
You may recognize rules like these. From our handbook as it read in 1992-1994 by MsMalaise in troubledteens

[–]marshcranberry 9 points10 points  (0 children)

And because they are christian laws simply dont apply. Fuck Christians.

You may recognize rules like these. From our handbook as it read in 1992-1994 by MsMalaise in troubledteens

[–]marshcranberry 22 points23 points  (0 children)

They forced us to act as slave labor, often going off campus to work construction or some assholes fields. They said 'gotta earn your keep' but my parents paid 2500$ a month for expired food, molestation and constant beat downs. These people are evil.

Gone to report rape, minor gangrape victim raped by cop inside police station in India by ChumbaWambah in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry 8 points9 points  (0 children)

and chicken tiki Marsala is a british dish. General Tsus Chicken is an American dish.

Shame the Archivist by Triskellatri in InternalFamilySystems

[–]marshcranberry 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ahhhh The consumer of Knowledge. A feisty little sheila isnt she? Why should I be reading about others who experienced such abuse as I as 4:30 in the morning when im due at work at 8? Oh, because you needed to know how we could have done it different? Its over babe, we dont gotta worry about it anymore... Yes Christians could break into our home and kidnap us again but we are adults now so the chances are nil... nil but not none? All right sweet one you can read another. I really dont think we need to ask the boss what occurs when the job isnt complete we are going to do it and I know how- dont worry about it... I should spend ten hour re reading the manuals before I begin... I dont know about all that... yeah the boss may be angry if something goes wrong but the chances of him slamming us into a wall is basically nil... nil but not none? All right sweet one its not like I had plans to like sleep or anything.

UK can't help everyone now over cost of living, Johnson says by distroed in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry -4 points-3 points  (0 children)


Where to start with "reparenting" yourself? by MelodicHawk1220 in emotionalneglect

[–]marshcranberry 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I suffered some specific abuse including evergreen, conversion therapy and strange evangelical brainwashing designed to "break you down so we can build you up in the lord" as well as being exposed too exorcism, praying in tongues and extreme gaslighting. I spent my early twenties in a CPTSD haze unable to do much except obey the orders of my parents and church-they fucking had me. I attempted S at 24 and went too the hospital where the signs of my trauma where evident and was helped with a place too live and therapy. Internal family systems (IFS) was the therapy that helped most-I also recommend DBT/CBT. One of the concepts of IFS is that we have different parts inside us that play different roles-the firefighter, the manager and the exile. I was a feminine boy in high school and that femininity was absolutely crushed to the point that when i returned home I threw away all of my feminine objects such as stuffed animals, make up, clothing anything non-masculine or childish. I needed that part specifically to achieve higher healing and the method I used was to act as my mother and treat a stuffed animal (a squirtle) the way I wish I had been treated and internalize that via transference. It helped me too smooth out my attachment symptoms and relieve myself of a lot of anxiety and pain, IDK if that could help you.

Sanders seeks to cut $10 bln funding proposal for new NASA lunar lander by JunkieMo in NewDealAmerica

[–]marshcranberry 3 points4 points  (0 children)


Death Investigation at Kaiser's Santa Clara Medical Center by MBThree in news

[–]marshcranberry 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Naw, I was drunk last night and just looking for a hill

Mayor: "Men of military age are kidnapped in Melitopol" by BringBackVarrockGrds in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry 6 points7 points  (0 children)

or shelled or used as canon fodder or Bakratar'd. Modern combat is based upon ranged shelling, Ukrainian Nationals being placed on the front lines in RDF uniforms will unfortunatly be treated as enemy combatants until captured... but the Russians use Political commissars who will kill any RDF who attempt too flee or surrender so these men are forced to kill their own or have themselves and entire families killed by occupation forces.

Death Investigation at Kaiser's Santa Clara Medical Center by MBThree in news

[–]marshcranberry -13 points-12 points  (0 children)

I was surprised by your accuracy on the origins of the word as well as the timeline that Old Norse fell out of favor but your logic is flawed. To quote your article "The fight against the singular they was already lost by the time 18th century critics began objecting to it." Language is fluid and organic, changing with societies needs and impressions over time. Today the singular they is exclusively used in a context of gender identity when the gender is unknown, irrelevant or non-binary. (quoted your article again) In the news story the post is about the gender identity of the individual IS KNOW, she is a woman therefore the use of "they" does imply multiple people. Check.

EDIT: Looking at the article a second time a few words used and opinions stated cause me to question the veracity of the article entirly- Mansplained, His insulting of Chicago manual of style, the school I adhere to, "though he (his teacher) probaly uses singular "they" when his student aren't looking" and finally "The opinions and other information contained in the OED blog posts and comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of Oxford University Press"

Death Investigation at Kaiser's Santa Clara Medical Center by MBThree in news

[–]marshcranberry -17 points-16 points  (0 children)

"did you see those timberwolves?"

"Yeah, they where pretty good."

They- Used too refer to TWO OR MORE PEOPLE or things previously mentioned

-Merrium Webster

What are you even doing man, does spreading misinformation bring you joy?

She told her Christian college she was raped. Then she was banned from campus. by taez555 in news

[–]marshcranberry 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hear me out. One of the hallmarks of a fascist organization is the dilution of words and their meaning. You cannot just come out in 1985 saying "Hey guys, we are a bunch of Ultra-wealthy industrialists who want too ensure what happened to Nixon never happens again so we are going to subvert the christian religion to manipulate Americans into believing that we speak with the authority of their favorite god." This is exactly what Murdoch did when founding the Fox News network.

The subversion was aided by ACTOR Ronald Reagan who spent his entire term twisting and redefining words and organizations to pervert their intentions while increasing the power of the ultra wealthy. LBJ's 'War on poverty' ended and instead was replaced with the 'war on drugs' but they didnt target drugs, they targeted the poor and leftest leaders. This enabled the ultra wealthy to justify placing millions of African Americans into slavery as the 13th leaves exception for 'punishment for a crime'.

Reagan used inflammatory language to attack the poor and minority groups, phrases like 'super predator', 'welfare queen' and 'monkeys' are a direct corollary to the words Nazis used to describe Jews in the 30's 'the eternal jew(Der Ewige jude)', 'money grubbing jew(Geldgieriger Jude), and of course 'rats(Ratten)'. Establishing in group/ out group conflict is essential for fascism to foment and once Reagan successfully convinced Rural Whites too hate Urban Blacks the ability to turn that in group/out group conflict away from race and into religion was a simple transition.

An 'eternal enemy' is another fascist tactic used to foment emotional anger and anguish and there is no enemy more eternal than Satan. The satanic panic allowed Reagan to further create rifts among the American classes. In classic fascist style this enabled Reagan to convince parents that the REAL enemy is inside their own homes, this turned parents into inquisitors and children into potential enemies.

Reagans 'Evil Empire' Speech further radicalized the Evangelical communities in group/out group conflict in enabling him to call anything he didnt like "communist" and the direct corollary is 'communists are evil-you do communist things-you are evil'. In this he was able to dilute what communist meant from 'authoritarian command economy' into literally any social program meant to aid the disadvantaged.

Today the Neo-Fascists who join the republican party can be identified by the classical Fascist slur 'pedophile'. By insinuating that your opponent partakes in what may be the most heinous crime imaginable you can further demonize your opposition and illegitimatize their moral fortitude in the eyes of the public. No one can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they never engaged in pedophilia, and by engaging with the accusation you enable the fascist to continue the insults ad-hominid.

Russia wants to capture fighters in Mariupol steel works, local governor says by eldashev in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It is an interesting dynamic. When the Russians say 'Nazi' they mean Nationalist Socialist not 'the national socialist party of Germany 1931-1945'. The founder of the Azov Battalion, Biletsky, was an outspoken Nationalist and allied himself with the socialist-nationalist party of Ukraine. Now the fact is Ukraine under the USSR WAS a socialist nation and it was only thirty years ago that the USSR fell so socialist ideology had already been indoctrinated into the people of Ukraine. That said the USSR could hardly be considered a 'workers collective' and Ukraine was famous for its corruption in post-soviet years with many describing the nation as a Kleptocracy state.

Under Soviet rule Ukraine was treated as an occupied territory and was subjected to russofication- converting social, political and cultural identity into a mirror of Russia. This became and lead too genocide, Holodomor, where 3 million Ukrainians died of starvation and millions more where forced to relocate into Russia proper while Russia nationals took over all industry and political office. Seventy years of Russian occupation lead to a great deal of suffering and oppression among the Ukrainian people.

In 2014 when the Russians invaded and seized Crimea many Ukrainians knew that a Russian conquest was imminent and after the suffering the nation endured during the previous Russian occupation Nationalism became an increasingly attractive ideology. The 2014 Ukrainian army was completely ineffectual against the Russian war machine so many groups began forming their own militias. Neo-Nazis tend to have several characteristics that make them an ideal militia member, they like ingroup-outgroup antagonism, a strong group identity, Strict leadership hierarchy and most importantly guns, neo-nazis really like guns. So while the Ukrainian army may have been ill equipped and lacked firearm training the local Ukrainian neo-nazis did not.

The Azov battalion played dirty-real dirty- like IRA dirty. The short period of Azov being an independent militia only lasted about nine months and was marked by many failures and casualties until the second battle of Mariupol when having been abandoned by the Ukrainian army the Azov battalion marshaled the population of Mariupol to defend themselves providing weapons and basic training. Their victory brought the Militia a great deal of support from the local and eventually national populations.

The popularity of the Azov battalion lead to their leaders gaining political sway and in an effort to contain the Neo-fascist ideology from gaining prominence in Ukrainian politics the Azov where absorbed into the Ukrainian National Guard. During their induction process an effort too purge the most radical and racist members of the militia was undertaken though many have questioned the success of that effort. Being a member of the Ukrainian National Guard conferred many benefits for the Azov including pay, legitimization, and access to heavy weapons and ammunition.

It was the Shyrokyne Standoff that elevated the Azov from local defenders to national heroes. They used a surprise offensive to push the separatists out of three cities before the separatists planned invasion of Mariupol, not only securing territory but deflecting what would have been a disastrous invasion. Fighting continued for four months until July when the Ukrainian government attempted to declare Shyrokyne a demilitarized zone but the Azov refused to retreat and leave Mariupol vulnerable saying "only the enemies of Ukraine can give an order to withdraw". After two more months of fighting the separatists lost their taste for battle and retreated allowing Ukraine to maintain a wider DMZ between Mariupol and the separatist Donbass region.

Russia's humiliating 'filtration' of civilians fleeing occupied Ukraine by rc_improv in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry 5 points6 points  (0 children)

In addition the Russian people believe that Ukrainians are literally Nazis. These people will suffer discrimination if not outright abuse and lynchings. Think about how Americans treated anyone muslim or Sihk in the years after 9/11 they where attacked on the streets and faced extreme discrimination. The right-wing brainwashing machine was much weaker in those days than the propaganda russia is putting out these days. This is horrific.

Servants of the Russian Orthodox Church have been clearly instructed to campaign among parents and relatives of young Russians to encourage them to sign contracts for military service by DoremusJessup in worldnews

[–]marshcranberry 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Do you honestly think Christ has anything too do with Christianity? The words of Christ where perverted 40 years after his death lemme tell you a story. So there was this guy whose job was to hunt down and kill Christians with the goal of eradicating Christianity entirely. On his way home to Damascus he had an idea a wonderful, wicked evil idea. What if I was too pretend too be blind after having a visit from god, then be miraculously healed and install his self as the head of the christian church and manipulate Christians into Romanization. He was so good at his job that in a couple hundred years his perversion was the state religion and 1700 years later people are still following his perverse slave religion.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rebuked by right-wing Christians for attack on Catholic church by ppldontread in politics

[–]marshcranberry 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yeah, its mostly a cultural ideology which has never been altered. These people worship slavers, they worship at the alter of blood that is the baptist church, they torture and murder homosexuals, the mentally deficient and minorities. My experience is that bigotry is celebrated while science and knowledge are looked upon with disdain and hatred.