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AuditoryCreampie commented on
Posted by
2 points · 3 hours ago

I would consider a temp agency if you keep having trouble. It’ll get you some more experience past Target and might end up getting you a full time job. I got a data entry job from a temp agency making 50k a year which was pretty nice.

Op2 points · 2 hours ago

Is a temp agency a good look on a resume? I was under the impression that "bouncing around jobs" looks bad. Is that wrong? Or is the experience ultimately more important than the history and its impression?

I'm also scared of a temp agency because of the "temp" part. I want the security of a job long-term. Is that just something I can't avoid? I mean, theoretically, I'd love the idea of just shadowing work before I do it myself (even without pay, honestly), but I suppose this is the next best thing. 50k a year sounds like an absolute dream compared to now.

Thank you for the input, I appreciate it.

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1 point · 1 hour ago

The job I ended up landing would use the temp agency to hire their full time staff. So basically I joined this temp agency and they placed me there, and they ended up deciding to keep me pretty quickly. All of my coworkers were hired this way too. They were just too busy to interview applicants so they outsourced their hiring with the agency. You could also have the temp agency as your employer since they’ll technically be the ones signing your pay checks.

AuditoryCreampie commented on
Posted by
1 point · 3 hours ago

NTA. Oh man. I have a similar situation with my father. I did tell him but it was a quick text as an FYI but it was mostly encouraged by my grandma. If he wanted to know about your life he would and you wouldn’t need to go out of your way to tell him things. It’s not worth it to waste the effort after years of doing it.

AuditoryCreampie commented on
Posted by
10 points · 3 hours ago

Longer hours from time to time is pretty normal. If they expect it every week, hell no. My last job expected that and I ended up working less, and only working what my paycheck reflected. It was a slippery slope for my position and they ended up losing half their staff over it. The more you give the more they’ll take until they break you.

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Posted by6 hours ago
1 point · 4 hours ago

Have you been checked for polyps? I have had polyps several times and bleeding and cramping are my symptoms

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Op1 point · 3 hours ago

Not thoroughly I guess. I’ve had normal examinations done and Pap smears but nothing more invasive. My doctor usually just tells me she doesn’t see anything and it has to be my anxiety

AuditoryCreampie commented on
Posted by
1 point · 7 hours ago

I work in event production. Back before covid I was working concerts and staying on my feet alll daaay. Like back to back 21 hour shifts with the usual shift being 16 or so hours. Now I just do a normal 9-5 in AV lol my body has slowed down recently. It still keeps me on my feet but I get some days to relax. It can be fairly easy it start off in but the pay doesn’t get get until you get some certs and experience under your belt.

AuditoryCreampie commented on
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Op16 points · 23 hours ago

I’ll try this one because I forgot that I’d already joined and left the other one. I appreciate ya.

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0 points · 7 hours ago

Yeah r/truechildfree definitely has less people that are bitter. It seems to have more casual discussions about the regular irritants of being CF.

If you want to go somewhere to rant and belittle women then r/childfree is the one to go lol

AuditoryCreampie commented on
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0 points · 1 day ago

I’m married to an Asian man. I know a few Asian guys that don’t have any trouble dating.

AuditoryCreampie commented on
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Op8 points · 2 days ago

I do have a degree - in political science.. How difficult would it be to jump into supply chain at like a junior level? I really don't know the first thing about purchasing other than literally buying the items and vaguely budgeting, I haven't been given any guidance or structure the entire two years I've been here, the owner keeps everything to himself.

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4 points · 1 day ago

Honestly I have a degree in theatre and fell into a sales job for a supply chain making 50k a year. Some places just want you to have any degree.


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