
My husband is so befuddled by the way I play, I sneak and the enemies don’t see me. That’s genuinely how I play, does anyone else do this? My husbands play style is first person and aggressively uses magic, he never sneaks. by bananyaah in skyrim

[–]stomponator 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The legion's always looking for strong capable warriors.

I'll bet it does. Using the Civil War mod, the Legion loses almost all random skirmishes. I join them out of pity, mostly, but once I am a Legion soldier, I have to win the war single handedly. It's pathetic.

A revelation about solo role-playing that has taken my experience to the next level by yopablowp in Solo_Roleplaying

[–]stomponator 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I write everything down, while playing solo. Yes, progress is slow, but that is what works best for me. Also, I have beta readers, so I try to make the story as enjoyable to read as possible. Having no previous writing experience, I discovered I had most fun writing dialogue of two characters bouncing off of each other, so I mostly play two characters or one character with a sidekick when playing solo.

ich_iel by LoopSec in ich_iel

[–]stomponator 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Das Buch von Boris Pistorius

"Zurückgetreten nützt er mir nichts."

Vollzeit by rix1337 in wortwitzkasse

[–]stomponator 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Der Mauszeiger auf dem Gänsehals macht mich irre.

ich⚖️🧑‍⚖️iel by sweetestBOY21 in ich_iel

[–]stomponator 45 points46 points  (0 children)

"Hör endlich auf diesen blöden Adler anzuhimmlern und Bormann die Löcher für die Dübel."

Was sind eure liebsten deutschen Bücher? by Mean-Potential3471 in buecher

[–]stomponator 3 points4 points  (0 children)

13 ½ Leben des Käptn Blaubär

Jawoll! Rumo und die Wunder im Dunkeln ist fast ebenso gut.

Saddest movie you’ve ever seen and why? by DirectionBasic3386 in movies

[–]stomponator 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And that was the kid's version of that story. In the book no one makes it to the end, except the hunter who moves to a nursing home and shoots his dog because he can not take care of him anymore, if I remember correctly.

LOTR is a great book because of its boring part. Does it make sense? by Tripping_Cow in lotr

[–]stomponator 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I found some parts boring, when I first read the book at age 11. I've come to appreciate those parts more and more as I got older, with some of them now being my favourite parts on any given re-read. Once I realized that there is an underlying context for everything, history under every rock and in every name, my enjoyment of the books grew considerably.

Ich (m21) plane eine Solo-Atlantiküberquerung im 6m-Segelboot. by florion20 in de_IAmA

[–]stomponator 37 points38 points  (0 children)

sodass auch die ein oder andere Kenterung glimpflich ausgehen dürfte.

Könntest du das Boot im Falle einer Kenterung alleine wieder aufrichten?

Mit welchem Videospiel seid ihr absolut nicht warm geworden, obwohl es von den Fans und der Presse einstimmig gelobt wurde? by Dango3030 in FragReddit

[–]stomponator 0 points1 point  (0 children)

WoW überhaupt. Ich habe drei Monate lang gespielt und dann gemerkt, dass das Spiel wie ein Nebenjob ist, für den man auch noch bezahlt.

Mit welchem Videospiel seid ihr absolut nicht warm geworden, obwohl es von den Fans und der Presse einstimmig gelobt wurde? by Dango3030 in FragReddit

[–]stomponator 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Habe Teil 1 seinerzeit durchgespielt. Die Geschichte fand ich ganz unterhaltsam, das Szenario als solches sagte mir durchaus zu, aber das eigentliche Spiel, also Gameplay, war... meh.

Teil 2: Shepard stirbt, wird binnen 5 Minuten wiederbelebt und plötzlich arbeitet man für diese Cerberus-Arschlöcher? Da war ich dann raus.

"Going to a movie theater is less about the size of the screen and the perfection of the sound system, and more about a decision to not multitask. You're making a deal between yourself and a piece of art to give it your full attention" - James Cameron by [deleted] in movies

[–]stomponator 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I have, however, issues with not being able to go to the toilet without missing a couple of minutes of movie. That was not that much of a problem, when I was younger and movies were about 90 to 120 minutes long. I am now nearly 40 and apparently every movie absolutely needs to be two to three hours long. Yeah, fuck that. You don't get to tell me how to enjoy art, Cameron.

How did you meet your partner without using a dating app? by sciencelover12345 in AskReddit

[–]stomponator 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, so we had a week-long school trip on which we bonded a bit about being "really mature early 20s" who did not partake in the teen-drama that was this class' lifeblood. We went drinking one night, but she was in a relationship at the time, so we simply remained friends for the rest of the school year. After that, we lost sight of each other, until one day, two years later, I found a list of the class' mobile numbers and e-mail adresses, that was passed around at the beginning of the school year. I decided to write her and see how she was doing.

Turned out, she was unhappily married to an alcoholic, lost their child at birth and was filing for divorce. I helped her through a rough phase, in which she was mourning, getting divorced and moving out and after that calmed down a bit, another two years later, we found were actually more than friends. Been together for 12 years, married for 7, kids are 6 and 4 years old.

The Fellowship as Starfleet Officers by StarmanCarcoba in lotr

[–]stomponator 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Andor calls for aid!"

"And Ruah IV will answer!"

I feel Gandalf would be an El-Aurian, known for his light shows and for giving advice, but in truth he is opposing the Borg on their quest to assimilate all life.

Es ist Mittwoch 🛖 meine Schwitzhüttenbesucher by SmallLebowsky in smalllebowsky

[–]stomponator 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Der Böse Wolf hustete und prustete, dann keuchte er: "Mann, ist das heiß hier", und eilte unter die kalte Dusche.

Stefinger und Müller outen sich: Erstes schwules Paar in Unions-Fraktion mit Coming-Out by 156000340711 in de

[–]stomponator 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Irgendwo hier habe ich mal die Geschichte von dem Typ gelesen, dessen erzkonservativer und streng christlicher Arbeitskollege meinte, es sei eine tägliche Anstrengung nicht schwul zu sein. Morgen für Morgen wachst du auf, blickst in den Spiegel und sagst dir, nein, du bist nicht schwul. Als seine Kollegen sagten, dass sie das überhaupt keine Anstrengung kostet und sie einfach so oder so sind, ohne groß darüber nachzudenken, fiel der Groschen bei ihm dann langsam aber sicher...