
Healthcare should be inherent and free. by ConvincingSufferer in antiwork

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh yes we are all very impressed by your clear intellectual superiority. Now fuck off you disingenuous wee dick.

Healthcare should be inherent and free. by ConvincingSufferer in antiwork

[–]TheManofRo -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You can’t really be so incapable of rational thought as to think the “need” for coffee is in anyway comparable to the need for healthcare?... you are just being a dick right?

What if Russia had restored the Tsardom after the fall of the Soviet Union? by RoarkBlumenthal in HistoryWhatIf

[–]TheManofRo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Little Nicky was literally worshipped as one step below a god. It’s a bit more complicated than “putin had more power”.

Was the stereotypical Gladius Completely Useless Without the Stereotypical Scutum or Some other Rectangular Shield? by RileyFonza in ancientrome

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In general, fighting with the gladius and the scutum was mostly ineffective and the very reason that the Romans suffered so many defeats, even at the hands of poorly armed barbarians.

Was the stereotypical Gladius Completely Useless Without the Stereotypical Scutum or Some other Rectangular Shield? by RileyFonza in ancientrome

[–]TheManofRo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Wait what? You’re saying that you think legionnaires in a Roman formation used mostly spears as a primary weapon? Any chance I can get a source for that, I have never came across anyone else that has said this. During the manipular era of roman military doctrine, the triarii famously were armed in a more traditional fashion, ie. with spears and sword as a side arm... but they were the exception no? I am currently studying roman military tactics in college and this would be an interesting bit of evidence if you have it.

Ladies and gents; the met police by diorraz in GreenAndPleasant

[–]TheManofRo 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Ahhh “Common sense”... the last true bastion of the moron.

Bro really confused feederism for inflation by [deleted] in boomerhentai

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh cool, no worries. I guess I just don’t have a reference for the thing/situation that you are satirising.

Bro really confused feederism for inflation by [deleted] in boomerhentai

[–]TheManofRo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don’t think that’s what the artist is meaning. The implication is, I think, that the money loaned to Ukraine is what’s fuelling inflation.

Went to the Colosseum today. Apparently the Roman's built the whole thing in just 8 years. [OC] by travelvagabonds in ancientrome

[–]TheManofRo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ruins can be beautiful and it’s more important we don’t fuck it up and get it wrong, best leave them as they are with minor repairs here and there.

Roman ruins reappear from river in drought-stricken Europe almost 2,000 years later by dunkin1980 in AncientCivilizations

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Did you really just describe Egypt as a “primitive subsistence culture”... I don’t think you know what that means. It is both possible and probable that these structures where built by the societies that surround them and in many cases pre-date them.

“So I’m incredibly slow”... can’t argue with you there brother.

“Could of easily been built with other softer materials” yes... that is quite the point. If you are a god king, who holds the power of life and death over every man, woman and child under you... why would you choose the easy option that won’t last as long? The very fact that it was a massively labour intensive act that took thousands of people many years... is the very thing that shows a god-kings greatness.

You strike me as someone that likes to get their information from YouTube, so if you are actually interested in testing your assumptions.. try this

Edit: Link

Roman ruins reappear from river in drought-stricken Europe almost 2,000 years later by dunkin1980 in AncientCivilizations

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Citations please, that is simply assertions. The idea that people couldn’t cut granite has been debunked time and time again. Most stones were not moved hundreds of mile, we find quarries quite near sites of large structures. We have found monoliths in the early stages of being cut and in the early stages of being moved. Your assertions are just simply factually inaccurate.

Roman ruins reappear from river in drought-stricken Europe almost 2,000 years later by dunkin1980 in AncientCivilizations

[–]TheManofRo -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Sure in the same way you can’t discount the possibility of Leprechauns. The definition of advanced civilisation is not the issue here, it’s the lack of evidence.

Iceland offering loans so customers can afford to eat by erzsebet_bathory_ in GreenAndPleasant

[–]TheManofRo 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Do you seriously not know how difficult it is to function in modern society without a smartphone or "whatever technology you’re using for Reddit"? It is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. Not for facebook/netflix but for paying fucking bills and buying bus tickets.

Anyone know of any dnd beginner nights coming up in the city? by crocs-before-cocks in glasgow

[–]TheManofRo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Bit late to reply now but I would love to join a newbie d and d group if one is going. I did the geek retreat beginners d and d intro but never ended up playing an actual game.

Enough is enough by midnightmoonwoman in GreenAndPleasant

[–]TheManofRo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

“If we raise more money/have more money in the country” I literally have no idea what you mean by this. Do you mean if the Bank of England start printing more money?