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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Ministers pledge to return more illegal migrants

replied to The54thCylon

So perhaps a solution is to make them not an economic burden by allowing them to work and stopping punitive restrictions which force them onto (extremely meagre) state support.

Non-EEA migrants that arrive via legitimate means are generally a net burden to the UK, you think non-EEA refugees are going to fare any better?

We create systems that force people to be a burden then blame them for being a burden.

Yes lets just allow anyone that arrives and claims asylum to work immediately, that won't have far reaching consequences. Why would anyone go through the time and expense of going through legitimate channels by applying for a skilled worker visa or another type of visa if you can just come over and claim asylum and work immediately?

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The guy isn't from the UK so doesn't understand cultural norms they are asking for a perspective from people who will know.

Have you seen a lot of trains in India if you do not travel first class? They are incredibly busy, personal space certainly isn't readily available, if you were to act like the lady in the story you simply would not be able to use trains in India. I can understand the confusion.

Feels to me like he is trying to not commit a faux pas in future.

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What do all these rich instagram dingbats actually do?

Kez the Guru, hes been up to all sorts of shite

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Energy price cap expected to rise by 9% in October

replied to Veranova

It's really not horrendous financial advice, the average price per kWh for electricity on octopus tracker over the past 12 months has been roughly 19p, that includes last winter which is likely to have higher energy prices than this one. The fixed electric only deal with octopus is over 24p per kWh. Tracker only went up higher than that a handfull of times and the absolute highest it went was 31p.

Tomorrow my electric will be costing 18p per kWh, that is 25% less than the fixed tariff. It would cost me £22 more to be on the fixed tariff for the last 30 days alone.

The reasons for massive spikes have passed its unlikely to happen again this year and if it does you can immediately switch to the variable tariff to be protected by the price cap.

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Energy price cap expected to rise by 9% in October

replied to FredAndRose

Are we just going to ignore the fact the cap dropped by 23% April-June 2023, 37% July-September 2023, 7% October-December 2023 and 12% April-June 2024?

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Manchester's skyscraper debates hark back to its golden age

replied to dospc

How is building housing not economically productive?

  • Jobs for the people involved in designing the building

  • Jobs for the people involved in constructing the building

  • Jobs for the people involved in maintaining the building

  • Jobs for the people operating the building

  • The people residing in the building spend money in local businesses

  • The people residing in the building work at other economically productive buildings in the city

What do they do for Harpurhey beyond employing one security guard?

The first 4 points.

Secondly it provides housing for new people moving into the city so they don't move to Harpurhey and displace people that have lived there their whole life?

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Have I just lost £50?

replied to Not_Sugden

I guess if you were going to go as far as covering the cameras you could also get someone else to make a withdrawal of the same value and allow it to be taken back by the machine to purposely cause confusion but by the time you are going to that effort I imagine it would be much easier and less risky to just put a card skimmer on the machine and steal other people's money

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Have I just lost £50?

replied to Not_Sugden

Ah ok fair enough. The machine registers when someone doesn't take their cash and drags it back into the machine so it would be associated with a specific transaction, later on the cashier would balance the machine to check whether it was under or over as well so they would easily find out.

I guess if it happened twice before they refilled it with the same value withdrawal they may have a bit of a harder time to work it out but they all have CCTV iirc.

My.partner used to work in a bank and balance.the ATMs

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Have I just lost £50?

replied to Not_Sugden

The older paper notes had serial numbers

r/ukpolitics icon

Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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British Challenger 2 tanks thought to have been used inside Russia by Ukrainian troops

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Prices have gone mental

replied to st1101

Is profit margin not irrelevant though?

No. It's very relevant.

The profit margin above is roughly 4%. That is literally 4p profit on every pound spent.

eg. They sell something for £1, they are making 4p profit. This is so thin something as small as a freezer going down and the food in there being spoiled could push them into loss.

Are you genuinely suggesting it's a sustainable business model to reduce this?

From the second half of your initial post:

Plus renting in the city centre is mental as well for small businesses. There’s a place on Stevenson square up for rent now, it’s not massive. They want £3000 per month, business rates are another £800 per month and there’s an unspecified service charge. With staffing costs and utilities you’re probably talking minimum £15k monthly just to keep the place open. If you make £2 profit, which is probably generous, on every pint you sell, you need to sell 7500 pints a month just to break even.

Let's assume they sell the pints for £6, £2 profit would be a profit margin of 33%. Imagine how many pints they would need to sell if they were only making 24p per pint (4%). 62,500 pints.

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Prices have gone mental

replied to st1101

Yeah this is it. Had to listen to the big supermarkets tell us that their costs are going up so their prices are during the cost of living crisis, yet Morrisons, Tesco, Asda have all reported massive increases in profits? So clearly their prices are going up more than their costs are.

The nominal value for profit will increase yes because costs have increased and therefore prices have increased. Their profit margins have remained pretty consistent.

Tesco profit margin for:

  • 2020 - 4.4%

  • 2021 - 3.1%

  • 2022 - 4.6%

  • 2023 - 3.8%

  • 2024 - 4.1%

If you are insistent on using nominal values then wages are at also the highest level they have ever been....

r/HousingUK icon

Use this subreddit to get advice on renting or buying accommodation in the UK, or to have civil discussions about it. Please remember: Reddit IS NOT a replacement or substitute for a qualified solicitor, and any advice given here which relates to the law is purely academic in nature and should not be relied upon.

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RICS: Landlords disappear, and rents expected to rise further

The problem is that most rentals are owned by big corporations

No they aren't?

Most (84%) tenancies were represented by individual landlords, with companies representing 13% and those with both or other organisations 3%. In 2018, the picture was largely the same, Annex Table 1.3.

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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UK economy’s recovery from pandemic stronger than first thought

replied to Sea_Yam3450

Yes they are all sat there pressing F5 on the GDP figures before deciding whether to attend a riot later

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What are you asking?

No one can guarantee what you are going to come across if you visit

I live in the city centre and have not heard a peep, if it wasn't for the news coverage I'd not even know there has been disturbances, there are others who have probably had the complete opposite experience

r/AskUK icon
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Can you beat the worst interview I’ve ever had?!


A Muslim colleague of mine went to an interview once and the guy interviewing him asked him if he had ever been on a jihad before.

The interviewer was a bit thick and meant hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires Mostly True

replied to SpeedflyChris

450k would buy an annuity slightly below the current UK state pension for 2 people

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires Mostly True

replied to AliAskari

Your initial point was why are we providing state benefits (the pension) to people that live in expensive houses.

I am asking whether you support this for people in receipt of other state benefits (housing benefit or social housing)

For example, my aunt lives in Islington and is a council tenant, the property she lives in is worth about £1.2m (it is a beautiful Georgian terrace)

Why should someone that lives next door and owns not be afforded a pension where as she gets subsidised housing of the same standard AND a state pension.

If we are going to ask homeowners that live in expensive houses to vacate, surely the same should apply to social tenants and housing benefit claimants.

This is homes we are talking about, not liquid assets

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires Mostly True


The UK state pension is low compared to other European countries. Most other countries have a much higher cap and the amount you get is tied to your average lifetime earnings. High earners and ergo tax payers get significantly more than their British peers, no one is ashamed about it either.

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Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

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Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires Mostly True

replied to AliAskari

We don't pay housing benefit to people who own expensive houses and we don't provide social housing for them either.

I am not claiming either of these things.

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Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires Mostly True

replied to AliAskari

Your point seems to hinge upon the fact we shouldn't be paying for people (pensioners) to live in expensive houses.

I am asking whether the same rules should be applied to people in receipt of housing benefit or social housing tenants (the tax payer subsidising people to live in expensive houses)

Example: if you are in receipt of housing benefit and live in inner London and have 2 children, you receive £25,849 per year towards your housing costs.

If we are going to ask pensioners to move to cheaper accommodation, surely we should be asking the same of other people. They can just move, like the pensioners

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