
NIO adds solid-state pack to user manuals, 930 km range imminent by ProtoplanetaryNebula in electricvehicles

[–]Magnesus [score hidden]  (0 children)

The larger the battery, the less cycles it will go through as you drive it, so the battery will last longer than a small battery. Likely longer than the rest of the car.

AITA for leaving a note on my neighbor’s doorstep about his screaming children? by LucyAriaRose in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]Magnesus 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Children scream, of course they do, but not the entire freaking day.

My neighbor kids managed to do exactly that every day there was good weather and no school for years until they got older. :) Thankfully I have good windows and high tolerance for noise so it never really bothered me (until the parents bought a motorbike for the oldest kid and he started driving it around the garden, that was bad, but thankfully didn't last long, they bought him an electric scooter and I haven't heard the motorbike since - maybe the noise got to them too, ha ha).

Keep in mind that "children screaming all day" probably means they were likely shrieking and laughing and talking in loud high voices while playing and running as children do. It sounds like a constant shriek from a distance. Like on a break in middle school, the noise level is beyond safe level at schools quite often due to that.

1) That's why you should avoid using proprietary software. Nobody can screw around with your SD running locally with all your settings 2) A photographer also can't take photos without a camera, so luddites should really get down off their high horses "oh i don't need tools to create" by Present_Dimension464 in DefendingAIArt

[–]Magnesus -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Xi is not blocked since the new moderation AI (there are no blocked words anymore), the old algorithms are always available with a setting (even subversion like 5.1 or 4a). The whole post is absolute nonsense made up by luddites and you are buying into it.

Godot 4.1 is here, smoother, more reliable, and with plenty of new features by akien-mga in godot

[–]Magnesus 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Run it from a cmd window to see what message it shows before it crashes.

I haven't browsed the Celsius sub for a while and...man, they are not taking things well by jimmythemini in Buttcoin

[–]Magnesus 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Will Mt Gox ever release the money or will they postpone it until lawyer fees are higher than what was left?

Wonder if this is still happening: https://decrypt.co/44464/mt-gox-creditors-suffer-1-2-million-in-fees-since-march

Only 288,330 Kraken users, out of 4 million, have ever filed a tax return. by [deleted] in Buttcoin

[–]Magnesus 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is it excellent? Seems like it is not that good even for that - for money laundering you need the illusion it is legitimate and no investigatio, for illegal purchases you need reasonable speed and fees, for fraud and scams you need it to be easy to use so you can fool not very smart marks into using it...

OOP thinks they're going insane by Acceptable_Tie_5984 in BestofRedditorUpdates

[–]Magnesus 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I got aphasia only once during a migraine attack. It was so weird - I could think normally but couldn't say or read anything aloud because before I finished a syllable my mind would jump to another word and it would end up giberrish. I remained calm and just went to bed without saying anything to anyone (since it would be giberrish anyway). I was fine the next day.

(It was no brain tumor though, just good old migraine - thankfully I rarely get them now, around once every three years and much milder than when I was a kid.)

Which careers allow for the most time off a year? by Altruistic-Carpet-43 in leanfire

[–]Magnesus 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Keep in mind when choosing a mining job that you may end up like my friend who is paralized and on a wheelchair.

Which careers allow for the most time off a year? by Altruistic-Carpet-43 in leanfire

[–]Magnesus 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It is not automatic though, some self-employed people work more than people at normal jobs.

Russians die under mysterious circumstances in Mariupol – City Council by Beyond_The_Dim in worldnews

[–]Magnesus 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Offtopic but the author of Annihilation wrote an excellent story with a bear in a ruined city: Borne. He seems to like bears.

Midjourney’s new Pan feature: 5 things you need to know by Geeky-Animals in midjourney

[–]Magnesus 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks. I would have missed it and it is more useful than zoom out. :)

I[22F] just found out that my dad[45M] is sleeping with ny roommate[20F]. by ThrowRA_livi in relationships

[–]Magnesus -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

So... your dad is dating someone not just your age, but who is a lot like you.

Technically most dads do at some point date someone who is a lot like their daughters (the mom) - that is just how genetics works.

Actor Allison Mack released from prison after serving 2 years in NXIVM sex-trafficking case by flowerhoney10 in entertainment

[–]Magnesus 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Writer Vanessa Grigoriadis reported that when she met Mack, the actress took “full responsibility for coming up with the DOS cauterized brand.” Believing a tattoo was not enough, she “wanted to do something more meaningful, something that took guts.”


Scarlett Johansson’s surprisingly, endearingly awful fashion (in her early days) by parishilton2 in popculturechat

[–]Magnesus 18 points19 points  (0 children)

And interestingly celebrity fashion was one of the plot points of Hunger Games.

The death of Twitter: Is it real this time, thanks to Threads? by n1ght_w1ng08 in Twitter

[–]Magnesus 16 points17 points  (0 children)

And they won't be able to launch Threads in EU due to the app breaking privacy laws.