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marsupialham commented on
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7 points · 11 months ago

So done with this nonsense… the goalposts keep moving. Double vaccinated… wear my mask leave me alone

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8 points · 11 months ago

The virus keeps mutating*

Expecting a global pandemic to not be dynamic and require adjustments is childish.

-3 points · 11 months ago

COVID has always been here and is never going away… the WHO have told us this much. Our governments have no idea what they are dealing with. Done listening to them.

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0 points · 11 months ago

Good luck with that.

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marsupialham commented on
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8 points · 11 months ago

i think i’ll take my chances, can’t go into lockdown again. i’m vaccinated and young and healthy, anyone who isn’t vaccinated should be prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions. in terms of long term side effects of covid, i’ll take my chances. if some ppl aren’t ok with that level of risk, that’s fine they can lockdown/isolate if they want to.

in terms of ICU capacity, i recognize the problem. but we can’t force and entire province to isolate (again) because of gov underfunding. it’s been 2 years, why haven’t we significantly upped our ICU capacity? perhaps if we refuse to lockdown again it’ll force the government to actually invest in healthcare infrastructure.

lastly, i think they should prioritize cancer patients / ppl with serious conditions as opposed to unvaccinated ppl.

overall i do think ppl need to make peace with the endemic, covid really ain’t going away. it’s been 2 years now and we have a highly effective vaccine - at what point do we move on? there’s gonna be a new variant every few months, we can’t just shut the world down indefinitely

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9 points · 11 months ago

at what point do we move on

When the hospitals stop being at risk of being overwhelmed.

When the hospitals fill up, they fill up for everybody. The more people who take the tact you are encouraging and don't take it upon themselves to do simple things to ameliorate risk, the more likely an actual lockdown becomes—not the "I can't believe we're locked down right now, this is terrible" while shopping at Costco right after going to a restaurant.

0 points · 11 months ago

When the hospitals stop being at risk of being overwhelmed.

that will NEVER happen.

let me be perfectly clear with you - our hospitals, in all of Canada, have been "at risk of being overwhelmed" for 20 years now, on a regular basis. Every flu season ICU's end up over 100% capacity.

so if your standard is "we move on when hospitals are not at risk" then you're saying we NEVER move on.

not the "I can't believe we're locked down right now, this is terrible" while shopping at Costco right after going to a restaurant.

yeah god forbid people go grocery shopping lol.

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4 points · 11 months ago

let me be perfectly clear with you - our hospitals, in all of Canada, have been "at risk of being overwhelmed" for 20 years now, on a regular basis. Every flu season ICU's end up over 100% capacity.

That's with surgeries proceeding on schedule. They've all been postponed or cancelled and other behaviour people have has changed in such a way that reduces hospitalizations (e.g. fewer broken arms from slipping playing soccer)

To add another, I heard people in the lineup for the theatre complaining about how they were still locked down.

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marsupialham commented on
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[deleted]6 points · 11 months ago

Both the common cold and the flu have a much smaller reproduction number than this new variant, in addition to being less severe, so your argument doesn't really work at all.

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2 points · 11 months ago

More specifically, the pandemic strain of the flu had a R0 of 1.6, seasonal influenza is 1.3 and the populations most vulnerable to them get vaccinated annually which reduces the deathrate and the spread

18 points · 11 months ago

You can look at the data yourself. South Africa has the most accurate data due to massive number of cases. Omicron has 1/10th of the deaths per infection compared to delta, but is much more transmissive. Please stop with the fear mongering angst and read up on the latest numbers regardibg omicron.

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marsupialham commented on
Posted by
[deleted]37 points · 11 months ago

Here we go everyone, the Never Ending Story continues!

What did everyone get vaccinated for, or in our case in BC carry a stupid vaccine passport around on our phones if they're now ONCE AGAIN threatening us all with closures and other shit?

Yeah, I get it. People are gonna get sick. Can we really afford another slow down and stop period?

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-14 points · 11 months ago

Can't afford not to.

It's been 1.75 years. Long past the time to realize that implementing moderate restrictions earlier saves you from more strict measures later. Hence why you can still go to the movies and dine indoor in general—Alberta showed us what would have happened without the measures: paying millions of dollars to airlift people to other provinces.

Similarly, it's been 6 months since Delta hit. Long past the time to realize that it changed the calculus.

18 points · 11 months ago

At some point, with all the money covid cost us, we could have built hospitals and airlift medical personel from other countries...

Time to change the calculus...

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0 points · 11 months ago

The average hospitalization cost in is SK $69,603 just because the costs go way up when you don't manage the caseloads.

You're working off a false dichotomy between health measures and no health measures and hospitals being fine. There is no world in which there would be no health measures: the hospitals fill up then the harshest possible measures need to be enacted to recover the healthcare system. Because of exponential growth, the time gap is really not that much—hell, even with just being a bit lax at times, every province has had their healthcare system strained, several being pushed to the limit (AB, SK, TO as a more distant third)

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marsupialham commented on
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13 points · 11 months ago

That’s a good point if you can do it

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2 points · 11 months ago

Even if you can't, it's better to be a foot over the line than a leg

marsupialham commented on
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Comment deleted by user11 months ago
15 points · 11 months ago

After all the money you're about to come into from that Nigerian prince, I'm amazed you're worried about getting a discount

marsupialham commented on
Posted by
Op61 points · 11 months ago

The RNAO has put forward a list of recommendations to address the staffing shortage including fast tracking internationally educated nurses to become registered in Ontario.

They’ve also been calling on the government to repeal Bill 124 which caps salary increases for public sector employees at one per cent. “Nurses really feel undervalued [and] underappreciated,” said Hoffarth.

“There are some select public sector employees who are exempt from Bill 124. And for nurses, it really feels disrespectful to not have the salary increases that even keep up with inflation or the cost of living increases,” she added.

Nurse here. I spent the first wave of the pandemic working tons of overtime in a covid unit, before there were any vaccines to protect us. At the same time, Ford and the Conservatives pushed through legislation to lower nurses' wages and crush collective bargaining rights.

We need to invest in our healthcare system because Ontario is growing. But these clowns are making cuts. And their priorities are worsening real human suffering - as procedures and surgeries get cancelled and delayed.

Get wrecked.

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2 points · 11 months ago

because Ontario is growing

And because it's already underfunded

7 points · 11 months ago

If I'm not mistaken, the dude that pioneered that stuff was on cocaine all the time

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2 points · 11 months ago

You're not mistaken

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marsupialham commented on
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9 points · 11 months ago

All the insides are missing.

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8 points · 11 months ago

Frankly, I have no idea how they managed to drive it into the shop in this condition.

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