
They reveal themselves. by itsamemario115 in TikTokCringe

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ditto, I don't have any tissues at all anywhere in the house although I rarely get sniffles so maybe I'm an outlier :)

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wouldn't be surprised if that's a translation error for something like "base components". For a long time Google Lens translated "Hydraulic Ram" into "Water Sheep" :P

Indigenous nation in Washington State seeks to block billion-dollar Roberts Bank Terminal Expansion by rmumford in vancouver

[–]recurrence 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It would be so nice if this were automated. China has ports that are mostly automated and it saves an incredible amount of overhead that western ports currently expend on human resources and the vast amount of overhead that human resource bring themselves.

How to transition to a startup if you have only worked at Big tech companies? by asmita97 in startups

[–]recurrence 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Expect chaos and a lack of tooling. You’re going to want to do things how you used to do things, and that’s probably wrong. It’s wrong because there aren’t resources to maintain a lot of the stuff that large caps allocate resources for.

Bias towards pushing code and shipping.

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Agreed the site is trash but that was the link on the HN thread. Feel free to post a better one :)

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

$30 seems too expensive for that. EG: you can buy one of these as a consumer for $70 each https://m.alibaba.com/product/1600112085685/Factory-6-42inch-flexible-capacitive-amoled.html

Edit: $25 in bulk for these https://m.alibaba.com/product/1600227555642/6-Inch-2160x1080-Bendable-Flexible-Display.html

Really gets at how premium these Sony displays are. They must be spectacular

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This firm appears to be a supply chain analysis group and has been publishing BoM lists for other devices for over a year now. Their previous lists were correct IIRC. They don’t have access to any of the hardware but they’re aware of various ventures between suppliers.

Regarding the lenses, Largan has always been cited as the provider for this device dating back years. I don’t think listing Largan leans either way.

That said, it certainly could be fake (as in a faked list entirely... it's definitely not Apple's actual BoM) although these last minute Chinese supply chain BoM leaks without anything crazy in them have been accurate in the past.

It’s noteworthy how dull this list is. Usually fake BoM lists have something completely ridiculous in them to drive traffic :)

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The M1 Max had a significant connector fabric that is absent on M1/M2 chips.

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It was translated with Google Lens and that's what Google Lens translations look like :)

Leaked Apple BOM translated to English by recurrence in virtualreality

[–]recurrence[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This isn't my translation but it's floating around on twitter and is very close to the hand translation someone made. However, it includes the rows that they neglected to translate.

This has been around for a few days (in Chinese characters) but it made HN today and people were stating that the list is both reasonable and accurately priced. HN thread is at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36020437

Note: Wellsen XR has been posting BoM lists for other devices for over a year and they appear to be supply chain analysts that sell these to private parties. IIRC, their other lists turned out to be correct.

Did anyone NOT have problems buying from Keychron directly? by Skycat9 in Keychron

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I've bought a bunch from the main site and have never had issues with any of them.

[OC] Baby Names in the US that have switched gender in the last 140 years by Appropriate-Tear503 in dataisbeautiful

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It seems to roughly track with the rise of gender reassignment surgery... perhaps all male Laurens are now women.

/s :P

Total War: Pharoah leaked information by Jaeger_15 in totalwar

[–]recurrence 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This could be super fun depending how realistic they try to make it :)

The various Egyptian gods have long been depicted as war heroes in fiction.

80/20 stock/bond VS wealthsimple's growth portfolio. What to invest in? by garlic_bread_thief in PersonalFinanceCanada

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Last time someone asked this I checked and CI Direct had the best 5 year returns for robos in Canada (by a large margin). None of the robo advisors are at 10 years yet so 5 years is about the best track record we've got.

Would you sacrifice 5 years of your life for a better gig in the future? by StriderDUB in PersonalFinanceCanada

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you're looking for money, there are better investments of your time than this that will deliver greater rewards.

US CITIZEN 14 years old denied entry into United States by ArrowAndMe in travel

[–]recurrence 0 points1 point  (0 children)

While I’m not your demographic, I travel a lot and get Quaded all the time (that’s the term in the industry).

Yes in those cases online check in never works and the boarding pass has SSSS on it.