
Trying to find a house in 2023: A line out the door for an open house by ohnoh18 in pics

[–]comin_up_shawt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Pffft. Where I live, a studio starts at $1500 and requires anywhere from 4-6x the rent depending on neighborhood. Don't even get me started on the fees for parking, pets, and so on.

Trying to find a house in 2023: A line out the door for an open house by ohnoh18 in pics

[–]comin_up_shawt 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I lived in VA, rented a small house and my rent was $550 a month, for my own house, with a yard, limited neighbors. It was great. Now I pay $1635 split between me and my girlfriend because I guess I want to die without retiring

I'm from VA (now in FL/LA) and can tell you that hasn't been the case up there for a while. The bank just quoted an 8% mortgage to one of my relatives up there, and they wanted him to put down 30% and jump through Olympic hoops to qualify for a house that was being sold for 3x its actual value. The rent on the house next to my parents is 5x above what the market should be, and if I were to come back for a rental (in a rural area outside RVA) the studios are starting at over $1200 with a buttload of other fees.

The guy I was working with by panjola in pics

[–]comin_up_shawt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was thinking more Til Lindemann in his steampunk phase, but whtvr.

She’s a cancer patient with a lump in her stomach? by i_came_from_mars in ambbabies

[–]comin_up_shawt 13 points14 points  (0 children)

and then doesn't bother to finish the course of antibiotics when she starts to feel better, leaving her open to developing drug resistant infections!

Tony Ferguson arrested for DUI after his truck flipped over by Tapacehko in MMA

[–]comin_up_shawt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They say when he was younger he was a great guy.

Really? Because I've heard a shitton of people say the opposite- including the ex girlfriends that came out and talked about how abusive he was, and even William Regal made comments to the effect that when they were all starting out in the business, he was a prick. In his case, the CTE amplified what was already there.

Highlighting Foodie's "ANOTHER SUBWAY MUKBANG" video by dxzdlt in FoodieBeauty

[–]comin_up_shawt 5 points6 points  (0 children)

She lives a rich fantasy life in her head- I think she indicated just wanting to get to base camp, but for all we know it could have been an incident of drug induced psychosis.

Highlighting Foodie's "ANOTHER SUBWAY MUKBANG" video by dxzdlt in FoodieBeauty

[–]comin_up_shawt 27 points28 points  (0 children)

There are people in peak condition who get to the base camp and have a medical complication. No way in hell this woman, with her multiple comorbidities and inability to even ambulate normally will be able to make it two feet, let alone the length of the base camp.

In NYC: this guy was blasting music like there was no tomorrow by rb3po in pics

[–]comin_up_shawt -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

If you've seen the price on some of the classic ones, they are....

Found a jet black squirrel with a white mouth by I_was_like_umm in mildlyinteresting

[–]comin_up_shawt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Eh, he'll be fine. We have a load of piebald/colorblock squirrels in my neighborhood and they prosper.

A 3-eared deer by 210popping in mildlyinteresting

[–]comin_up_shawt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

My people would consider seeing this deer a good omen. Enjoy the good luck coming your way!

Dana tried to break things off with Dusty for a while by 725angel in ambbabies

[–]comin_up_shawt 6 points7 points  (0 children)

tbf, Destiny did the same thing in prior relationships- so this feels like it was her getting some well needed karma.

Dana tried to break things off with Dusty for a while by 725angel in ambbabies

[–]comin_up_shawt 34 points35 points  (0 children)

because all of them have arrested development and are not capable of such adult concepts.

ESPN hockey talking head and former player P.K. Subban comments on the Maple Leafs needing to “pack a Lizzo sized lunch” next time in post game show by Human_Disaster in Fauxmoi

[–]comin_up_shawt 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I also think a lot of the vitriol towards Lizzo is rooted in her being a Black woman who dares to do her thing with no one's permission

and a black woman who succeeded in life, despite their blatant misogynoiristic view that she shouldn't have.

ESPN hockey talking head and former player P.K. Subban comments on the Maple Leafs needing to “pack a Lizzo sized lunch” next time in post game show by Human_Disaster in Fauxmoi

[–]comin_up_shawt 5 points6 points  (0 children)

More to the point, Subban comes off as a self loathing black man- he was engaged to a known racist, swears up and down that he never experienced racism in the league (despite several videos of people yelling slurs at him while on the ice), and basically white-splains off every incident in his orbit having to do with BIPOC being targeted.

Stephen Thompson vs. Michel Pereira scratched off UFC 289, delayed to July by LatterTarget7 in MMA

[–]comin_up_shawt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Just seems like a bad way to handle things.

Seems like an easy win for a lawyer, to say nothing of pushing forth the Ali act to rectify the situation....

Eddie Alvarez defends infamous crowd-screaming wife: ‘If anybody has anything to say, they can go f—k themselves’ by LatterTarget7 in MMA

[–]comin_up_shawt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

and then his wife would get upset and shriek "EDDDDDIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!" while he was locked in the bathroom 😂

Eddie Alvarez defends infamous crowd-screaming wife: ‘If anybody has anything to say, they can go f—k themselves’ by LatterTarget7 in MMA

[–]comin_up_shawt 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Jelena, though, is the exception to this- she openly admitted to screaming during her matches because her coach told her to do it (as a distraction), and she doesn't give a rip about the rules. It's part of the reason I can't watch her matches.