
ELI5: Why is a ''feels like'' temperature sometimes different and how is it calculated ? by Winter_Otter_ in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths [score hidden]  (0 children)

The actual temperature is taken with a normal thermometer, but humans sweat and sweat cools us.

So how do we figure out how much sweat cools us? By putting a wet piece of cotton on the thermometer. As the water evaporates, it cools the mercury bulb in the thermometer and gives us the "sweaty person" temperature.

These are called the dry and wet bulb temperatures.

The amount of humidity in the air changes the wet bulb. The dryer the air, the faster the water evaporates and the cooler you feel. The more humidity, the slower it evaporates and the hotter you feel. It can be so humid that the water doesn't evaporate at all and the two temperatures become the same.

ELI5: Is the water perfectly still at the bottom of the ocean? by neverbeenwrongb4 in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'd add that deep sea vents and other geological activity can cause currents and water movement that otherwise wouldn't be there

WTF??? I googled it by BibityBobityBooo in TikTokCringe

[–]Dayofsloths 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They didn't want new bones, old was the point!

Bait. What is legal and what is illegal? by Apprehensive-Date178 in OttawaFishing

[–]Dayofsloths 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's easy enough to catch minnows with a trap or minnow net. We could catch hundreds in my dad's old net.

eli5 How are so many ancestors possible? by Philhughes_85 in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yep, it's inbreeding. People used to basically stay in the same very local region and marrying first and second cousins was incredibly common.

Rich people in a tube by Eclectic_Paradox in TikTokCringe

[–]Dayofsloths 93 points94 points  (0 children)

Somehow I don't think an unmanned aerial vehicle would be very good at going to the Titanic.

Reminds me of the Futurama joke

"How many atmospheres of pressure can this ship take?"

"Well, it's a spaceship, so somewhere between 1 and 0."

This Barrie grandmother is protesting a plan to ban giving food to homeless people on city property by RotalumisEht in ontario

[–]Dayofsloths 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Not at all! The police can be trusted to enforce these laws only on "the right kind of people" 😉

Eli5: When humans get too fat or obese there is a high risk of heart related issues. But in nature for example Walrus is or hippos are so fat in shape almost their body is consists of fat and are they same sick like humans? by [deleted] in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 9 points10 points  (0 children)

No, because these animals have spent millions of years evolving to fit their environment. A skinny walrus would probably die because it doesn't have the fat it needs to keep warm in the ocean.

Humans being obese is not natural for us. We're meant to be walking around a bunch, doing regular physical activity in foraging for food, and eating relatively low calorie foods.

What show did you stop watching after one episode? by CosmoNova00 in AskReddit

[–]Dayofsloths 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's one that has to get under your skin, which is part of the reason it struggled with ratings.

But if you give it a few episodes and get to know the characters and running jokes, it's really good

Barrie’s homelessness plan is being called ‘a clear violation of basic human rights.’ by HowMyDictates in ontario

[–]Dayofsloths 161 points162 points  (0 children)

There's a good couple episodes of Behind the Bastards about the war on vagrancy.

It comes down to an old belief that people who aren't actively contributing to the economy are criminals. They used to take people, including children as young as 7, brand them with "V" for vagrant/vagabond, then put them into a two year contract of indentured servitude, for not having a job and being in a public space

ELI5:are these videos that show people not knowing basic facts about the world real? by Strobro3 in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And they can edit it pretty easily. Get a shot of asking the question, cut to them answering a different question, and voi la, they look like a moron.

Proposed bylaw updates will negatively affect food security in Ottawa! by BluebirdNo4316 in ottawaplants

[–]Dayofsloths 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Are these changes? I thought it was already the law you can't put permanent thing there. If the city has to do work on the water line, your garden can't be in the way...

Found strolling through Instagram… by NukaJess20 in Instagramreality

[–]Dayofsloths 116 points117 points  (0 children)

Looks like a man with fake teeth having a wonderful day on the lake with his extremely expensive sex doll.

What is an uncommon or rare movie trope that you wouldn't mind seeing more of? by DingletonCringlebury in movies

[–]Dayofsloths 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You mean draft dodger Marion Morrison? Who made his career by taking roles that would have gone to better men while they fought in WW2?

Ever wondered why there aren’t any green cats in the wild? by ToronoRapture in TikTokCringe

[–]Dayofsloths 353 points354 points  (0 children)

In getting weird uncanny valley vibes. The audio and mouth don't quite line up

eli5 : Does Balance Transfer on Credit Cards takes into advance payment by BlazeForth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 0 points1 point  (0 children)

For sure, the question is what happens at the end of the promo period. It usually goes to the cash advance rate on the card and begins charging interest immediately, which is why I consider them cash advances. The balance transfer fee is basically a cash advance fee

Who is a Character you can't stand when you rewatch a Show? by Swing-Full in television

[–]Dayofsloths 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I'd say an important feature may have been being friends with Andy Samberg since childhood...

eli5 : Does Balance Transfer on Credit Cards takes into advance payment by BlazeForth in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Idk if it's different in the UK, but here's how it works in Canada

A balance transfer is a cash advance. You're borrowing money from one card, and sending the money to another. But instead of paying cash advance interest, you get a promo period where the interest is low.

For the card being paid, it's literally no different than any other payment.

For the card you transfer the balance to, you have 22 months to get that paid off or interest starts charging.

People who work for the super wealthy, what stuff have you seen? by AMGBOI69420 in AskReddit

[–]Dayofsloths 12 points13 points  (0 children)

You can literally get boxes upon boxes of books for cheap. Libraries will sell donated books they don't need for cheap.

ELI5 - Why do we scream when something painful happens to us? by Nice_Internal in explainlikeimfive

[–]Dayofsloths 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There's a difference between shouting at a predator and screaming while being eaten by a bear. The bear won't stop because you're screaming.