
Oh god by N00b22 in assholedesign

[–]Grindl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same demo and same ads. Obviously not every ad is one of those things, but there's an uncomfortably large number of them.

I tried to love WotLK, but it's not the same. by ZombieFruitNinja in classicwow

[–]Grindl -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Because I switched mains for ulduar. If you had any reading comprehension, you might have noticed the dates.

I tried to love WotLK, but it's not the same. by ZombieFruitNinja in classicwow

[–]Grindl -1 points0 points  (0 children)

The wrath ele rotation is braindead. There are 3 spells with explicit priorities, and 0 thought.

There was no need to downrank in TBC outside of T4 unless your raid was really bad. Mana management was about chain lightning and consumable usage. It required some actual thought and correction based on how the fight was going.

I tried to love WotLK, but it's not the same. by ZombieFruitNinja in classicwow

[–]Grindl -1 points0 points  (0 children)

... No it wasn't. Did you actually play ele? Mana management was one part consumable timing and one part balancing chain lightning use. I don't think there was a single fight outside of T4 where downranking was necessary unless your raid had horrible kill times.

This is another way to put Prince William's life by Impressive_Effect887 in technicallythetruth

[–]Grindl 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The point of middle class is that they both work and acquire wealth passively. They don't exclusively depend on their own labor to put food on the table.

There's also people who are self-employed and structure it as a business, but employ no other full-time workers. They're not "owners".

This is another way to put Prince William's life by Impressive_Effect887 in technicallythetruth

[–]Grindl 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Pew's definition is nonsense. Middle income is still working class, and isn't meaningfully different than the lower third.

The actual definition of middle class is based on how much of your income comes from capital vs your own labor. That's how it was first used. That's how politicians still use it. Look at any bill designed to "support the middle class". It helps small business owners, people living off capital gains, and landlords. Not people who work for a living.

“ Hitler has not attacked us why attack hitler? “ Anti war protest July 1941 by icelandicvader in agedlikemilk

[–]Grindl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The only thing D-Day changed was how far west the Iron Curtain fell. The Soviets were on a continuous offensive since Kursk, and tied up the large majority of Axis forces even after D-Day.

I tried to love WotLK, but it's not the same. by ZombieFruitNinja in classicwow

[–]Grindl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The shaman class fantasy is the buffbot, and wotlk is the expansion of "everyone gives buffs". There's no good way to square the two.

Resto flexing ele on fights where you don't need as many healers is in a good spot, but the ele rotation is somehow less engaging than it was in TBC with mana management.

Election turnout - under 9% by ChefMikeDFW in Dallas

[–]Grindl 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Voter suppression takes many forms. Some are more direct, like purging voter rolls or the old literacy tests. Some are less, like not making an effort to notify constituents that there is an election.

**PSA to driver's of extremely loud muscle cars** by Legal_Equipment_2265 in Dallas

[–]Grindl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Let me just come up to your front door and blast an airhorn every half hour.

I get that you are completely incapable of understanding the concept of a captive audience, but maybe someone else reading this thread will realize that subjecting a person to something they can't escape from is evil.

Are you even edict-maxxing? by Vae94 in victoria3

[–]Grindl 6 points7 points  (0 children)

There are also leader modifiers for 25%, and it's possible to get up to two of them on one ruler.

Trading halted in shares of two more US lenders as fears of banking crisis mount — Regulators step in after PacWest and Western Alliance shares plunge as investors fear repeat of First Republic, SVB and Signature failures by marketrent in Economics

[–]Grindl 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Fiat currency is backed by more than just a collective agreement. It's backed by a guaranteed source of demand in the form of taxes. And the demand for taxes is backed by guns.

Trading halted in shares of two more US lenders as fears of banking crisis mount — Regulators step in after PacWest and Western Alliance shares plunge as investors fear repeat of First Republic, SVB and Signature failures by marketrent in Economics

[–]Grindl 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yes. And everyone would put their money where it can earn some interest instead of where there is a fee for holding it. And now you're back at square 1 (or worse if these new institutions don't have reserve requirements)

Blizzard's priorities by desert2k in classicwow

[–]Grindl 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It literally only scrapes the top 5000. Take a look at the ranking of the last player on the list.

Blizzard's priorities by desert2k in classicwow

[–]Grindl 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Give number estimates, just so we can laugh at how wrong you are.

Blizzard's priorities by desert2k in classicwow

[–]Grindl 2 points3 points  (0 children)

How many people do you actually think are playing each? Wrath arena is in the tens of thousands. There's no way HC is even close.

It's pretty clear that HC is getting a disproportionate amount of resources from Blizzard compared to their number of players. It might be more proportional to twitch views.

Blizzard's priorities by desert2k in classicwow

[–]Grindl -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Streamers are the reason that Blizzard is spending a non-proportional level of resources on this specific problem. GMs were significantly less involved in the rooftop camping problem per player.

Apartment hunting in Dallas starter pack by sybildb in Dallas

[–]Grindl 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I've used one once. Ever. I had just moved in, but for some reason, the internet wouldn't be turned on until the next day.

Ted Cruz is screwed in 2024 by viovetf in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]Grindl 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Some of them want to, but can't.

The wait to get a photo ID (required for voting) is months longer in certain locations than others. The wait at the polling places themselves is hours longer in certain locations than others.

Some of them have felony plea deals for victimless crimes. Some of them are drawn in to districts where their vote won't change the outcome of most of the races on their ballot.

Still wondering what these symbols meant to this day by saif-with-curls in gameofthrones

[–]Grindl 21 points22 points  (0 children)

"If we put a giant wire around the whole city, I get infinite spellslots"

We should've stuck with the original by Boojibs in PoliticalHumor

[–]Grindl 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Coins with "In God We Trust" can be found all the way back to the Civil War, but it was not required to be on every coin until almost a century later.

The salt level on this subreddit is going to be insane when official Hardcore servers release by TruthCanBePainful in classicwow

[–]Grindl 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've been kicked off my flying mount to my death due to phasing in storm peaks. Not the same as a flight path, but flying is always just a touch dangerous.

What laptop would be best for Victoria 3? by Gorillainabikini in victoria3

[–]Grindl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

16 gigs of DDR5 RAM is basically the minimum, but can still not be enough in the late game if there's been a lot of migration and pop splintering. Laptops with 32 gigs are generally ludicrously overpriced, however.

The other important component is an SSD. While the game will eventually load off of a spinning disk hard drive, it takes an eternity and a half.