
What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Correct. Some ppl are really into investing in that unique address. What’s your point?

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Literally everything you are looking at and typing on is 1’s and 0’s…

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You own a unique address… you may think that’s worthless, but that doesn’t mean everyone should or will. Idk why it’s hard for you to understand.

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I didn’t make a comment in its security, just that it is unique and immutable

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I totally understand your points, I just don’t see how that isn’t true for art as well. Plenty of art has “no value”, like me scribbling in a napkin drunkenly and calling it art. If ppl want to pay for that, or the box it comes in, then great, I’ll go into unit art business in an instant. That’s what’s happening. I’m reminded of the 90s .com boom. Was that a scam, or just huge hype and an opportunity to make money? I remember people saying you gave go get a website, everyone needs one, “It’s YOUR address!!!!!” and all that jazz. Nobody calls the.com boom a scam, but did a shitload of people lose money on the hype? You betcha..

Gray is the least desirable color of food by magicmantesla in Showerthoughts

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’a probably why boiled meat looks so unappetizing (and tastes that way- no maillard reaction)

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

You own it’s location (address) on the blockchain, which is unique and immutable. What am I missing?

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard -10 points-9 points  (0 children)

I have seen it. It’s not different from art.

What is a straight up scam? by GransShortbread in AskReddit

[–]the_twilight_bard -29 points-28 points  (0 children)

How’s it different from art though? Plenty of people drop huge money on art everyday, and sometimes it’s a good investment, sometimes it’s a bad one…

Biden says he was expressing 'moral outrage' when he said Putin can't remain in power: 'I make no apologies for it' by tekbrights in worldnews

[–]the_twilight_bard -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Lindsey Graham will always tell you when it's velvet, not velveteen, because a gentleman knows the goddamn difference.

Daniel Tosh’s thoughts on people saying you can’t make jokes about certain things by MacklinYouSOB in videos

[–]the_twilight_bard 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I mean yesterday somebody hit somebody else because of a joke they didn't like...

Daniel Tosh’s thoughts on people saying you can’t make jokes about certain things by MacklinYouSOB in videos

[–]the_twilight_bard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Comedy can't have bounds, that's straight up censorship. People can say they don't think it's funny, but if they try to stop you, or assault you, that's just fascist behavior.

RDA reacts to Jorge Masvidal's alleged attack on Colby Covington. by TomatoTeapot in MMA

[–]the_twilight_bard 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Slather on that steak sauce, call that shit a baptism, sucker punch a dude, order a three piece and a soda and you got yourself a Jorge starter pack.