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cjrowens commented on
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5 points · 18 hours ago

And yet Israel could just accept their ownership documents and left them own the land?

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Score hidden · 26 minutes ago

Israel’s defenders deal in arrogance and obfuscation. There is no peaceful resolution Palestine deserves in these peoples minds. It doesn’t help that Hamas is similarly interested in an ever radicalizing, ever lucrative forever war.

6 points · 23 hours ago

You’re missing the point. The Palestinians shouldn’t have to mediate through the Israelis to access their land.

It’s Palestinian land. But yeah make weird dialogues about it.

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Score hidden · 28 minutes ago

People have strange subconscious bias’ that rule their thoughts on morally divisive issues.

Our “realist” friend OP here seems to have accepted the gritty reality of Hamas’s diplomatic pussyfooting to radicalize their poorest citizens and spur further conflict but he REFUSES to accept that the often very conservative and anti Arab right wing Israeli government is even possibly capable of similar tactics.

Of course Hamas enters these negotiations in bad faith but there’s no way the wealthier, military contractor and NATO backed Israeli government would EVER press bad deals in bad faith to spur on conflict that grants them new land and further military funding each couple years despite no peace ever being reached.

Now, I won’t speak for the realist as I’m sure his jaded and well thought out view of the world has covered this already but it seems to me like to this fellow the Israelis can do no wrong that Arabs don’t deserve. I can’t say it sits right with me, maybe I’m just unrealistic.

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71 points · 14 hours ago

Which is definitely going to go over just great with the exact same fucking people who currently refuse to admit that climate change is real.

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1 point · 4 hours ago

Yep, reactionaries are victims of themselves because their family has been victimized by a power greater then them for generations and it has turned many into violent-thinking and unaware minions of corporatism.

They support nothing but the obfuscated acts of decadent unfettered capitalism their favourite politicians push through while buying up the bullshit bigotry that this makes them moral or the country moral, meanwhile nobodies life improves.

1 point · 4 hours ago

The largest forces of capitalism and nearly all of the worlds governments are content to let all these islands sink. If bombing them was profitable they’d just do that now.

It’s far more “profitable” to continually drain the earth of life giving properties and spend immeasurable decadent wealth implementing a spectacle to convince people that this system is efficient or even working.

The degenerate wealth addict scum who work actively against the future will let millions die to have a larger bonus at the end of each business quarter.

I hope the world gets used to speeches like that from Surangel Whipps Jr, whether or not any humanitarian “acting together” actually happens seems to be up to the people doing the destruction.

cjrowens commented on
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2 points · 4 hours ago

I didn’t know people with divine blood were capable of heinous carnal crimes?

Maybe this royal family business is dangerous and unnecessary.

cjrowens commented on
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2 points · 4 hours ago

It’s very interesting that AI can learn human irrationality. I guess it shows that humans have yet to precisely create something truly greater then themselves.

The idea of “if it makes people happy” and more specifically this ideas roots in Reddit posts is very fascinating to me because it takes information from the very pits of “online” thinking with all its cognitive dissonance, superstition, ideology and emotional thinking and it teaches the AI how to think in cultural absolutes like if genocide made “people happy” (which I’m imagining from Reddit would mean people as in a certain group or class) it would be “okay” which I’m not even sure how they are defining that.

This is mostly word vomit but I find this very interesting. Artificial Intelligence’s ability to “learn” uncritical thinking patterns from human behaviour could be one of AIs biggest dangers long before it “transcends” beyond us

cjrowens commented on
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1.2k points · 2 days ago

This company is fucking with your fuel prices to undercut workers rights and make even more profit while gutting the environment with no recourse

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1 point · 1 day ago

“B-b-but it’s the unions fault!!!!! My family has always lived with daily whippings from the corporation and we are fine!!”

cjrowens commented on
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1 point · 1 day ago

Nestle and Mars aren’t the only one in this industry and the chocolate industry certainly isn’t the only one.

The old edgy tag line of “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” was always increasingly true.

In a system of overproduction and wealth hoarding there will be hundreds of thousands of slaves and borderline slaves suffering in poverty to produce enough worthless material to ship abroad to pay different workers not enough to package and distribute and by the time the product reaches shelves the value is all in the Laps of the highest organizational leadership of its corporation.

cjrowens commented on
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-2 points · 2 days ago

It should quite literally be banned

cjrowens commented on
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-5 points · 3 days ago

If you want to talk about growing up and reality maybe accept being a whiny bitch won’t end humans eating meat and it certainly won’t end factory farming so that’s a another harsh jaded reality for us to chew on right

The unethical nature of factory farming and its disastrous effects is a problem of overproduction and our unsustainable economic system. It’s severe wishful thinking to blame humans for doing what they biologically do in the system we exist in.

1 point · 2 days ago

It’s severe wishful thinking to blame humans for doing what they biologically do in the system we exist in.

You could use that excuse to justify any shit behavior. Want to know whats more useless than wishful thinking? Throwing your hands up and saying its pointless.

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0 points · 2 days ago

You’re better then me I get it I hope it stops the problems you are passionate about

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