
[No Spoilers] Jester by @Surinecosplay 🔥 by SkulleDuSporge in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh, we're all gonna be gutted seeing it go down in the show D:

I'm not surprised Travis is among the top. It's so funny looking at his autograph in my Fullmetal Alchemist manga and remembering being the one to show the cast what Greed looked like since that was my cosplay and he wasn't in any of the US stuff yet, lol.

I'm hoping to get everyone's autograph on the Molly tarot deck, but lordy the money! It would make for an amazing set to put on my wall.

Medical care sucks as a woman by Responsible-Scale680 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have chronic pain issues and should be doing PT everyday, but even getting a script for a few weeks is a hassle and a half. I finally said F it and checked online- found an amazing physical therapist who puts out YouTube videos of 5-30minute routines and her entire focus is that everyone is different and needs to do different things to get moving. Most videos I've done of hers she's made sure to mention different ways to do things or point out that certain things can just be done while sitting.

In my 10 years of issues it's the first time I've ever done a bit of PT everyday for almost 2 weeks. It's just so nice hearing her affirm that it's fine to do things a different way and that it isn't about losing weight or bulking up it's just about moving a bit.

[No Spoilers] Jester by @Surinecosplay 🔥 by SkulleDuSporge in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm hoping I have the money to get autographs from all of them, but sadly, Laura and Travis are at the bottom of my list. Met them both back in Ye Olden Con Times when it was just a walk up to them and they signed stuff for free xD

My top 3 that I will do questionable things for the money are Tal (I'm going as Kingsley, I'm meeting that man!), Liam, and Matt. My mother may have some mom words for Liam, she still remembers coming home at 2am from her hospital shift to find me bawling my eyes out over Vax during the livestream, lol.

I think my boyfriend is a clinical psychopath. And I don’t quite know how to feel about it because he’s the most loving person I know by Minstrel_Melody in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 24 points25 points  (0 children)

That's the same with my providers, I would love to be able to get an official answer, but a) I'm in my 30's and getting a doctor that diagnoses adults is impossible and b) the issues that can potentially come up from a diagnosis are plentiful and ableist af.

Also, a lot of places do not go "we need to see your official autism papers" when you say you're autistic. The hospital where I get infusions was perfectly fine to just put down that I'm autistic so that during the pandemic I could have a companion with me to help my anxiety. Even a lot of professors in my program were fine explaining things in different ways to me without official paperwork.

[No Spoilers] Is Essek tall or is he short? by xenogaby in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

For some reason, I automatically figured Molly was "short," like around 5'7" or so. It definitely seems to be that a lot of people are very much either on the side of him being tall or small, lol.

[No Spoilers] Is Essek tall or is he short? by xenogaby in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

For some reason, I automatically figured Molly was "short," like around 5'7" or so. It definitely seems to be that a lot of people are very much either on the side of him being tall or small, lol.

I hate myself for not having a bachelors degree yet by sdleradm in CollegeRant

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just graduated with my BA and my mom decided to finally go for her BSN after having her RN for a decade.

Trust me, I get anxiety and such, I just had a massive panic attack on Sunday and haven't recovered yet, but it will be okay. We live in a capitalist hellscape, so make sure you take as much time as you can to be certain you are doing what you want to.

[No spoilers] How much do the CR cast charge for autographs at cons? by alexsummers999 in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I met Travis back in 07, so when I saw the price for NYCC I had to tell my bestie who was with me at that con. Conventions are so different nowadays, lol

The drama behind this one is ridiculous by [deleted] in shittytattoos

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How did the "artist" manage to put a cicada body on a moth?!

[No Spoilers] If you were a guest on the show, what character would you play? by MigetMAN208 in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas -1 points0 points  (0 children)

1000% would play my Idiot Fish- water genasai warlock- with M9. They were probably going to betray their patron (a Bill Cipher type eldritch being, aka a little twerp among other beings) to worship Artagan... It would just work well with Jester being besties with him and Fjord having such an extreme issue with his patron. Poor Fjord would just be staring into a corner, wondering why he couldn't get rid of his patron so easily.

It's also hilarious that while Laura was thinking about making Jester a warlock bound to Artagan, my own warlock was about to go to the Feywild and totally fall for Artagan's weird shit.

Has anyone been on those airplanes with a crying baby and the mother is doing all the work trying to nurse them and calm them down and the father is fast asleep like no care in the world? by starstruckbyu in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I will never understand this sort of stuff! My parents were teenagers when I was born and when I was a barfy mess on a flight as an infant he was swapping off with my mom the whole time. If my teenage dad could do it, so can every other dad :|

An employee at Lowes: "If the man of the house has a power drill..." by ErrantWhimsy in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 91 points92 points  (0 children)

To a degree, I understand when I get that crap since I apparently look under or about 18, so people figure I'm new to shit even though I'm 33. Other than looking young, there's no excuse to assume someone doesn't know 'enough' about something ><

people who have adopted shelter dogs, how did you know your dog was the one? by shroombee369 in dogs

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My old lady absolutely chose me.

My childhood dog was getting older, and her mortality had started to weigh heavily on my depression. She loved when her doggie friends came to stay with us, so we were certain she would at least be neutral to another dog coming home. My mom and I went to the county pound, and sadly, it was sensory overload for me and none of the dogs really stood out as ones that would mesh well with us. We then went to the local private shelter.

There we met Lana, a smallish Spitz-mix, who was the cutest thing ever, but had a big "Escape Artist" sign on her door, so she kept getting passed over in her 3 months available. Living in a condo meant that we didn't care about that at all, and she came right up to her door to sniff me. We took her out and outside the volunteer was facing away from me while talking to my mom saying how she's such a sweet loving dog, but even people who weren't deterred by her escapist ways found her super slow to warm up personality off-putting. Mom pointed behind the volunteer to look at me and Lana so that she could see that I had a fuzzy butt sitting in my lap eating bugs out of the air.

After a meeting with my childhood dog, which went perfectly, my grandma snuck off to pay the adoption fee (I was just too young to be the official owner, so the papers were in my mom and grandma's names). We had brought some stuff for Lana to have overnight so that we could bring her home the next day, so that she hopefully knew she had a family even though she had to stay one more night. We picked her up and from then on she was my baby.

I hit a bunch of life bumps, so I couldn't finish university anywhere near when I "should have," so even though she made it to 16 years old she only got to see me part-way through my Junior year. It's been a year and a half, but you know I cried and messed up my makeup before commencement yesterday because I missed her fluffy butt and fish breath!

When did students stop caring about getting a drivers license? by Ok_Stable7501 in Teachers

[–]AlphaDelilas 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yup, I had to go car shopping right after the flooding, and all the cars in our price range were suspiciously damp. Had to go a few thousand over budget to start looking at ones that weren't affected by water damage.

Dog had grapes and we’ve been told to just wait - anyone else been here? by movealittlecloser in dogs

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hope your pup is doing good!

My old lab got into grapes a few times and was fine, it definitely is one of those things where some dogs have an extreme reaction and others have none. My idiot old man also ate most of two bags of cherry cordial kisses and his only problem was he got the butt wiggles when the foil came out. His vet just sort of sighed and said it was honestly one of the safest things The Goat Dog ingested.

Really?!! by Angie-Loo in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 4 points5 points  (0 children)

When I was an EMT, I saw a lot of people you'd think should be old enough to know better but did indeed blow past their tolerance level.

The worst was probably a guy whose wife called us to get him. Dude got absolutely wasted at a Christining or something like that and was just barfing all over the house. She called us because she was already pissed about having to clean up his rancid mess, but their multiple children were coming back home soon and she was going to protect them from seeing it all, including the husband. I never had someone angrily take photos of a patient, but right before we got him trussed up she did, so that she could show his mother. Dude fucked around and found out hard that night.

How can I not feel so hurt about not being asked to be a bridesmaid? by chronically_alive_1 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The one time I was a groom's person, it was so stressful since it was just one person for the bride and one for the groom. I was told that my outfit was going to be the template for the other person... So much anxiety over that.

And then the worst thing happened- I thought my dress would accommodate for chest size fluctuations since I would get a bit bigger and sore during points in my cycle. I apparently did not and could not wear the dress that day and had to dig through old prom dresses and modify one that morning.

Never again, lol!

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet sold 22.1 million units and what it ranks in comparison to other titles by Pokeradar in PokemonScarletViolet

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm surprised by how low Black/White2 are. It's the only follow-up version that was a proper sequel and continues the story.

Should I consider buying a manufactured home? by itworker8675309 in personalfinance

[–]AlphaDelilas 15 points16 points  (0 children)

There is a mental health and mental health provider problem in the US, but I suggest looking into any clinics near you. It may not be something in your area, but if there is one, they typically take Medicaid and have sliding-scale payments or a charity care program.

There isn't a "too much for therapy" threshold. You would work with a therapist to triage what problems are most important to work on at a time and also do general mental wellbeing work. You would also probably work with a prescriber to find if you are a good candidate for medication and try to find a good medication regime for you.

One dose of the HPV vaccine down! by LizzyPBaJ in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)


I got my doctor to give it to me, but she only did so after being super gross about it. "Oh, what, are you planning on having some wild parties?" "No... It just seems smart to do, and since I'm still a virgin, I'm the perfect candidate to get it." Annoyingly, though when I asked about scheduling my third dose the office had no clue what I was talking about, so.... That's great 🙃

When have you ever feared for your life? Why? [serious] by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]AlphaDelilas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Probably when I had Pertussis. I wasn't given a booster before college (just tetanus and diphtheria) and ended up catching it. The one evening, I just couldn't breathe and kept coughing and was maxed out on medication, so I went to the ER. There, they genuinely didn't know what to do with me since Pertussis was only just on the rise again because of anti-vaxxers. The hospital didn't even have a protocol on file. The nurse was up front with me and told me that they had to call my doctor's emergency number to find out from him what treatment they should do.

I was pretty anxious the whole time, and there were other times during my few months with the disease that I was pretty scared. Moral of the story: get your damn vaccines, y'all.

🙋🏽‍♀️ I’m just curious tbh - is anyone else here over 18 and hasn’t had their first kiss ?? by [deleted] in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'm 33 and haven't. Dating has always been stressful if you like dudes, but now it's an absolute cesspool and has been for a few years. I'm just not about having that in my life, lol.

More of Daniel by tthawx in Sandman

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I loved Daniel's appearance in Nightmare, and since Tynion liked my Daniel cosplay when I met him I'm assuming he actually enjoys the character. The Dreaming writers just seemed to hate Daniel and wanted to make him an even more terrible version of Morpheus, which is the opposite of what he's supposed to be D:

Just had a doctor ask me if I had accepted Jesus Christ into my life during my appointment by oso_de_espacio in TwoXChromosomes

[–]AlphaDelilas 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I will forever love that my Wellness and Exercise 101 professor turned the class into a Weird Shit You Should Know lecture series and one week was spent watching documentaries about Mother Theresa.... I had known she wasn't actually a good person, but seeing the conditions she kept people in was something else.

[Spoilers C3E51] Matt's long con vindicates a major complaint. by Ethanol_Based_Life in criticalrole

[–]AlphaDelilas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My dad's was a rogue who just sort of followed any large happenings and would randomly meddle in things he found interesting. My doofus Drow that was happy-go-lucky and completely unaware of most people's hatred of Drow was interesting enough to save from an evil wizard.

That's cool that they recorded stuff. My mom sketched their party at different levels and some of those survived, but other than that it's just stories they remember. I wish my dad's homebrew stats for their friend's character was around. Their friend only wanted to play as a minotaur, so my dad made it happen back in AD&D as a teenager.