors. I'm disappointed.

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18 points · 3 days ago

What about a sunroof?

Odballl commented on
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29 points · 3 days ago

So what they're saving it that to stop a rate rise - which will put more people on the streets as the mortgage stress gets just too great - what they need is for more people to be unemployed - and put more people on the streets as they can't afford the mortgage or rent when unemployed.

Yup, those economists really know their shit!

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23 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

Anyone who castigates the unemployed for being lazy or mooching off taxpayer dollars should look up the NAIRU and shut their mouths.


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