
It’s Still Your Mf Set by techn9neiskod in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sexual assault is not only rape. These statistics are based on U.S. laws that define sexual assault as:

"The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include: Attempted rape. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching." Or according to the U.S. deparment of justice: "The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent."

This is the criteria these sexual assault statistics are based upon.

By the way, rape is defined by the U.S. department of justice as this

Rock and Paper= Scissors by mrcsmith90 in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am most definitely getting breast surgery as soon as I get the funds together, so this might be true for me, but definitely not for everyone. Lots of rich women out there with natural bodies. Poor aint got nothing to do with it, just hitting the genetic lottery

It’s Still Your Mf Set by techn9neiskod in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum -1 points0 points  (0 children)

1 out of 6 women have been sexually assaulted. 98 percent of sexual assault crimes are committed by men. Only 3 percent of sexual assault allegations are false. That is not comaparable to being afraid of being called a creep on tiktok.

The Last of Us: Crocs Edition by EvonyR in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You do know people think yeezys are ugly as fuck too right? You do know people can think yeezys and crocs can be ugly at the same time too right?

I genuinely can’t decide what’s worse by thelilbel in tumblr

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It wouldnt leave me traumatized. Call the cops and get tf on with my day. Insects crawling all over my body and an infestation that would make me actually paranoid from phantom feelings? Nah im good.

I genuinely can’t decide what’s worse by thelilbel in tumblr

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Same, these people have never lived with an actual roach infestation and you can tell. 1000 cockroaches means a million babies and countless eggs and years and years of being on edge in your bed, when you eat, when you sit down, when you go out, when you grab clothes out of your closet, when you go to friends houses, etc.

I genuinely can’t decide what’s worse by thelilbel in tumblr

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They can claim all the want. If they cant provide proof they have to get the fuck out.

We can move forward to better things by Crescentnobody in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Apparently we're not allowed to complain about banks on this sub lmao

We can move forward to better things by Crescentnobody in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Explain to me why some countries do just fine without credit scores but the U.S. cant possibly survive without them.

We can move forward to better things by Crescentnobody in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Im very aware of why they dropped it, the issue is that it dropped in the first place. You shouldnt be penalized for paying off debt, all of that should be factored in. You saying it dropped because, credit age, history, number of accounts doesnt mean anything because the main issue is that it dropped in the first place. A lower credit score is a lower credit score and when paying something off makes you appear overall shittier as a lendee that is complete bs. My credit has not risen back to the same score since that hit, only a couple points for hard inquiries dropping off and lower debt utilization from paid off credit cards. I paid it off in march 2022 ON TIME. Not paid off early. Saying Im better off is objectively false. There is no benefit to paying off that car loan other than total overall debt amount dropping and that provided nothing to my score, I was better off with the loan and having the payment history and account history boosting my score. The idea that paying a loan off helps your credit score in the long run or that it doesnt negatively affect your score at all is on par with thinking banks are looking out for your best interests which you seem to think for some sad reason. Banks dont care either way, they know youre going to pay the money back and if you dont, theyll find someone who will and saddle you with the consequences. Thinking they care about your credit score outside of getting money in interest off of you is laughable. Thinking they want you to pay a loan off when their money maker is time and interest is on another level of living in lala land. Extensions exist for a reason. Banks would prefer that you stay in debt and paying them. Its only an issue if you dont pay them at all and credit scores take advantage of this.

Edit: This doesnt change the fact that you said credit scores dropping after paying loans off is absolutely false, which is not true. Now youre saying well these are the reasons they dropped but your first statement was it didnt happen at all. Choose a side.

I stopped caring for HighSchool once I graduated. by MikeisTOOOTALLL in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 167 points168 points  (0 children)

Yall dont find it weird for hating on people for finding joy within a certain time period of their lives? You mad because they miss something that you hated, you mad because they have good memories of a place you thought sucked?

Yall really dont see whats wrong with acting like that?

Highschool was shit for me, i moved around a lot, got bullied because of it, had an untreated learning disorder, struggled greatly, was disrespected or ignored by a good chunk of my teachers and graduated with a sad gpa, but I dont look back on my peers who had the time of their lives and get mad because they liked it. Who tf does that? If they peaked in highschool, so what? Some of us peaked in college, in our first jobs, in our first foray into independence as adults, and some of us never will, theres nothing wrong with that.

And he better not have any baby momma drama by kwame2390 in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Can I add on to this?

Him: She gotta be traditional, but know how to throw ass. Must be able to pay her own bills, but not be allowed to pay her own bills or ill feel less of a man. Must have natural hair, but it cant be short. Must have an ass but cant be fat, must have big titties, but they cant be saggy, must have small titties, but they cant be flat. She must be very good at sex, but be a virgin. Her body count has to be under 5 or shes a whore. She must not lie about her bodycount, but ill accuse her of lying and add 3 anyway because jcole told me to. Must be in shape, but no arm, calf, back muscles or six packs. Must not wear makeup but also look like shes wearing makeup. Must be able to cook, clean and suck my dick daily but also have a very demanding job because she needs to be a high value woman. Said demanding job must not make more than I make. Must be able to fuck multiple times a week, but take care of multiple children by herself. Has to be able to pay for her own vacations but not allowed to travel to miami, houston, etc alone otherwise shes a cheating hoe. Must be able to have a backbone, but has to be submissive. Must be eloquent and educated but know how to shut-up and listen and has to defer to me for all decisions because I am the man.

Etc, etc.

We can move forward to better things by Crescentnobody in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You think that doesnt still happen WITH credit scores? lmao

We can move forward to better things by Crescentnobody in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What? I paid off a car loan and my score dropped thirty points. Many other people have had this happen to them, this isnt a myth, what do you mean its not true?

Sleeping naked isn't normal? by tensaisenpai in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Mmm, who doesnt love the variety pack misogynoir?

Morning wake up call by state trooper. by mindyour in ContagiousLaughter

[–]Choclategum -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

No, inexcusable like I said, this is a violent crime they are outright ignoring. Pick another job if overtime is too much.

LBDT - Look but don't touch by cutedorkycoco in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Once I get this surgery, im probably not going to buy another bra again if I have it my way

Are people like this being paid to bootlick?! by TheClassyWomanist in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I stopped giving a fuck when they started claiming we had no culture or that our culture was given to us by white people because someone called them an african bootyscratcher in the seventh grade.

Are people like this being paid to bootlick?! by TheClassyWomanist in BlackPeopleTwitter

[–]Choclategum 3 points4 points  (0 children)

There's a whole lot of hillbillies in my tax bracket who would love to lynch the fuck out of me, but youre avoiding bringing them up while speaking about class solidarity funny