
Anti-Smart city propaganda making the rounds by MagerChipHazerd in Oshawa

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hate to break it to you, but the same proportion of our people were this nuts back then too, they just lacked the technology to coordinate and amplify their messaging.

Students that fail or “should” fail don’t actually recover. Our curriculums are not so challenging that smart people with somewhat competent parents regularly fail. People fail because of either developmental disabilities, in which case it likely doesn’t matter if they pass or fail anyways, or because shit is so bad at home for whatever reason that studying, attending school, retaining knowledge, etc is impossible or functionally pointless.

Sure, there are a couple edge cases of a reasonably competent, well-loved person that decides to not show up, but overwhelmingly the students that act out and “should” fail are dealing with drugs, drunks, violence, or crushing poverty at home. 25% of kids in Oshawa are growing up below the poverty line. Failing them doesn’t solve the poverty problem, it just convinces them that schools are out to get them.

See: American public schools.

No public inquiry into foreign interference: Special rapporteur Johnston to undertake 'public hearings' by sleipnir45 in canada

[–]nowornevernow11 [score hidden]  (0 children)

That’s all fair, but what is the difference in result between an inquiry and a public hearing that makes you think that a hearing is an inappropriate forum to air the information?

Do most Canadians want to live in higher density housing? by AdapterCable in AskACanadian

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I hate everything that comes with owning a detached home like yard work, snow removal, animal infestations, energy costs, haggling over fence lines, nosey neighbours, break ins, cleaning. My family is growing and all I want are more options for multi bedroom condos. I don't mind the country, but suburban living really makes me want to blow my brains out.

Zelenskyy hints new Canadian aid package for Ukraine is coming soon by Severe_County_5041 in canada

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Somewhat valid criticism, but it’s also incumbent upon us to advocate on our own behalf. If you can get a better compensation package somewhere, it’s time to go for it.

The biggest increases in compensation come from job switching, and now is the best market ever to be switching.

Zelenskyy hints new Canadian aid package for Ukraine is coming soon by Severe_County_5041 in canada

[–]nowornevernow11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m getting tired of this excuse to not contribute. It’s the best job market we have EVER had as Canadians. If you want a few thousand more per year to afford groceries, change jobs. It literally is that easy right now.

If you can’t change jobs because of disability, etc, then yes there’s should be more available to support you, but it’s not a mutually exclusive situation. Doing one doesn’t mean we can’t do the other.

Wagner group claims capturing Bakhmut by Pluto-NO in worldnews

[–]nowornevernow11 33 points34 points  (0 children)

See: Battle of Cannae.

Ukraine withdraws slowly in the middle, and a attacks on the flanks, sucking Russian troops deeper into a pocket.

Also see: (ironically) Battle of Stalingrad.

Well you're not wrong by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]nowornevernow11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The challenge was always context and definition of working.The public hates accurate statements like “surgical masks reduce stop 30% of viral particles when sized and worn correctly, lowering your likely hood of contracting the virus by 5.5% when worn at all times”.

All numbers made up, but this makes 95% of people say “so does that mean it works or not?”.

And the answer isn’t binary. They worked more than no mask, they worked less then sealing yourself off from the universe. What does that mean for effective healthcare policy? Again, it depends. What happens when the virus changes? Again, it depends.

Marginal changes in the viral coefficient (like those caused by masks) mattered when the healthcare systems were operating near their limits.

They mattered very little in terms of the overall context of the pandemic.

Spezza Resigns from Leafs by SparkyMcHooters in leafs

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean, I don’t think it’s any easier. The coach delivers the best performance the team has given in 20 years, and also improved year over year, and gets fired?

Not to mention only 4 teams in the league delivered a better result than the leafs this year. Keefe had a top quartile performance and is trending upwards.

Keefe takes so much nonsense from Toronto fans but he keeps improving the team year after year.

'Pause e-scooter program:' In wake of death of 20-year-old e-scooter rider, Oshawa councillor calls for timeout of pilot project by Karma_Canuck in Oshawa

[–]nowornevernow11 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Oshawa built itself for the car and refuses to adapt with the times. You’re effectively saying “we can’t have new things because of [x]”, and that’s such a reactionary attitude. What about: “we could have new things if we fixed [x]”.

Basically you’re telling me things are bad, and we just have to deal with it.

'Pause e-scooter program:' In wake of death of 20-year-old e-scooter rider, Oshawa councillor calls for timeout of pilot project by Karma_Canuck in Oshawa

[–]nowornevernow11 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Meh, I’m not criticizing your intent, or even position, so much as getting a good laugh your hilariously tone-deaf way of writing it down. 😂

'Pause e-scooter program:' In wake of death of 20-year-old e-scooter rider, Oshawa councillor calls for timeout of pilot project by Karma_Canuck in Oshawa

[–]nowornevernow11 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sooo another way of saying this is “let’s put in some infrastructure to take advantage of this good idea” rather than “it’s a good idea for somewhere else”.

Please be careful near Cabbagetown and parliament street by One_Kaleidoscope_198 in toronto

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In addition to what everyone else is saying: this “east of Yonge” area has like always been seedy, and is probably the safest it’s ever been.

'Pause e-scooter program:' In wake of death of 20-year-old e-scooter rider, Oshawa councillor calls for timeout of pilot project by Karma_Canuck in Oshawa

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don’t have strong preferences… but it’s hilariously ironic that the garage was literally created to serve as a car parking space, and somehow, we’re upset that we now may have to use it as said parking space😂

Doug Ford calling the Greenbelt a scam is 'unbelievable,' Canada’s environment minister says by greymanbomber in canada

[–]nowornevernow11 4 points5 points  (0 children)

In broad strokes, I WANT developers to make lots of money developing “already in residential use” land into denser residential use land. I hope they get super rich providing the market what it wants.

Adding single family homes at the margins of the region is not this.

I'm 16 and I'm being held against my will what should I do? by martinnart in canadian

[–]nowornevernow11 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You’re right, but the Canadian embassy will still advocate for you as if you’re a Canadian, they may just have less bargaining power. The Canadian government is usually quietly effective in these types of situations. And it’s worth noting a phone call from one diplomat to another can resolve a lot of these situations without getting the “the law” involved.

Ontario announces break up of Peel Region, cities to become independent by 2025 by feb914 in toronto

[–]nowornevernow11 41 points42 points  (0 children)

If you choose to live in the country, you should expect to live like you’re in the country. Unreasonable to expect major city services for your low density property.

Trudeau immigration policy worsens affordable house crisis: Rosenberg | Financial Post by CancelRebel in canada

[–]nowornevernow11 -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

We can’t afford the down payments now, but if we crash the economy by tanking immigration, then we can’t afford the monthly payments.

Immigration freezes or significant reductions WILL crash the economy.

Anyone scared we don't make any substantial changes? by gid_hola in leafs

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The team has been getting better every year with incremental improvements. Run em back this coming year, make some changes at the margins as required by contracts and cap and injuries.

All the fear-mongering is overrated. Until they take a step backwards, the panicking is just fear porn

Opinion | Leafs need a new voice after a failure they don’t even recognize by OzzieNewYork in leafs

[–]nowornevernow11 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I think we’re all a little frustrated, but honestly? Run em back out next year with only marginal changes.

The team continues to achieve more and more every year. They are still trending up, not down. I’m willing to wait until they take a step backwards before calling for the heads of the coach or stars.

Everyone needs to come back to earth by scotty279 in leafs

[–]nowornevernow11 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Who were these other teams? So far, it’s been Tampa, Tampa, and Colorado. Both of which are comparable to Toronto in terms of cap situation and managing star contracts.

Why hasn't Russian won the war against Ukraine already if they are the 2nd biggest military force in the world and have approximately 16 times the force of Ukraine? Shouldn't they have steamrolled over Ukraine already? by pingu3101 in AskReddit

[–]nowornevernow11 0 points1 point  (0 children)

China does not have the financial capacity to sustain the progress they have made without trade to the USA. If a war were to start, and assuming that no one pushed the nuclear button, China would likely punch hard out of the gate, but would quickly churn through the best of its equipment.

A NATO blockade of sea shipments would prevent China from accessing the replacement equipment they need to build their state of the art tech. Beyond semiconductors (none of the good stuff is made on the mainland), China also does not have a sustainable supply of oil. Super critical components like high-end bearings are also not really made in China (typically Japan, Germany, Korea, etc).

The USA has been wargaming extensively a CCP military invasion of Taiwan. The answer is almost always the same: China strikes hard out of the gate, causing real pain on NATO, NATO strikes back, quickly seizing air and naval superiority around Taiwan. If the CCP manages to land troops (very likely), then they quickly become POWs, because of lack of air and sea superiority prevents the establishment of lines of supply and communication.

Eventually, NATO wins at great cost, maybe sustaining 50% of the total casualties of 20 years of Iraq & Afghanistan in 3 weeks. The CCP is defeated and humiliated, and maybe mainland China as a whole is destabilized with unpredictable consequences. NATO is not unscathed, in addition to combat losses, a global financial collapse would ensue as global trade evaporates. This may be be enough to push many healthy societies to the brink of revolutions in various forms.

The CCP’s military posture, to me, seems more about preventing the breakup of its existing territory and deterring foreign powers than it is about bringing Taiwan under CCP influence through military strength. And none of this is even to disrespect the CCP’s intelligence or planning, they just do not have the build of advanced military tech or even resources to sustain a modern conflict on Taiwan. I do believe that the CCP would be far more effective in the early stages of the conflict than Russia has been in Ukraine. I think a good comparable would be Japan or Germany in WW2. Both nations could strike hard, but neither was set up to sustain a prolonged conflict.

To be fair, I don't think that even NATO has the population or resources required to invade and conquer the mainland.

I think even the CCP knows that if it wants to bring Taiwan into its scope, there are non-military means that are likely more likely to succeed, and far less likely to have existential consequences if they fail.