
Thank you, Stranger... by PsychoSuzanne in funny

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same with the people with the loud ass base in their cars. Whenever I'm watching TV and one drives down the street I love hearing that rattling base it always matches the sound of the show im watching!

Movie plot ideas? by iloveExcellent-Sleep in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Okay fair enough. Tell your parents that 90,000$ liberal arts degree was worth it because this script = box office gold.

Movie plot ideas? by iloveExcellent-Sleep in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've already discussed the financial issues with the director although we are still working on an exact figure.

How about I cut you in at 5%? I think that's very generous considering this script is hotter than a Hawaiian volcano.

Movie plot ideas? by iloveExcellent-Sleep in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Bro are you a film novice or something? Everybody knows "doomed" doesn't actually mean doomed. There is always room for a sequel or reboot!

Movie plot ideas? by iloveExcellent-Sleep in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"Hey Sis, what are you doing?"

"Oh just doing some laundry"

"Did you even care that my father married your mother right after my mother died?"

"No I was just doing laundry"

"That's fucking typical"

then in the background we see an alien invasion beginning, all humanity is doomed

Movie plot ideas? by iloveExcellent-Sleep in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Okay, a movie about a guy who makes a movie with his friends for fun, but then everything goes terribly wrong when they are captured by hillbilly rednecks, and then sold to some Somali pirates, and then end up shipwrecked on the coast of India where the only surviving person, the protagonist (aka You) enters the Indian version of who wants to be a millionaire and they somehow are able to make 250,000 thousand rupees before they walk away and then they end up in a three way shootout with Harvey Keitel and Steve Buscemi and everyone dies end scene show credits.

So how much am I getting paid for this? I'm flexible with the script, we can make whatever compromises you want.

Just call my agent after you get everything worked out.

Comedy films I can watch with my parents by schang22396 in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You said you liked Grand Budapest Hotel so you definitely need to check out Rushmore (1998). One of my favorite movies of all time, and Wes Anderson's best film IMO.

Such a funny, but also uplifting and emotional movie. I think it's one of the best motivational/comeback movies of all time. Not to mention the amazing brit pop soundtrack. And Bill Murray.

It's rated R so there's some sexual stuff and whatnot but that's not what the movie is about. Check it out.

Movies that didn't deserve the controversies it got by mranimal2 in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ehh I don't think OP is talking about movies that pissed off religious conservatives, you could make a laundry list of movies that have done that.

Worst plot in a great television series? by MurderDoneRight in television

[–]Forbidden_tickles 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Nah I thought that side story was great. One of the most depressing parts of the show.

What's Going On With Ridley Scott's The Last Duel? by JPahl32 in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It's most likely still happening but you have to remember that COVID has slowed things down.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (from heteronormativity): why the John Hughes classic is secretly the best film about bisexuality ever made by raysofdavies in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I was going to say they were reaching way to far, but projecting is the proper term. It's been awhile but I remember the film having few sexual tones, certainly not any bisexual ones.

I watched Jaws for the first time in ten years and I am in awe by PolicyWide in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sorry but although those are good films (Jesse James was OK, not as good as the other 3) they don't hold a candle to the films listed. Jaws had a bigger impact than all 4 of those movies combined. None of them hold a candle to Dog Day Afternoon or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Barry Lyndon, great movie but not my favorite Kubrick. Basically as good as the movies you listed.

Monty Pythons Holy Grail is hard to compare to all these serious films, but I considered it to be the funniest movie of all time, and like Jaws I would say it's had a much larger impact than all those movies combined. How many times have you quoted it?

2007 was a good year though that was a good attempt.

Mindblowing Sci-fi movies? by astroxlogical in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 12 points13 points  (0 children)

What qualifies as mindblowing? Psychedelic movies? I think Blade Runner is mind blowing in the sense that it takes you to a completely new world, and it's actually somewhat believable unlike most of the CGI garbage coming out today.

Idk saying Blade Runner isn't mind blowing makes me question your taste in movies. What do you considering mind blowing?

Just experienced "Training Day" for the first time today-- wow! (Spoilers) by Becksploder in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I was just pointing out some of my issues with the plot. It's full of holes, hence why in my original comment I said the plot is average.

The only reason the movie is good is Denzel Washington.

Just experienced "Training Day" for the first time today-- wow! (Spoilers) by Becksploder in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Because realistically the cop would totally just forget about the situation right? When a group of gang bangers who commit murder for hire almost murders you in a bathtub? Even if they let him go he's just gonna give them a pass?

Hey it works in the movies but idk about real life.

'The Matrix 4' Quietly Adds Christina Ricci to an Already Impressive Cast by chanma50 in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles -1 points0 points  (0 children)

The salt will probably come from the investors mostly.

But even if it's fucking garbage it will probably do well. After all the 2 matrix sequels were fucking trash yet made buckets at the box office.

Mindblowing Sci-fi movies? by astroxlogical in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Interesting. The copy I've watched the most was my parents DVD which is pretty old so I'm positive it's the theatrical release. I'm sure I've torrented the directors cut and watched that before but maybe not. I'll definitely check it out although it doesn't look like it changes that much, removes the narration and 15 mins more footage.

The narration doesn't matter to me because I've seen it 100 million times (one of my childhood favorites) but for someone who hasn't seen it I do think removing the narration is a good decision. I'm not a fan of narration. The Bladerunner theatrical version for example.

Mindblowing Sci-fi movies? by astroxlogical in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Lol okay i will because you asked but it's established pretty early on in the film.

Critics by [deleted] in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was much more excited about seeing new movies when I was younger than I am now. Seems like the past decade or so Hollywood has been pumping out a lot of unoriginal shit.

Maybe it's nostalgia, but at the same time I really like the TV shows that have been coming out, and am excited about a number of upcoming tv shows/new seasons.

Critics by [deleted] in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The point of movies is for fun

Incorrect. Film is art, it doesn't really have a designated purpose. If I were to give it a purpose I would say films are meant to evoke emotional responses, whether that comes from humor, action, drama, horror, romance, or whatever. Not all movies are meant to be "fun". Many of my favorite movies aren't "fun" at all, and I love them because they provoke deep emotional responses.

Critics by [deleted] in movies

[–]Forbidden_tickles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't have much to contribute basically agree with your whole comment lol. I've been disappointed too many times to trust the reviews coming out for new movies.

I guess you gotta give it time to marinate?

It’s Time for the Emmys to Give Long-Running Broadcast TV Shows Like ‘NCIS’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Their Own Category by otomennn in television

[–]Forbidden_tickles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean I don't agree with a lot of the Emmy, or any major film/tv award choices, but just because a show is very popular doesn't mean it's a great show, or award worthy.

Plenty of fucking amazing shows that take a big steaming dump on NCIS and Greys Anatomy that were cancelled after their first few seasons (if that) because of low viewership.