
What dishes should I try before I depart forever? by shshshehehdheheu in UIUC

[–]lolwutpear 7 points8 points  (0 children)

We went EVERY WEEK for the Sunday special: half chicken, mix sauce (on the side), with the basket of those thick fries, two slices white bread (great as napkins) and a lemon shake-up.

I hear it's up to $7.75 instead of the $5 I remember, but that's still a damn good deal. That would cost over $30 where I live now.

Car break-in in progress on GG Park (Botanical Gardens) by AztheWizard in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Really depends on which little window you're talking about, and on what kind of car. I had my rear vent window broken and it was only about $180. If it had been my quarter window, it would have been much more expensive.

Oakland 7/04 looks like a warzone by RedCody in oakland

[–]lolwutpear 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If spending was up 5% but prices were up 30%, then that's a 20% decrease in volume.

Car break-in in progress on GG Park (Botanical Gardens) by AztheWizard in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Owning a hatchback and leaving the cargo area covered is a very well-known reason that cars get broken into.

Or maybe it's not well-known by sedan owners, but I imagine most hatchback drivers in the city find out within their first year of ownership.

Car break-in in progress on GG Park (Botanical Gardens) by AztheWizard in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It seems like even the braindead version would catch more than we do now, which is zero.

To tip or not to tip? Three reasons why tipping has gotten so out of control by seven_seven in NPR

[–]lolwutpear 9 points10 points  (0 children)

No, it's illegal to pay servers under the minimum wage in my state. So they're earning $18.07/hr plus tips. Though I have no way of telling how much of the tips actually go to the staff as opposed to being captured by the owner and/or the payment processor.

I'm starting to curtail my tipping unless I'm at a sit-down restaurant where someone actually brings food to my table.

People who set off illegal fireworks in residential areas are scum of the earth by CummingInTheNile in bayarea

[–]lolwutpear 1 point2 points  (0 children)

In the context of fires, there's not a big distribution between urban and suburban settings (though clearly their abilities to create and fuel a fire are different). When we say 83% of Americans live in urban areas, it includes suburbs.


How is vacancy so high for luxury apartments in MV? by throoawoot in bayarea

[–]lolwutpear 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Now that we've gotten the joke responses out of the way: They're the subject of at least seven class action lawsuits, and a handful of senators have asked the DoJ to start investigating them.

people in the 120-130k salary range, how much are you guys paying for rent? by mehipoststuff in bayarea

[–]lolwutpear 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well la-de-FRICKIN-da, this guy lives in a town that actually has a river!

Fidelity cuts Reddit valuation again by asteriskspace in technology

[–]lolwutpear 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Duck Duck Go still works well (assuming the result isn't on Reddit)

I just moved to SF and wasn’t prepared for the weather by AstridHofferson in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 1 point2 points  (0 children)

East Bay kind of means two things, though. Hot, suburban Walnut Creek, or pleasant temperatures in Oakland?

Supervisors vote to name wild parrots official animal of San Francisco by Captain_Vegetable in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I love the parrots, but I was definitely on team sea lion for the official animal. I've seen those parrots in so many cities around the world. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any where the sea lions are as prominent as they are here.

Mojang exits Reddit, says they '"no longer feel that Reddit is an appropriate place to post official content or refer [its] players to". by FetchTheCow in technology

[–]lolwutpear 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Nothing inherently - there are applications that use it which I like (Slack, VSCode, even Discord). But if we want something to be a public source of information, it should be a website, accessible through any browser.

Mojang exits Reddit, says they '"no longer feel that Reddit is an appropriate place to post official content or refer [its] players to". by FetchTheCow in technology

[–]lolwutpear 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Great, an Electron app frontend to a bunch of private IRC-style servers that don't get indexed by any major search engine. This will surely be an improvement.

Why SF Housing Policy is so Broken: Storytime by cheesy_luigi in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 8 points9 points  (0 children)

And if you already have those things within a short walk, what's the incentive to add more people to them?

Why SF Housing Policy is so Broken: Storytime by cheesy_luigi in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Wow, that permitting timeline graph is fucking disgusting. In content, not appearance haha. Great article.

Why SF Housing Policy is so Broken: Storytime by cheesy_luigi in sanfrancisco

[–]lolwutpear 94 points95 points  (0 children)

I'm going to imagine I'm a property owner. If I upzone my property, I get money. If my neighbor upzones their property, I get four new noisy neighbors, fewer neighborhood trees, less of a view, shadows on my zucchini (!), and no more money.

Everyone wants someone else to take the bus, shelter their homeless people and sit on their nuclear waste. It may be bad for the city overall, but it's not dumb; it's just selfish.