
Stevanato torna alla carica: «Cerco operai a 2000 euro al mese, nessuno risponde: manca l'umiltà. E poi c'è il reddito...» by killkailan in Italia

[–]ImgurianIRL 10 points11 points  (0 children)

È ridicolo questo annuncio. In realtà sembra che ricerchino manutentori(operatori altamente specializzati) quasi sempre in trasferta in tutta Italia. Solo per fare un esempio - È quasi da due anni che ormai i manutentori siti in azienda, in Emilia viaggiano sui 2100/2200 al mese senza straordinari e senza le trasferte pagate. Ci credo che questo non ne trova ne1 ne 10. Offre 2000 euro con trasferte incluse a livello nazionale. Probabilmente come annuncio sarà schifato da manutentori che prendono 2000 netti a stare in azienda dalle 08.30 alle 17.30 e giustamente alle 17.45 sono a fare aperitivo.

Poll worker in Donetsk counting votes from unticked ballots without looking at them. by NearArcticFellow in facepalm

[–]ImgurianIRL 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That reminds me in a certain way about the scene from 30 Rock..I always vote God.......oh we count that too...

Spiagge, c’è il salva lidi: gare tra 5 anni per le concessioni (e maxi indennizzi) by Vanaglorioso in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 4 points5 points  (0 children)

E poi ti lamenti quando arrivano gli eventuali aiuti dello stato in pandemia che si basano sul dichiarato......

Spiagge, c’è il salva lidi: gare tra 5 anni per le concessioni (e maxi indennizzi) by Vanaglorioso in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Business altamente lucrativo. Capisco perché stiano lobizzando per continuare questo subdolo gioco a spese degli altri

Spiagge, c’è il salva lidi: gare tra 5 anni per le concessioni (e maxi indennizzi) by Vanaglorioso in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Qualcuno sa quanto costa ai gestori dei bagni una stagione? Quanto versano allo stato....

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in therewasanattempt

[–]ImgurianIRL 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Carglass ripara, Carglass sostituisce

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Michael Scott in aeroporto con Pam e prima in ufficio con Jim al suo ultimo episodio da capo

Cosa visitare in Emilia-Romagna? by adrianobonelli99 in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Soprattutto arriva che hai già fatto una minima dieta perché mangerai bene

Cosa visitare in Emilia-Romagna? by adrianobonelli99 in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Premilcuore vicino a Forlì, San Marino+Rimini, Imola con circuito +Dozza, Ferrara centro top, Ravenna+Comacchio(Venezia in piccolo), Modena centro+Accademia....

Prince Peter of Serbia renounces his rights as the future head of the Serbian dynasty by Madbrad200 in news

[–]ImgurianIRL 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Serbian is autochtone as it descends from George Petrović the man that started free freeing the serbs from the turks

Prince Peter of Serbia renounces his rights as the future head of the Serbian dynasty by Madbrad200 in news

[–]ImgurianIRL 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually it is something like 650/700 years. The kingdom is more recent, like 70/75 years ago.

A Danish prison cell by Trjjcggt in interestingasfuck

[–]ImgurianIRL 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It seems to me (seeing this pic and the norwegian one) that once a poor soul enters here, many times this environment is maybe way better from where they live and operate, tends more to recreate this on the outside once it is back free. It could be one od the reasons that this works with the primo prisoners rather than putting them in a shitty hole ammassed with many others

La stilista Elisabetta Franchi: "Le donne le assumo solo over 40", le giovani possono aver figli by Buwski in italy

[–]ImgurianIRL 155 points156 points  (0 children)

Mettiamo per legge paternità obbligatorio, stesso tempo. Così non sentiamo più sti discorsi. Comunque è facile per la Franchi parlare sui giornali adesso. Chi è della zona e sa come in realtà lei ha fatto i soldi e come si è presa la fabbrica tessile del suo marito defunto(tra l'altro molto più vecchio di lei) ride quando legge queste sue perle do "saggezza". Ridicola da sempre

What Each Country Leads In The World. (Not mine, apologies if reposted). by WaffleFrostt in MapPorn

[–]ImgurianIRL 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wrong because I am just an Italian but still I think I can recognize fascism better. Btw to me you seem not Irish but maybe a first gen american.

Edit: looked at your profile. You are an american indeed with some asian mix. Nice. Please look at your own continent there and leave us europeans alone here to discuss about our things. Lol

Countries most similar to the United States (Objective Lists) by [deleted] in MapPorn

[–]ImgurianIRL -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Thanks God my countries are white and blue! Grazie al c...o

What Each Country Leads In The World. (Not mine, apologies if reposted). by WaffleFrostt in MapPorn

[–]ImgurianIRL 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think that you are just an american ignorant. Maybe even not american maybe a confused first gen american. Those countries, at least in Yugoslavia, never rulled the countries. You are only a green text subject

What Each Country Leads In The World. (Not mine, apologies if reposted). by WaffleFrostt in MapPorn

[–]ImgurianIRL 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There are many photos, videos even books about nazi muslim bosnians(bosniaks). There were tens of thousands of them that fought side by side with the nazis (Für Prophet und Führer by David Motadel is a book where you can check some of their atrocities. This book is also interesting because it shows how Albanians, Crimea Tatars and Caucasus Muslims also joined the nazis. The think about muslims bosnians is that under the Turks they, as converts, were treated better than christians for 2/3 centuries and also committed atrocities against christians that many times were also enslaved to converts. When the turks were fought back and got to go back to Turkey all the converts lost their privileges and this is why in the wars, many time they will side anybody against their christians ex brothers.