

Wall Street Manipulation

Reddit Posts

  1. Everything Superstonk Knows About Naked Shorting - A Definitive Guide - credit u/sharkbaitlol, Jun 5, 2021

  2. Here is a Complete Compilation Documenting the Existence of Every Market Manipulation Tactic Used by Hedge Funds in this GameStop Saga - credit u/Golden_D9, May 9, 2021

  3. House of Cards - credit u/atobitt


  1. Articles by Larry Smith

1a. Illegal Naked Short Selling Appears to Lie at the Heart of an Extensive Stock Manipulation Scheme - Jun 16, 2015

1b. Reports on Blatant, Widespread Stock Manipulation that is Enabled by Illegal, Naked Shorting - Mar-Jul 2019 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10

  1. Counterfeiting Stock 2.0

  2. Phantom shares on Wall Street threaten U.S. companies, investors - credit Lucy Komisar, Mar 26, 2020

  3. Naked Shorts Can't Stay Naked Forever - credit David Dayen, Sep 24, 2016

  4. Articles by Karl Thiel

5a. The Naked Truth on Illegal Shorting - Mar 24, 2005

5b. Who's Behind Naked Shorting? - Nov 16, 2016

  1. SHORT SELLING, DEATH SPIRAL CONVERTIBLES, AND THE PROFITABILITY OF STOCK MANIPULATION - SEC PDF by John D. Finnerty Professor of Finance, Fordham University - March 2005

  2. The Dark Side of the Looking Glass: The Corruption of Our Capital Markets (Video) - credit Judd Bagley, Feb 1, 2021

  3. ETF Short Interest and Failures-to-Deliver: Naked Short Selling or Operational Shorting? (Video) - Presenter: Richard Evans, Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia Darden School of Business

  4. Short and Distort paper by Joshua Mitts, Columbia Law School

    Pseudonymous attacks on public companies are followed by stock price declines and sharp reversals. I find these patterns are likely driven by manipulative stock options trading by pseudonymous authors. Among 1,720 pseudonymous attacks on mid- and large-cap firms from 2010-2017, I identify over $20.1 billion of mispricing. Reputation theory suggests these reversals persist because pseudonymity allows manipulators to switch identities without accountability. Using stylometric analysis, I show that pseudonymous authors exploit the perception that they are trustworthy, only to switch identities after losing credibility with the market.

  5. Petition for Rulemaking on Short and Distort

    recent years have seen a rise in “negative activism,” a novel phenomenon which has flourished in the era of social media and algorithmic trading. The typical negative activist opens a large short position; disseminates sometimes aggressive negative opinion about a public company (often stopping just short of factual falsehoods) on Twitter and elsewhere, which induces a panic and run on the stock price; and rapidly closes that position for a profit, prior to the stock price partially or fully rebounding.

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