Stream Now. Pay Never.
Stream Now. Pay Never.
Do not harass other users. Be civilized, even if you disagree with someone.
This subreddit should be a welcoming place for all people, Georgian and non-Georgian alike. We will not tolerate any harassment against any group, including ethnic, religious, or sexual minorities. If you disagree with somebody's lifestyle, that is your choice and you are free to express your opinion. However, the moment you start name-calling or harassing people, you will be banned.
You may post business related announcements provided that they are relevant to Georgia and promote small, local businesses. You must ask permission via modmail before posting. Moderators are not compensated in any way and reserve the right to remove any ad or commercial post they do not deem appropriate.
If you are interested in posting a job offer, please include the following information: name of the position, company name, job location, job description, salary range, and contact information.
It's important to note that the sub moderators are not responsible for the content of any job postings, and users should do their own due diligence before engaging with any job offers. Please note that moderators reserve the right to remove any job postings.
This is a subreddit for the country of Georgia, and any post that is not related to Georgia will be removed. Maps and charts that include Georgia but aren't specifically about Georgia will be removed unless the title explains why it is relevant to Georgia.
Please post in only Georgian or English. Georgian should be written in Georgian script, not latinurad. If you want to post in another language like Svan, Megrelian, Armenian, Russian, Turkish, or Azeri, you must include a translation.
Though possession and consumption of marijuana are now legal in Georgia, purchasing it is not. Any posts about where to buy weed or offers to sell it will be removed immediately, same goes for any other illegal hard drugs. That being said, questions about the legal status of weed or drugs or general discussions about marijuana in Georgia will still be allowed.
Add link flair to all memes and political content using the flair menus on the submission page. Adding other flairs for other types of content is also recommended.
Any meme posted on any day other than Sunday will be removed, although exceptions may be made for memes responding to current events.
Please do not post screenshots of personal social media pages, groups, and chats. If you would like to share something publicly available, please submit a link and it will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
A subreddit for all things Georgian or related to Georgia (the Caucasian republic). For the American state of Georgia, go to r/Georgia instead.
Another great social networking resource for all those in Georgia is the Georgian Wanderers Facebook Group.
Please be considerate of other users and refrain from any threats or harassment. If in doubt, take a look at our rules and moderation policy.