
CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978: CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021 by brisketofbeef in Economics

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Does the CEO of the failing company compensate the shareholders? Why should the risk premium of the company be related to the pay of the CEO in any way?

This logic does not apply anymore than it applies to any other worker in a company. If the value the company gets out of their labor is supposed to determine how much they are given, then you have turned the entire way our economy works on its head.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978: CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021 by brisketofbeef in Economics

[–]ForGreatDoge 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If someone argued that the work they did for a company made the company $1 million, and therefore they are underpaid. What would your response be? Probably something like " The market and supply and demand are supposed to dictate what you are paid, not what you make for the employer"? Why does the same logic not apply to CEOs? Because they can seat people who ultimately determine what they are paid. The corruption cycle is well documented and the market cap of a company's public shares has nothing to do with the value of an individual worker in it. Whether that is a CEO or otherwise.

who still uses one apart from me? by dani0001 in oculus

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The rift audio was also using a PC to do the spatial processing.

I am someone who had a rift for very long and only recently borrowed a quest 2 to try out. I've also converted to it, once getting a dedicated router for airlink. The pros just outweigh the cons far too much, though I would have paid more money happily to have some improvements like battery life, proper sound etc. Looking forward to their new release shortly, as I have started to really get into the idea of their mixed reality office stuff being driven by airlink. There are a couple impressive apps for virtual offices now.

As for sound, the quest has an aux port on it, just find headphones (or good earbuds) That will stay on your head. I have used some lightweight headphones and put the headphone strap across a third party headstrap. It looks janky as heck but it is so much nicer audio.

Army misses recruiting goal by 15,000 soldiers by MyVideoConverter in news

[–]ForGreatDoge -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

Echo... Echo... Echo ... ("Please upvote me!" - Colddigger)

Belly Dancers (NSFW for exposed skin - no nudity) by SnareEmu in StableDiffusion

[–]ForGreatDoge 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Well in a couple they are a blob, in one her hands are just missing from the wrist... Gone. And in one she has an extra finger on one hand. Hands will be the final frontier, for some reason.

Why does Google keep failing new products? by AnnaDelveyloper in investing

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it's more simple, they don't care.

They have to have stuff to talk about in the investor conferences, to get the blood going. But they don't actually care because any of these products doesn't even move the dial compared to their core.

The Nest software still lacks basic functionality that would take an intern one day to code, stuff that has been requested for 4 years now. Their support for products is laughable. Even when they obtain a product, they don't ever make integrations very smooth (like stuff people would expect to be able to do through Google Assistant for Google products just... Is not supported, often even worse supported than third party competitors...). I realize this was kind of a rambling answer but that's my take. They do these acquisitions but they never really try to integrate them into core Google (technologically nor culturally). It's just for the line items so they have something to talk about quarterly.

US 30-Year Mortgage Rate Hits 6.25%, Highest Since 2008 by TinyTornado7 in Economics

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This may be hard for you to imagine, but I don't look at Reddit every day.

Also, if those are "big words" to you maybe you should go read some books. I will use small words for you: You are saying two things. Two things not connect. You think one thing prove other thing, but you not understand basics. Hard to explain when you no listen. (PS: I never, at any point, said "gold does not hold value," which is a vague enough statement as to never be provable either way).

All secondary/traded securities are net-zero investments, that has nothing to do with them being a stable value. Additionally, to your prior point, lots of people "hoarding" something in a certain region also does not, in any way, predict the stability of it as a store of value. By your logic, every collectable fad was a rational and logical buy.

You are grasping to prove your faith rather than see any possible flaws in it, talking to you is like talking to a religious person who toggles between angry attacks and (small words for you) "ideas that do not correlate but you assert as proof." I find you both loud and pointless.

US 30-Year Mortgage Rate Hits 6.25%, Highest Since 2008 by TinyTornado7 in Economics

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So your ad-hominem to me asking if you are aware of the value difference of gold in different economies and over different time spans (see: India vs US) is... to assert that I am an American with no knowledge of other economies. Do I have that right?

You seem really mad at being asked to check your "facts," that's usually a sign of being wrong. So far, you've been wrong 2/2 and tried to attack me for pointing out the data does not back you up. That's an intellectual strike-out, sorry bub. Maybe you can work on that.

Customer wants developers with .NET Core experience, says .NET 6 doesn't count? by CobaltLemur in csharp

[–]ForGreatDoge 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Which should have been renamed to "Entity Core" just like "ASP.NET Framework" became "ASP.NET Core" etc but nope. For some reason we got "EF7 aka Entity Framework Core" Microsoft is terrible at naming.

Customer wants developers with .NET Core experience, says .NET 6 doesn't count? by CobaltLemur in csharp

[–]ForGreatDoge 13 points14 points  (0 children)

WCF is far from "unsupported" in Framework. That is a weird claim to make.

US 30-Year Mortgage Rate Hits 6.25%, Highest Since 2008 by TinyTornado7 in Economics

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Have you actually checked on that claim anytime in the last, I don't know 40 years?

Need tips for peer pairing interview. C# with unit testing by Powerful-Ad-544 in csharp

[–]ForGreatDoge 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This has become more common recently. A lot of people have been completely faking their resumes etc and recruiters have been sending us supposed "Seniors with 20 years of experience" who can't even write the most basic methods when asked.

Do not stress about it too much. Be able to do some basic code, be confident about how you want to approach generating unit tests for the code (Do they just use the built-in MS ones, or do they use xunit etc?). Other than that, just be able to explain the decisions you are making if they ask why. They may ask you about the Big-O complexity of your solution and stuff like that to make sure you also consider if your solution is actually the best solution.

I tried out Four Flamingos magical dining last night with my wife. Our tab had a $20 “service fee” added. Asked our waitress and it was not a tip or auto gratuity. Are there any other restaurants in Orlando doing this? It was a great experience but we’re reluctant to go back because of that fee. by _picture_me_rollin_ in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Fraud. It's called fraud. The business owner thinks they are smarter than everybody else when in reality they are just a POS. We've seen this behavior idolized in recent years.

If you are given a bill that is different from the advertised pricing, paying it and leaving a bad review is the wrong response. Refusing to pay it and insisting on the original advertised price is the correct response.

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's hilarious that areas have had to add blockers to separate turn lanes before intersections, because it is apparently so difficult for people to enter the lane correctly. That, and the dipshits that will block the straight waiting to get over for an entire light cycle, instead of just u-turning. I just wish we'd seriously ramp up traffic citations and/or a combination of public transit + harder licensing.

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Odd, then. Seems like yes, as you said, a cab driver would just pass you instead of doing what you describe above; unless you were impeding the flow of traffic in some way such that he couldn't, or you cut him off or maybe he was trying to tell you your lights were out (ha). That sounds like a strange experience.

Then again, I have seen people trying to weave through cars when there is a several-mile line of stopped traffic... so... maybe just stupid.

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A city with completely useless or no traffic enforcement would, by those metrics, be rated as the city with the best drivers in the world. Does that turn the light bulb on?

I wish we WOULD see a massive uptick of citations etc, that would probably actually help with the problem. In a 10 minute drive I'll observe 50+ things that could be ticketed, even right in front of officers (no lights at 1 AM in the rain, clearly also drunk... pulled over? Nope!). The lack of enforcement makes the problem worse, and yet with those metrics it looks like we have no problem at all.

Accidents and injury reports are also subject to FHP actually doing their jobs-- from my experience, they do not.

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Were you sitting in the left lane and not passing anybody?

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anything using those metrics is in the same IQ range as "there would not be as many COVID cases if we didn't test as much"

PSA to whoever needs to hear this by nightamren in orlando

[–]ForGreatDoge 15 points16 points  (0 children)

So you didn't cross at the opening and you crossed the solid line instead long after you should have? Yeah I'm with the person honking at you. Indecisive drivers are unpredictable and dangerous too.

Tesla Hacker Calls FSD Blatant Cash Grab Scam, Advises People to Avoid It by seat51c in SelfDrivingCars

[–]ForGreatDoge 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Except that EAP/NOA is a different tier than FSD, and includes what you claim is part of FSD.