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__ICoraxI__ commented on
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Op6 points · 16 hours ago

There have been BA civil wars?! That's kind of crazy lol

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5 points · 8 hours ago

It's of dubious canonicity, none of the events are really referenced anywhere else and don't really fit in with what happens to the BA in the more recent lore

__ICoraxI__ commented on
Posted by
211 points · 18 hours ago

I only understood 2 words out of that

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146 points · 15 hours ago

Let me guess, sigma and topped

__ICoraxI__ commented on
Posted by
2 points · 15 hours ago

Yeah dude let me just sleep in compete darkness so when I have to get up and pee in the middle of the night I can't see shit and run into half of my room before making it into the hallway

__ICoraxI__ commented on
Posted by
2 points · 19 hours ago

I honestly think they were fun. Gave us something else to do. Esamir Vietnam was cool too.

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1 point · 16 hours ago

Yeah the shattered warpgate fights were some of the most fun I've ever had in the game since launch

__ICoraxI__ commented on
Posted by
9 points · 1 day ago

high healing burst

no one tell him about the default medic aoe heal

Op-3 points · 1 day ago

6 medics in a room alternating the ability would skyrocket healing rates far beyond current. Your point?

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1 point · 16 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago

6 medics in a room blowing their heals essentially once or twice during a fight because they have no easy visibility into their allies' health and having no synergy with what most medics run these days anyways in combat surgeon? Yeah dude, completely worth it 100%

Oh and it looks like you can't use your rez nades while it's on and you can't use your med tool to revive. Yeah boss that's so worth it greatest medic ability ever

__ICoraxI__ commented on
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156 points · 1 day ago

I love how the video is about a hit and run and we are over here talking about lawns and green grass lmao.

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1 point · 1 day ago
__ICoraxI__ commented on
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31 points · 1 day ago

I wish the VS infil ability wasn't so selfish compared to TR's medic and NC's Heavy abilities. A mass cloak would be kinda stupid but fun idea to think about. Maybe an area speed + fall damage buff would be cool at least.

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17 points · 1 day ago

tr's thing is just a worse default ability, there is no situation in which it's worth pulling

__ICoraxI__ commented on
Posted by
5 points · 5 days ago

Tell me another bullshit story

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4 points · 5 days ago

You're a fuckin fraudulent company dude

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