
Being a millennial is hard by [deleted] in suspiciouslyspecific

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The phishing attempts our IT team sends out to test how vulnerable we are as a company always had some spelling mistakes. You can always hover over the the links before you click them and see if they actually lead to the website of the company they're supposed to be from, or whether they have a really long weblink to something fishy. If you know how to navigate to what you need, don't click links in mails at all.

You can also click the sender. Usually the sender of a phishing mail will have chosen a legitimately sounding "name" like 'Fed Ex Customer Service' but once you click that name the mail details you'll see the actual mail address it's sent from and it usually becomes pretty obvious whether it's really from that service or not. If they don't have the company they're from in their email domain (everything after the @) don't bother opening it. If it's a really long email address, also probably fake.

But even when it seems to be a real address, they could catch you by using Cyrillic characters instead of latin characters in their domain name. These look pretty much the same, but they often lead you to a very identical website and want you to fill in passwords and other sensitive information that they then get to see and use.

Golden rule, especially at work: don't click anything not work related. There's no reason you'd need to click a fed ex link on a work computer or on your work mail address (if the order isn't work related). Anything that seems too good to be true, like winning lotteries you never participated in, getting tax returns (again: why would you see that mail on your work account?), getting packages you never ordered... probably are too good to be true.

Also be careful with mails that try to scare you into immediate action. If get mails that tell you some account will be blocked or deleted if you don't click the link, and you have no idea what it's about. If it makes you curious and maybe emotional, assume that there's a malicious reason why they'd want you to click the link. Use your browser to manually go to the website they claim to be representing (if it's something you were already familiar with!) and use the customer support there to check whether you really are in trouble with something. Maybe ask if you can forward the email to an address the company uses to handle phishing attempts in their name so they can warn customers not to fall for these tricks.

You can always report phishing or spam mails once you've opened them. But preferably, if you can already determine it's spam or phishing: don't even open the mail. Some of them just measure whether the phishing mails get opened by having a tracking pixel send back data to the sender about the time of opening and possible location and a few other details. They want to see who opens these mails and by doing so, determine which mail addresses are actively used. Then then sell lists of active mail addresses to other scammers because those are worth more since there's a higher chance to actually be able to scam people that way.

If you use at least some of these tips, you'll be a bit safer. I also suggest you don't see these training courses about online safety as a "punishment" for failing the test. They pretty much teach you what I've tried to write down here in response to your desire to want to know how to be safer online.

Ok, I feel one coming. Are you ready? by no_regards in calvinandhobbes

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Calvin does have a lot of time on his hands.

Anyway, the point is moot. Clearly Hobbes is real for Calvin.

In the US, Republicans seek to impose work requirements for food stamp (SNAP) recipients, arguing that food stamps disincentivize work. However, empirical analysis shows that such requirements massively reduce participation in the food stamps program without any significant impact on employment. by smurfyjenkins in science

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Don't believe me? Go ahead and try it for yourself:

Find someone who supports this measure. Give them this study that shows it doesn't work. Did they change their mind? What does that tell you?

I support your point about the cruelty. But trying to use a scientific study as an argument isn't going to be very successful in a discussion with far-right wing voters anyway. But I do wish it would be.

I put it off for a month. It took 9 minutes. by theapril in ADHD

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Don't you have the frozen spinach and cream? Or definitely won't go to waste. Just heat it. Doesn't take up much storage in the freezer either

The secondhand embarrassment I felt for this guy by shanmikko in sadcringe

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Why is he even looking to impress women at the beach 3 weeks after losing his daughter? I'd merely be concerned that he doesn't understand the gravity of his own situation. Everyone copes with the death of loved ones in their own way, but this is a pitiful way. It had to be that, otherwise he'd just be lying about a dead daughter to talk shame into girls for rejecting him, and what psycho would do that?

...then do shit like this... by [deleted] in clevercomebacks

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 7 points8 points  (0 children)

But I'm not aware of the Lakota defacing that mountainside by altering its view for all the future generations. Even if they stole it from other tribes before them, they would have conserved it better than the United States government at the time did.

If the GOP would win an election in California and carved their initials in huge letters on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, people would also be upset. And they'd have every right. It's a symbolic mountain that would be scarred by human arrogance for every generation to come. Even without the religious/spiritual role, this would be a very similar situation to me.

Convicted cop impersonator who raped woman during illegal traffic stop sentenced to life in prison by Brix106 in news

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I don't know if it's the same in the US. But in the Belgian law system, if you appeal after you lost your first case, I think the second case isn't going to redo everything. They won't judge the content of the crime itself all over again, or any new arguments on the case itself. They will only take a look at whether any procedural mistakes were made, and make the judgement again, excluding possible errors so that the trial is supposed to be judged more fairly (but in reality, I think most are just hoping for another judge who might judge differently).

But I've never seen judges here be as blatantly politically biased as I've read about lately in the US. If I were ever to be judged in a court case there, I'd appeal the case too if I felt this was politically motivated.

I'm taking my $0 elsewhere by rschultz91 in MurderedByWords

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That's how it should be. People should see it, and know it is just another example of a healthy relationship. The movie doesn't need to revolve around that.

It's like internet dating. 20 years ago it was always shown as uncommon, maybe weird, but by now it's just another type of dating, another way to find love that is represented

One of my 9th graders got his girlfriend pregnant by anapashu22 in Teachers

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think "having someone who loves her no matter what" is the reasoning for a lot of really young people to have children. And unfortunately, a recurring pattern when I see people have children for that reason is that they smother their children and become really dependent on them. They want to be the most important person in their child's life, and anyone else who attempts to play a meaningful part in their child's life faces a lot of scrutiny since it's their child and so they should get to decide. These parents seem to have a lot of issues letting their child make their own decisions and possibly trust someone else.

Divorcing husband of 14 years for being broke by Theos_U in ChoosingBeggars

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I don't even get why they need the long painted nails. I never found that remotely attractive.

Angry Google employees are mocking CEO Sundar Pichai's pay hike with memes, including one of a 'Shrek' villain, report says by Demon9o in technology

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I always saw the image of a board handing the CEO a golden parachute and telling him to take risks while he's climbing in the cockpit of a plane full of people. And then seeing him setting up the plan for a disaster and being told to jump off the plane with his golden parachute "as a punishment", as he's abandoning the plane full of people seconds before impact. And then getting to tell the next board that he's an experienced pilot, and why that would be a good thing in his situation.

Fuck all the way off with this nonsense, ZipRecruiter by RPDRNick in assholedesign

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

When I was a kid in 5th or 6th grade, my best friend and I made a webpage where we advertised imaginary products with lines that said "now -90% discount!" with the - in a very small font and almost the same color as the background. The idea was that with negative discounts, people would have to pay 90% more than the normal price. We felt like real adults who found a loophole that would make us rich.

Hitting the Books: We'd likely have to liquidate Jupiter to build a Dyson Sphere around the Sun by WSBafarian in space

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

An entire box of nuts and bolts? Now you're overestimating the problem. It's just a ring around the sun; it's not that big.

What have I done? by n3rdychick in dndmemes

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ooh that's how you get a player to take the leftovers of their snacks back with them after the session.

Misleading packaging :/ by cloakedninjas in assholedesign

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They want to trick you into paying for what you believe to be about 30 of these figurines. And it's so cheap of them, since so many people with 3D-printers could probably print these for little to no cost.

Just step up big boy by emilyblunt2023 in clevercomebacks

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And those courts are mostly stacked in his favor. And even then, his claims are mostly too outrageous for those courts to bend the the verdict to his will.

This represents a single week of mugs and glasses that my wife leaves in our bathroom. I clean all of these every week, and they are back the next. Anyone else feel my pain? by newmyy in mildlyinfuriating

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm still getting rid of body hair, clipping nails, etc. And I'm still blow-drying my hair there. I feel I don't want any drinks in there because whatever hair or nail clippings could be on a surface could end up in a drink.

I think of all the times I've DM'd I only once didn't started a campaign this way. by Some_Random_Android in dndmemes

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I like it that way. I've seen it done like that in Dimension 20 campaigns and it's nice to see the characters fleshed out before they meet. In that way, the backstory and the motivations to join the party actually matter, instead of them being skipped over because there was no organical way to bring those up in the tavern.

But muh freedoms! by beerbellybegone in MurderedByWords

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or even abide by the laws that they do know.

Guess who was just indicted by the NYC Grand Jury! by _jump_yossarian in agedlikemilk

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I think during Trump's presidency someone from his team leaked they often wrote social media posts for Trump. They added in grammatical errors and typo's to make it look more genuine, as if Trump wrote it himself. I would bet money that this typo was intentionally written for that purpose.

[spoilers extended] do you guys think Jaime will become decent at [redacted] again? by grimm_aced in asoiaf

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Just like owning a dragon, Jaime needs to prove himself by finding different solutions. His valyrian steel sword and his reputation as a great swordsman will have to be his big stick, a threat that shouldn't every be used. In Jamie's case because he'd be dead if he gets himself in a fight. In Dany's case, everyone else will be dead and public opinion will turn against her if she flips and actually uses her dragons outside of a battlefield.

When you're a jerk on a jet ski... and then they catch up to you later by DirkDieGurke in WatchPeopleDieInside

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unlike a car, a jetski usually is a luxury expense. Not that it's more expensive than a car, but rarely anyone really needs one. Especially if they're this reckless, it's probably just money to throw away anyway.

When you're a jerk on a jet ski... and then they catch up to you later by DirkDieGurke in WatchPeopleDieInside

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 10 points11 points  (0 children)

If he's rich enough to get a jet ski, his parents probably have enough money that he won't learn a lesson from this incident

[Art] Limits of Changeling Appearance by Flat_Chance_6226 in DnD

[–]HeirOfHouseReyne 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think Moonbeam can also make changelings revert back to their original form if they fail their save with disadvantage.