
My dog has passed away by Djentleman5000 in DOG

[–]PengieP111 13 points14 points  (0 children)

So sorry. He looked like a wonderful spirited pupper.

What next ? by rainbowarriorhere in LateStageCapitalism

[–]PengieP111 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I was a branch chief for a regulatory agency for a while. My colleagues of equal rank worked for a while and then went and worked for the companies they regulated. They made bank from that. I didn't do that as I preferred R&D and new product development. I also didn't make the money those colleagues made. But I have my integrity and have no questions about whether or not I sold out. Not saying my colleagues sold out. But corporations don't pay you a lot of money for nothing.

A proud mom showing her babies by b_ub_u-1 in MadeMeSmile

[–]PengieP111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think they smell like Fritos corn chips.

Found by a friend near Tucson, AZ any ideas? by nap_thyme in whatsthisbug

[–]PengieP111 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Without a banana for scale we don’t know how big they are

Got arrested for petitioning by Anxious-Ad7407 in facepalm

[–]PengieP111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The cops keep doing this because the punishment for the police committing such crimes is so mild.

Got arrested for petitioning by Anxious-Ad7407 in facepalm

[–]PengieP111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This video is about fascism here in the US. Fascism came from Europe. Europe had a war where they killed the fascists. The US has caught the fascist virus this time unfortunately. Let’s hope it does not take a war to get rid of fascism this time.

Got arrested for petitioning by Anxious-Ad7407 in facepalm

[–]PengieP111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

These fascist United States. We are already there folks.

Apparently I'm a Dr now. by SeptemberJoy in PhD

[–]PengieP111 3 points4 points  (0 children)

College Station (and Texas as a whole) was and remains not my favorite place. Some years later, they asked me to apply for a faculty position there. I told them that I didn’t feel I was competitive- no reason to tell them the awful truth and offending people who might be reviewing my grants one day that I would have to kill myself if I had to live in Texas again.

Found by a friend near Tucson, AZ any ideas? by nap_thyme in whatsthisbug

[–]PengieP111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My guess would be fig beetles. When I lived in SoCal their larvae would be in the compost. Birds love them.

Missing Australian woman survived five days on wine and lollipops, police day by rytis in offbeat

[–]PengieP111 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would have thought an Aussie woman could survive indefinitely on such a diet.

Chinese construction workers demonstrate the quality of metal used in building construction in china by lonely_dude__ in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]PengieP111 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You CAN get quality stuff from China, but you have to PAY for it. So there's little to no reason to pay those prices to buy your stuff from China when you can get assured quality from Germany, Japan, the US etc.

Work 9 to 5 in academia by Previous_Following_5 in AskAcademia

[–]PengieP111 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

If you aren't some sort of freakish genius, good luck to you.

Kyrsten Sinema Insists She Isn’t a Republican As Her Poll Numbers Tank by WhoIsJolyonWest in inthenews

[–]PengieP111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Like I said, I hope she loses and that when she loses, she goes broke and can't get a job anywhere. And is thus condemned to live the rest of her miserable turncoat life in abject poverty.

Kyrsten Sinema Insists She Isn’t a Republican As Her Poll Numbers Tank by WhoIsJolyonWest in inthenews

[–]PengieP111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

She certainly checks the boxes of money grubbing and amorality for being GOPer

Kyrsten Sinema Insists She Isn’t a Republican As Her Poll Numbers Tank by WhoIsJolyonWest in inthenews

[–]PengieP111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hope this vile bitch loses all her money and has to spend the rest of her life in shameful abject poverty.

Return of the Ear Abscess by complicatie1 in popping

[–]PengieP111 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This. I've had those when I was a kid. They hurt so much they make you sick.

Apparently I'm a Dr now. by SeptemberJoy in PhD

[–]PengieP111 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I went directly to a postdoc in California. College Station to Berkeley. The transition was like being released from Purgatory.