
This is how French motorists deal with extinction rebellion activists… by Chaos_king_ in PublicFreakout

[–]lsdood 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Classical "let's save the planet by keeping all these cars idling, burning gas". Large brains with many wrinkles.

the amount of ads in this website by Farishub in assholedesign

[–]lsdood 2 points3 points  (0 children)

exactly what I thought too, it probably isn't counting individual ads, but attempts at sending you an ad. A bot can do that a hundred times a second

r/NextFuckingLevel and the World Cup by Nugget_MacChicken in nextfuckinglevel

[–]lsdood [score hidden]  (0 children)

even despite hiding upvotes/downvotes on posts, it's very clear most people agree this is absolutely absurd.

r/NextFuckingLevel and the World Cup by Nugget_MacChicken in nextfuckinglevel

[–]lsdood [score hidden]  (0 children)

Who's coming here, seeing a video of people having fun at the world Cup, then thinking "you know what, this makes up for all the human rights abuse" ??

Should videos of people visiting China not be posted here anymore? Due to the ongoing human rights crisis there?

Nothing but virtue signalling & censorship imo

Singularity Killbox doesn't seem to work, raiders are able to shoot at the start of the box. Any ideas? by IronicBread in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Positioning could be the problem. The pawn in the middle is in direct line of fire, so the raiders are firing. Probably moving that pawn to either flank (like OPs second pawn) would keep the raiders moving a bit closer

Polish premier calls urgent meeting of national security committee by MotoPassion in worldnews

[–]lsdood 0 points1 point  (0 children)

of course, I mean to say it be actually enforced. There's been countless examples of Russian military jets crossing into sovereign airspace uninvited (it's been happening here in the Canadian Arctic regularly). Nothing is done about it. Maybe now this incursions will be taken more seriously.

Polish premier calls urgent meeting of national security committee by MotoPassion in worldnews

[–]lsdood -1 points0 points  (0 children)

not a NATO ally. Absolutely no reason this would apply, upvotes are nothing but blind hope. No fly zone over Poland for sure though

How (not) to make some Lighthouse shaped cookies. by zubkov_spm in Wellthatsucks

[–]lsdood 40 points41 points  (0 children)

looks like a bicep, especially if it had some veins

how do you use shatter? I find it difficult to use the "typical dab tool" by lsdood in trees

[–]lsdood[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

the only reason I like to keep some shatter around is due to storing it. afaik rosin should be kept in a fridge. Theres a few situations that doesn't work for me, good example being camping

It's day 9 and I have 4 tribals. This is 15 Celsius more than the highest temperature recorded on earth. by BitBomb1 in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 3 points4 points  (0 children)

gg :/ it was hard enough for me to survive a 50°c heatwave with a pigskin xenotype tribal colony (also all completely blind). Pigskins deal better with harsh conditions though.

Germany hands over five MARS II MLRS, 14 Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers to Ukraine by thewayupisdown in worldnews

[–]lsdood -1 points0 points  (0 children)

They are both capable of firing smart munitions, they’re both highly mobile MLRS systems, but they are pretty different otherwise.

You've just explained practically the only difference is one is on wheels, one is on tracks though

Ukraine-bound NASAMS are in US hands now: Raytheon by knuds1b in worldnews

[–]lsdood 10 points11 points  (0 children)

The scale of these economies are entirely not the same. Looking at it as a dollar for dollar battle makes no sense, when the USA has FAR more money than these adversaries. Combined with the financial support of Europe, Canada, etc, its near unlimited funding

Do You Play With Royalty Enabled? by Technical-Inside-101 in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm doing my first biotech playthrough without royalty, though have found myself wishing I'd enabled it. It would've been cool to have a psycasting vampire. Most importantly, the inability to craft items such as joywires without the royalty DLC sucks.

Does nobility integrate with children? Raise their expectations, etc? by Alphasite in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Sanguophages can also attach a building to their coffins which increases their psychic sensitivity

Faster progress help by vulrhund in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you're having difficulty defending early on, perhaps pawns with better shooting/melee skills would help, so you can focus a bit more on tech & economy

36 missiles fired at Ukraine since night, world must stop this terror – Zelenskyy by HarakenQQ in worldnews

[–]lsdood 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"most of which were shot down"

18/36 shot down

Zelenskyy a glass half full typa guy

Can i use a captured sanguophage to turn an immobilized pawn? by Wicked_Cat_ in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unlucky :( I was able to recruit mine, so I got 2 of them pretty quickly :D

Can i use a captured sanguophage to turn an immobilized pawn? by Wicked_Cat_ in RimWorld

[–]lsdood 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I just had that quest. iirc I had to select the pawn I wanted to turn, and have them perform an action on the captured sanguophage.

Perhaps if you convince them to join you, you could have them move to the immobilized pawn? Not sure if they could still perform an action