
Daily Questions Megathread (04/23) by Rinczmia in EpicSeven

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

New player here. I very often see "ML [character name]" in guide or discussion, and I'm kind of guessing these are referring to some alt vers of said characters, but 1) what does ML exactly stand for?, and 2) how to get them (standard moonlight summon?)?

Daily Questions Megathread (04/06) by Rinczmia in EpicSeven

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

1 week player here, I'm hoarding crystals - is there a good event/banner incoming for which I should hold?

Have some folks replaced this subreddit by ChatGPT? by becuziwasinverted in excel

[–]Aeliandil 7 points8 points  (0 children)

if you're submitting code then in my opinion, you have a responsibility to ensure that you know how it works and can document it where required

*programmers across the world sweating profusely*

Daily Questions Megathread (03/26) by Rinczmia in EpicSeven

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In many guides, some not that old, I'm seeing a lot of reference to a selector summons after story 1-10. Is it referring to the selective summons that you unlock after 1-4 (and it used to be 1-10, but moved to 1-4), or is it something different?

How can I convert cm to inch? by [deleted] in excel

[–]Aeliandil 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Something like the below?


How do you filter a table when doing a VLOOKUP so you get the value you want, but ONLY IF it matches your criteria? by InevitableTraining69 in excel

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)


Assuming your table above is in A1 (and so, A:A is the Company ID column, etc etc etc)

US general warns British Army no longer top-level fighting force, defence sources reveal by iThinkaLot1 in europe

[–]Aeliandil 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Point of these rhetorical questions is always about "what's considered as valid criticisms and by whom", though.

A UK Admiral or a US general is not going to emit some thoughts if they don't think it's valid. Question is whether the opposite party would consider it as such.

US general warns British Army no longer top-level fighting force, defence sources reveal by iThinkaLot1 in europe

[–]Aeliandil 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Also, power projection would be an issue for Israel.

If the fight is in their own turf, Israel is going to cause you trouble. If it's somewhere else in the world, not much they'd be doing.

US general warns British Army no longer top-level fighting force, defence sources reveal by iThinkaLot1 in europe

[–]Aeliandil 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Then France at the same level than China or Russia in terms of fighting capabilities ?

I can see the reasoning, if you stick to the literal definition of fighting, i.e. "put these armies in the battlefield and see what gives". French army issue would be its size as you rightly mention, and in a war, attrition would be quite a hassle. But they could at the beginning takes fight with China and Russia without much discrepancies between the two.

At a strategic level, French army doesn't have the size for an offensive campaign against Russia or China. At a tactical level, French forces are more than capable of fighting either of them.

German police protect bucket-wheel-excavator from climate activists in the former village of Lützerath (source in comments) by Niran_ in europe

[–]Aeliandil 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Graphics are super realistic, but gameplay is kinda annoying, tbh. Difficulty really needs to be overhauled.

Transport of KATRIN, a giant anti-neutrino detector, trough a small town in Germany by Franpalokaj in europe

[–]Aeliandil -11 points-10 points  (0 children)

The tank was too large to be transported via highways from Deggendorf, located on the Danube, to Karlsruhe - the overland route would have been about 350 km long.

I really don't understand that part. It really doesn't look too large, else how would it even go through a village if it can't go through a highway, width wise?

Can the SUM function round up or down based on what is listed in a cell? by Joeskis in excel

[–]Aeliandil 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I actually initially expected to have to enter this as an array formula (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)(and it does work as an array formula too), but it works as a normal formula.

That's because you're using a recent version of Excel. Can't remember at which version it is starting (I think Excel 2016 and before won't do it?), but Excel is now assuming array formula when using range even if it's not explicitly entered (with CSE) as such.

Azerbaijan demands Karabakh mine access as condition to end protests blocking road by Quartz1992 in europe

[–]Aeliandil 4 points5 points  (0 children)

so they will not be dealt with right now.

So they are indeed getting a pass for now.

Did the war in Ukraine come as a shock to your country? by wooptoo in europe

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He quitted.

But that was when the French didn't give him what he wanted, in a referendum.

Are tables slow or is it me? by GlassBottleCokes in excel

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ah, so it's not a performance issue you're referring to.

Thank you.

Are tables slow or is it me? by GlassBottleCokes in excel

[–]Aeliandil 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Discovering this, can you elaborate on this one? What's breaking, why?

Does it mean I should not use lookup to look for info within the table, or I should not even use lookup in the table to look for info outside of it? Does xlookup fix the issue?