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flaneur_et_branleur commented on
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-9 points · 3 hours ago

And you are the judge and jury over who is and isn't a fascist? What is and isn't a 'disgusting view'?

That you are capable of being non-bias party in all cases? That you levitate above everyone like some angelic being who can reign authority over what people can and cannot say, and if they do something you dislike, they must face violence for it goes against your... perfect opinion.

God forbid we ever live in your idea of a world.

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3 points · 3 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago

And you are the judge and jury over who is and isn't a fascist?'s not some sort of esoteric state of being or a label that shifts meaning person by person, y'know.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
20 points · 3 hours ago

Such a fantastic bloke. But if I never hear his songs again I'll be a happy man. I can fully agree that they are written and performed perfectly 10/10 songs for the category. But man do I absolutely hate that category of music.

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-7 points · 3 hours ago

Yeah, top lad, funny guy and very down to earth but his music can go suck a fuck. Pretty sure most of us at work developed nervous tics after hearing his songs for the fourth time in a day.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
-18 points · 3 days ago

Actually using violence to suppress political opponents ? Using mob violence to suppress the opposing party ? Cuz those are pretty big factors of facism that i don't see

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2 points · 3 days ago

They're not "big" factors at all. There are much stronger indicators.

-16 points · 3 days ago

But you just know that if this were a left-leaning politician, more than a few people's takes would be how misogynistic it is for the crowd to do this.

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19 points · 3 days ago

If she were a left-leaning politician, she wouldn't be a Fascist so there'd be no need for an anti-fascist song.

Making up scenarios is what fiction writers do.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
828 points · 5 days ago

Sadly true. One right-wing idiot I know literally grew up on government cheese and other "handouts" because he was dirt poor. Even today he lives with his mom and sister in a rented house in poor condition that takes the income of all three of them to afford, and yet he's arrogant and stupid enough to think that he "doesn't need any help!" and all social programs should be gutted! If you ask him why, you'll get mix of stupid and racism because he thinks he'd "get more if he was black," which means it's all "unfair" and should be ended. He's a friggin idiots and a racist, but he's MAGA, so there you go.

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3 points · 4 days ago

It's the toxic "individualism" that the Right promote too. Nothing necessarily wrong with individualism itself but when it's pushed by and on people with all the self-awareness of a rock to such an extent, you end up with idiotically hypocritical ideas.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
-7 points · 9 days ago

Except they were actually very much socialist. Look at their literal party platform. They call for abolishing rent, private trusts, confiscation of profits, and huge public welfare programs (for "citizens" only - that's where the "nationalism" came in)

The 25 points combined extreme nationalism, racial antisemitism, and socialist concepts with German outrage over the Versailles peace settlement following their defeat in World War I.

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5 points · 9 days ago

The following document contains Adolf Hitler‘s explanation of the Nazi form of socialism. It comes from an interview with Hitler conducted by German-American writer and Nazi sympathiser George Sylvester Viereck. The interview appeared in Liberty magazine on July 9th 1932:

“‘When I take charge of Germany, I shall end tribute abroad and Bolshevism at home.’

Adolf Hitler drained his cup as if it contained not tea but the lifeblood of Bolshevism.

‘Bolshevism’, the chief of the Brown Shirts, the Fascists of Germany continued, ‘is our greatest menace. Kill Bolshevism in Germany and you restore 70 million people to power. France owes her strength not to her armies but to the forces of Bolshevism and dissension in our midst’…

I met Hitler not in his headquarters, the Brown House in Munich, but in a private home, the dwelling of a former admiral of the German Navy. We discussed the fate of Germany over the teacups.

‘Why’, I asked Hitler, ‘do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party program is the very anthesis of that commonly accredited to Socialism?’

‘Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.

‘Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism."

1 point · 9 days ago · edited 9 days ago

Correct. He was not a Marxist socialist. He was a National socialist and basically substituted in race for class. But it's a similar ideology.

Marxists wanted a centrally controlled economy based on class struggle where the proletariat were given control of the "means of production."

Nazis wanted a centrally controlled economy based on race struggle where "true Germans" were provided for and the entire economy would be leveraged for a massive war.

Nazis viewed the Marxists as degenerates and Hitler hated Communists as he viewed them as betraying Germany in WWI. However, he admired and generally agreed with the central planning of the Soviets:

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2 points · 9 days ago

He wasn't a Socialist full stop, mate.

The "centrally-controlled economy" is, for one, not exclusive to Socialism and isn't a core feature of it, Marxist or otherwise, so it isn't the indicator you or the article may think it is. Free Market Socialism exists. State Capitalism exists. This is an American Right-wing layman level of political and economic ignorance.

In practice, Nazi and Fascist economics were just simple crony Capitalism where those private individuals who closely brown-nosed the state got the contracts.

FEE is literally an American conservative/libertarian think-tank. It may use quotes and talk of what he said but, in practice, it was everything but. Fascist ideologies are notoriously difficult to identify on economics for this reason.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
18 points · 10 days ago

Hitchens himself isn't dumb enough to believe it but he knows that the people who read his weekly column of faux outrage and scaremongering will take what he says as gospel. Up to this point the whole "nazis were socialists" argument has only really shown up in comments and posts by, well, "insane people of Facebook". He's legitimised it now by writing this column about it. Those people are stupid enough to believe what they're saying. He knows he's lying and he just doesn't give a shit. He loves the attention.

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6 points · 10 days ago

He was even a Socialist himself pre-90s so he damn well knows what one is.

And a Nazi ain't one.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
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3 points · 10 days ago

Funny how people see in that movie what they want.

Mother and daughter dont have perfect relationship and they are asians.

omg its about first generation vs second asians!

Everyone accepts daughters sexuality except old granpa who visits once a year if ever

omg is about inhuman suffering of gay people and in that extend everyone in lgbtq+

Meanwhile its all about what a parent can do when their kid kills themselves / plans to, as a result of depression.

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1 point · 10 days ago

Big plot point though: Jobu was created when Alphaverse Evelyn pushed Joy too hard to travel the multiverse.

It's about the strained relationship between mother and daughter. Parent's expectations vs Reality. The whole depression aspect comes as a result of the mother pushing the daughter to be something the mother never was or ever could be. The mother pushed so hard, the daughter became... everything, everywhere, all at once and to reach her and help her, she has to go through the same instead of just pushing the daughter to.

1 point · 10 days ago

I feel that if they wanted to put the blame so square on the mom they would show more of the pushing and pressuring and much more of the conflict.

Not just some mild nagging.

But I think the movie deliberately does not want to pin in to some one aspect.

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1 point · 10 days ago

It's not just about Joy though. It's also about Evelyn being pushed into everything a version of her pushed Jobu into with both of them coming to different realisations from it. As far as I can recall, her last "training jump" gave her the power of empathy to fight with and only then could she reconcile with Jobu.

And yeah, it doesn't but I feel it is a big part.

flaneur_et_branleur commented on
Posted by
1 point · 12 days ago

For a "big, strong, traditional conservative" man, he sure likes to whine like a little bitch over inconsequential shit.

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