Houseplants are plants in your house. Off-topic posts will be removed.
NSFW content is not allowed.
Mention of any politician or political candidate is not allowed.
Memes are acceptable but please be aware of reposting.
Plants that are outside and live outside full-time belong in r/gardening .
Plant trading belongs in r/takeaplantleaveaplant .
Circlejerking belongs in r/houseplantscirclejerk .
Be respectful of other users at all times. Personal attacks or comments intended to insult or demean an individual user will be removed.
Repeat offenders may face a temporary or permanent ban at the mods' discretion.
Personal attacks based on a user's posting history will result in a temporary ban. Racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise grossly intolerant comments and posts will be removed and users may be banned without prior warning. Remember the human.
The publishing of someone's personal information (doxxing) is strictly prohibited. You may be banned and reported to Reddit admin.
Posts about anything you create (pots, hanging systems, plant stands, paintings, sculptures, clothing, drawings, NFTs, apps, etc) may not have a link to purchase them anywhere on the sub. Youtube videos are prohibited. Affiliate links are prohibited. Any post that mentions a product, a hypothetical product, or a retailer may be removed at mods discretion. Promoting your social media is not allowed. Product development surveys are not allowed; other types require mod approval.
Photos should be of actual houseplant-related content, ie houseplants cultivated and appreciated by real humans. Content (images or text) generated by a computer algorithm is off topic and unwanted.
Posts primarily focused on plant-related "stuff" are limited to Saturdays only. This includes posts focused on pots, hanging systems, plant stands, paintings, sculptures, clothing, drawings, NFTs, etc. These posts need to be flaired "stuff". They are subject to Rule 4: any posts showing off a product or service you provide may not include any links to purchase the item anywhere on the sub.
Photos or (non-Youtube) videos of people (even of people with plants) are only allowed on Fridays. A human in the photo or video is not allowed unless the post is submitted on Friday, typically flaired "Selfie" or "Family Photo". To reiterate, NSFW content is not permitted. OC only.
STUFF - pots, hanging systems, plant stands, paintings, sculptures, clothing, drawings, etc. Saturdays only; rule 4 still applies.
PEOPLE People with plants. Fridays only.
DISCUSSION - For general discussion of houseplant-related topics.
HAUL - Photos of newly purchased plants.
HELP - For any questions or to troubleshoot struggling plants.
HIGHLIGHT - Photos of plants you want to share to highlight new growth, cool foliage, or just because...plant.
HUMOR/FLUFF - Memes and other houseplant-adjacent lighthearted content.
META - Discuss the state of the subreddit or provide feedback to the mods.
PETS AND PLANTS - Photos of plants that feature pets.
PLANT HOMES - Photos of your plant setup at home - cool shelves, displays, prop stations, etc.
PLANT ID - Get help identifying an unknown plant.
FAMILY PHOTO - If you're posting a picture of lots of your plants, this is for you. If it's plants with one or more humans included, it's only allowed on Fridays.