
Mercedes wants EV buyers to get used to paywalled features | Your new electric car can be faster for as "little" as $60 per month by chrisdh79 in Futurology

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Our van has built in navigation for free. Granted it means it's limited to whatever maps were loaded on it when we bought it and if it can be updated we might have to pay for that (haven't actually looked into it) but for how rarely we use it that doesn't really matter much. Plus it has Android Auto, so we usually use that for navigation anyway.

Anything they absolutely requires an actual server to host data or whatever I do understand having to pay a fee for. But things that are built in and can function perfectly fine without any Internet connection once they're switched on it would be just absolute BS to charge for that.

A gripe with Enterprise by According-Relation-4 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess I stand corrected. It's been a long time since I had sent either episode, so I'll take your word for it.

A gripe with Enterprise by According-Relation-4 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you're referring to the power supply thing brought up in Picard, I get that. But I literally mean Riker probably wouldn't have had the time in the original episode that he's shown to spend on that, nor would it make sense to be doing so with the situation they were dealing with.

A gripe with Enterprise by According-Relation-4 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 5 points6 points  (0 children)

In the (non canon of course) novels, I believe it's revealed that he had faked his death and gone on some sort of super top secret undercover mission.

A gripe with Enterprise by According-Relation-4 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 7 points8 points  (0 children)

  1. It actually does explicitly mention the stardate, the admiral involved, and that Riker is coming to terms with having to decide whether to decide to not follow an order he was given, and that's just in the first few minutes that I just looked back on right now. So I'd say it's more than just a bit of a stretch to try to say it might not be directly connected to the events of that episode, since it's all laid out right there.

  2. I agree entirely with this point. I definitely consider it a very awkward interlude in that episode of TNG, and not a "real" episode of Enterprise at all. Which is good, because it allows us to assume that a few things were wrong with the holoprogram, like Trip dying and the NX-01 looking like it did for the rest of the show and not the refit version that should have been used at that time, since we now know that it does exist thanks to Picard. Or we can just ignore it completely and try to forget it existed at all.

A gripe with Enterprise by According-Relation-4 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 35 points36 points  (0 children)

More awkwardly though, the Riker stuff is supposedly during the events of the episode "The Pegasus" of TNG. So it's not so much a lost episode, as a bunch of extra stuff somehow happening between the scenes of a particular episode. Just with a visibly older Riker and Troi, and no idea how he could or would be spending that much time in the holodeck during a pretty intense situation.

Hey you beautiful people! It's EliteDangerous update day! Very excited to see what we can see in this cloud. Don't forget to read the Book of the Day, though! by PixelBandits in EliteDangerous

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nice, and me with no anti xeno experience or equipment at all. Barely done any pirate hunting even.

Maybe now's the time to start. Or just stay away from those systems entirely if I get back in.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 Production Delayed – Trek Central by Arbiter82 in startrek

[–]DredZedPrime 4 points5 points  (0 children)

"They fished his body out of the Allegheny River, a week before the strike ended. 32 bullets he had in him. Or was it 34?"

Hey you beautiful people! It's EliteDangerous update day! Very excited to see what we can see in this cloud. Don't forget to read the Book of the Day, though! by PixelBandits in EliteDangerous

[–]DredZedPrime 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I actually haven't played in a few months, was thinking of getting back in again.

Stopped not long after that failed superweapon thing a while back, I remember something about Thargoid signals heading into the bubble but I had some stuff come up and hadn't been able to continue much past that.

So what's been going on so far? Any idea of anything big this new update is bringing?

I’m turning into an old man (early 40’s), but as a child of the 80’s…I still like my videogames and this is my setup tucked away in the home office. Mostly because the wife doesn’t want it anywhere else! by xinvisionx in gaming

[–]DredZedPrime 21 points22 points  (0 children)

The fact that both parties of a relationship should feel able to display their own interests anywhere in the home.

I have my stuff interspersed with my wife's throughout our house. We celebrate all the things we like, whether we both like them or just one of us.

If it was just that he would prefer it in the office, cool. The fact that he felt the need to mention that it's because his wife wouldn't want it anywhere else is at least a little troubling.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And yet you still misrepresented the reality of it yourself with your average pay thing. Again, you're doing exactly what you're accusing him of.

We are both on the side of wanting teachers paid more, so let's just leave it at that.

What’s it like being a man? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I had another dad at my kid's little league game tell me he likes the t-shirts I always wear (usually either Star Wars or some other sci-fi thing) and that really stuck with me.

Fox Host Confronts Abbott With Poll Showing Large Majority Want Gun Laws by OkayButFoRealz in politics

[–]DredZedPrime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, 1776 is a conveniently recognizable year that would allow for an instantly recognizable frame of reference for what you're trying to get across, so I completely understand using that.

And good job missing just one question on the citizenship test. I can pretty much guarantee most people who were born here, most likely myself included, would do far worse.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And you're still pretending that you didn't try to pass off the average for all teachers to the basic starting salary. I may have understated how many actually pay the minimum, and you may be right that none of them actually pay exactly that.

But that doesn't change that you're changing what the guy was actually trying to get across by bringing in a completely different statistic, doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.

Daily Fail Strikes Again by Alien__Yes in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 19 points20 points  (0 children)

If you like that, it's by the creator of the webcomic XKCD. Definitely check some of it out.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I guess I just have a somewhat more pessimistic view of what can realistically happen the way the laws and people in power are these days.

I sincerely hope that we can get back to better regulation and more fair taxation, it just seems really unlikely with the super rich already having so much influence.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You're still moving the goalposts by trying to compare it to the overall average pay of teachers, instead of the starting pay for a brand new teacher. I'll grant that that minimum might not be what many schools actually start at, but it is the minimum, which is what he was talking about.

Even in the link you provided they say the average is $41,770, still far short of what you were talking about. So right here he may not have been entirely accurate, but you're the one misrepresenting things.

Texas Bill Would Train Third Graders to Use 'Battlefield' Tourniquets by Mighty_L_LORT in nottheonion

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The idea of them being taught first aid isn't really an issue, it's probably a good idea for all sorts of reasons.

What sucks is that it's only being done now because they would rather do that than actually deal with the gun violence problem that's prompting them to think it's necessary.

My chill little Sunday afternoon project 🥰 by PsychoPanda7 in playstation

[–]DredZedPrime 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Also worth noting that the microphone does drain the battery slightly faster if it's not muted, since the mic itself is always active when using games that support it.

You can change the settings to default to having the mic always off if you'd like to extend battery or don't like the idea of the PS5 listening to you when you might not want it to. The only downside is always having that little light on.

10 Year Anniversary - A supercut honoring the year 2013 and its remarkable amount of sci fi & super hero movie releases. Made from official promo. Blood type Epic. by IhabAbouzeid in geek

[–]DredZedPrime 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I really wish I'd seen gravity in the theater. Watched it at home with my seat pulled all the way up to the screen and it was good, but I'm certain it would have been far better with a real giant screen.

Now I'm thinking of maybe rewatching it in a virtual theater in VR. Maybe still not as good as the real thing, but probably the best possible way to watch it currently.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 17 points18 points  (0 children)

That's why we need to tax them fairly, and restrict some of what they can do to screw the rest of us over. Unfortunately that likely won't ever happen, because like I said, they're the ones with the power.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They weren't saying it was the average starting salary. They were saying, and I quote "The starting salary for a beginning teacher in Texas is $33,600."

That's exactly right, according to the minimum salary schedule listed on the TEA website.

Starting with 0 years experience, a teacher would be making a minimum of $33,600, just like he said. Sure if it's a particularly well funded district they may add a bit onto that, but that doesn't change that it is in fact the starting salary for a beginning teacher.

doesn't even make sense by thegabbyassembly in facepalm

[–]DredZedPrime 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Honestly, just taxing the super rich at a fair rate would give us more than enough to offset any wage increases for teachers or other severely underpaid jobs.

The whole base problem is that everything is geared towards the benefit of those super rich individuals, because they have the money to use tactically to make sure they get to keep even more money.