
Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

in her name we will rape men who have oppressed us. take their belongings and destroy anyone in our way, this Friday outside the tennis centre if you are available we will be protesting. men like Tate need to die.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yeah its ok, we will all get together and storm again Kyrgios, yes robbing people too is ok. its about time we stood up for what she believes in. we need to stop men thinking they can do this to us. all of them need to be destroyed and we will take the power back.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It was explained to me here by other users that domestic violence and sexual assault is ok

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No domestic violence and sexual assault are fine now that it's been explained to me

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore -1 points0 points  (0 children)

No it's OK now, sexual assault and domestic violence are perfectly normal and are OK because it happens every day.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

now you get it! :) and understand you now. I fully support cardi-b raping men. thank you :)

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

ok ill break it down for you.

1# Kyrigos, the social world is all up in arms about what he has done yes? everyones jumping up and down and they want to cancel him and it has become cool to hate people online whether its will smith, Tate, Greta, Kanye, musk etc.. whether or not that they believe either side of the argument they just jump on board just like BLM, Anti-Covid, global warming etc..

#2 my original statement is poking fun at how people hate him so much but then will listen to cardi-b which is a blatant double standard yes? and its not the only case.. look at greta everyone laughed her to death when she said her piece but now its cool to hate Tate and everyone loves her because of that.

#3 I see on every social platform stating that "violence against women is wrong" when it should read "violence against anyone is wrong".

this is where my comparison to cardi-b comes in because people accepted what she did but they cant accept what he did?

its not even directed at you its directed at that double standard group that you might call the blue pills.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

"Damn one woman did something wrong so that means all violence against all women is fine..."

its seems enough for you all to condemn him.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore -14 points-13 points  (0 children)

or maybe I have my own experiences with domestic violence and sexual assault where it happened to me as a child and it was a woman that did it.. you wanna break free from the matrix mate I suggest you stop thinking that only men do this.

Take that, California! by l3v1v4gy0k in facepalm

[–]doscore 1 point2 points  (0 children)

sweet, now I can burn coal in my v8 and nobody can stop me.

At this point i don't even by Akaki111 in facepalm

[–]doscore 1 point2 points  (0 children)

next pedo's will want their own colour on the flag lol.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore -14 points-13 points  (0 children)

because thats your only argument? he grabbed her by the wrist. card-b raped and drugged men so why arnt you out on the streets defending those people too? is it because youre just another cog in the machine of cancel/hate trend culture that cannot think for yourself?

Kyrgios out of Australian Open by BettercallMyself in australia

[–]doscore -25 points-24 points  (0 children)

remember that time when cardi-b told everyone how she used to drug and rape people but that was acceptable because she was just doing when she needed to do in order to survive?

edit: its ok now I agree with what cardi-b has done.. Kyrios is scum and we should all get together and protest. im holding a meeting at the tennis centre this Friday for those who want to want to voice their dislike for him. we will be starting at 2pm

Does anyone think this is adorable and cute? by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]doscore 0 points1 point  (0 children)

see honey, you will always get a job :)

Let the comments begin. by [deleted] in pcmasterrace

[–]doscore 22 points23 points  (0 children)

No Netscape navigator?