
Ben Shapiro looks dirty. by Tayo826 in insanepeoplefacebook

[–]putssy -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

That’s because you’re an idiot.

Ben Shapiro looks dirty. by Tayo826 in insanepeoplefacebook

[–]putssy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This thread is very amusing. You all dont understand his point and are talking about how dumb he is. Very amusing.

Ben Shapiro looks dirty. by Tayo826 in insanepeoplefacebook

[–]putssy -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

You really think its a feasible idea for the US to go to zero? You make no sense.

Trevor Noah to Exit ‘Daily Show’ After Seven Years by MarvelsGrantMan136 in entertainment

[–]putssy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The annual US GDP is $24 trillion. Other countries owning $7.7 trillion in treasury bonds is meaningless.

Trevor Noah to Exit ‘Daily Show’ After Seven Years by MarvelsGrantMan136 in entertainment

[–]putssy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Brain dead comment. Like nukes just magically appeared. And like the US is the only one with nukes. Look at our economy, stupid.

Trevor Noah to Exit ‘Daily Show’ After Seven Years by MarvelsGrantMan136 in entertainment

[–]putssy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is such a juvenile view. You dont become the most powerful nation on earth EVER with a dumb populace. Its so in vogue to be self-hating now but it just comes off as teenage angst.

Jordan Peterson breaks down crying after being described as a 'incel hero'. by nshunter in PublicFreakout

[–]putssy -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

Im not a conservative, just someone that likes to know what they’re talking about before they open their mouth. Apparently a goal we dont share. Have fun being ignorant.

Jordan Peterson breaks down crying after being described as a 'incel hero'. by nshunter in PublicFreakout

[–]putssy -20 points-19 points  (0 children)

The opposite to you is someone who goes out and lives their ideals in the real world. Not just typing their shitty opinions on social media. Get a life.

Jordan Peterson breaks down crying after being described as a 'incel hero'. by nshunter in PublicFreakout

[–]putssy -25 points-24 points  (0 children)

Watch the whole interview, stop reading tidbits. You are super uninformed.

Jordan Peterson breaks down crying after being described as a 'incel hero'. by nshunter in PublicFreakout

[–]putssy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Are you the good person in your head canon? Because you come off awfully.

Jordan Peterson breaks down crying after being described as a 'incel hero'. by nshunter in PublicFreakout

[–]putssy -64 points-63 points  (0 children)

No, you’re talking about a strawman you created. He never said gay parents shouldn’t raise children. You should stop reading headlines and actually watch the interviews.

Do you believe a statement like "Martha's Vineyard deported the migrants to a Republican county" is good faith? by [deleted] in AskConservatives

[–]putssy -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

It sounds like this sub is effecting you in a real negative way, maybe you should take a break? You dont have to come here if its causing you such distress. Calling other people names and breaking the rules continuously isnt helpful. Nor is it justified just because you disagree with the people this sub is explicitly meant to be for.