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NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
5 points · 1 day ago

Ok Weaver, you want to keep your Red Snappar, or go for what's in the box Hiro-san is bringing down the isle right now!?!?! What's it gonna be?!?!?!

388 points · 4 days ago

If cryptocurrency is no longer money, then we don’t have to pay taxes on it.

This is not to say that it would be a good thing.

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68 points · 4 days ago

There would be no taxes to pay, as it would likely be illegal at that point. So no taxes, but criminal enforcement if you're found using it.

1 point · 3 days ago

Actually the IRS does want you to pay taxes on any illegal income or stolen property

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2 points · 1 day ago

True, but those pesky criminals never seem to comply

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-1 points · 2 days ago

They are, stop excusing their profane indifference to us.

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7 points · 2 days ago

There was no excusing happening. Said they're the same when it comes to Wall St, but very different in other ways.

1 point · 2 days ago

Difference is largely culture war and to distract from the money issues that are crushing the people

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0 points · 1 day ago

There's a lot of that, but the history of what kinds of laws get passed show bigger differences than that.

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NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
5 points · 1 day ago

It sounds like you're taking him seriously as if he were some kind of intellectual. Honestly the only thing I think I've ever heard him talk about where I got some kind of sense of insight or authority is on China / real estate. Everything else I just hear as some dumb idiots opinion in an incredibly nuanced tongue in cheek style.

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-7 points · 1 day ago

He's definitely not dumb. He seems to frame his material as a Rorschach test where if you're not cruel and bigoted, you can convince yourself he's just "being edgy". If you are a cruel and bigoted person, he makes you feel good about how you're right, and misunderstood. Genius marketing, but way too much like Rogan's "I'm just asking questions here" schtick for me.

4 points · 1 day ago

But you hear all of these things? You're doing a whole lot of impugning motives and intentions that only seem to be apparent to you. Only dogs hear dog whistles. And self-elected dog catchers who think every high-pitched sound is a whistle.

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1 point · 1 day ago

I mean, he's saying them, so I'd have to turn my ears off not to hear them. I don't know for a fact it's his motive or intentions, but it is what he's saying.

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NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
1 point · 5 days ago · edited 5 days ago

Not only is this pure delusion but you clearly aren’t even considering the small amount of evidence and undoubtable fact I’ve presented. You are using classic narcissistic tactics. Why would I spoon feed you more evidence when you won’t even give full credence to the facts already presented? You are in full on defend your crumbling castle mode. Try rationality and reflection instead of hate and defensiveness. You are militantly ignorant and won’t even entertain facts. I’m not going to write you another novel. You can’t grow until you learn that you aren’t the center of the universe. GG kid, you played yourself which is kinda sad since I warned you that you would respond like this.

But there is hope. You can get better. I’d recommend a therapist if you can afford it. Otherwise learn meditation. Introspection and rationality can be grown if you try. The first step is admitting that you have a problem - that you aren’t the center of the universe. If you can do that, you can become a good person.

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1 point · 1 day ago

You didn't provide any facts. Just opinions without any verifiable sources.

1 point · 6 days ago

When I put the evidence in front of your face will you actually change your mind? I don’t want to waste my time compiling all of the evidence if you want even look at it. What I’ve said isn’t even really debatable it’s just fact, if you need facts , just google, it’s all there. Here are some Short answers:

  1. Many almost always by leftists including by BLM

  2. If that’s the case then many many many lefties should be in jail. Like Obamas mentor bill Ayers who was involved in bombing the capitol in his groups feeble attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.

  3. BLM founders are open Marxists who want to overthrow the constitution - it’s not even debatable. Do you have any idea what Marxists want?

BLM promotes anti facts that destabilize this country while pushing for Marxism. Your statement is like saying the USSR didn’t want to overthrow the us government. It’s a non sequitur.

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1 point · 5 days ago
  1. That's laughably incorrect. The vast....vast majority of violent events have been by far right-wingers, way beyond what I even would've called a conservative 40 years ago.

  2. The fact that you had to go all the way back to 50yrs ago for this example just reinforces #1. I would agree the the Weather Underground members should've been tried. Maybe if the FBI hadn't been just as bad as the terrorists they were chasing, that could've happened.

  3. Regardless of what some of the BLM founders wanted, none of the stated goals of BLM, or its rank'n'file members, are interested in marxism. If you can point me to any official position statements showing otherwise, knock yourself out. I don't doubt there's a lot of animus towards the government, but typically it's for reasons of unequal treatment of minorities.

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NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
3 points · 2 days ago

I have zero confidence in either party ! Just think current events will push the "middle " . Honestky it was a bad joke . Also, democrats, like Mark Warner ,were paid to push for reform to Dodd Frank starting in 2015. Yes it passed in 2018 but ground work had been laid...along with 3 million in kickbacks starting in 2015. Both sides are controlled by corporate handlers.

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1 point · 2 days ago

The main "center-bulk" of each party is yes. But there's outliers in both parties that aren't. A lot of money goes into ensuring they stay outliers.

-13 points · 2 days ago

Trump was the first pres to not start new wars, but orange man bad. I know i know.

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1 point · 2 days ago

The main foreigners he was interested in antagonizing were our European allies. But he loved him some dictators, so of course he didn't go to war with them. He was too busy trying to learn lessons from them.

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NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
57 points · 3 days ago

When the system is designed by the rich, who do you expect it to benefit?

NotLikeGoldDragons commented on
Posted by
76 points · 4 days ago

A good chess player knows theyve won long before the king is checked.

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49 points · 4 days ago

This is a different game though, as the opponent has the power to flip over the board and change the rules anytime they want.

62 points · 4 days ago

Wouldn’t it be great if we could use ape money to figure out how to get rid of forever chemicals and get Teflon out of our bloodstream

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21 points · 4 days ago

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